
Television consumption, literacy, local identity, rural community, edu-communication


This investigation places in the global context of an educational formation experience in the Andean region of paralelo 42 in the Argentine that groups ten rural schools. Since 2002, more than forty teachers, executives and supervisors of the region have developed «shared itineraries for the promotion of literacy campaings», a formative space where this investigation is placed. It affects the reflection on the literacy in contexts of television consumption, not only to describe merely consumer situations, but looking for the formation and motivation of the teachers and the experience coordinators to initiate offers of intelligent use of the television.


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Aguaded, I., & Contín, S. (2004). Television and indigenous identity: a rural community in the Patagonia. [Televisión e identidad indígena una comunidad rural de la Patagonia Argentina]. Comunicar, 22, 71-79.



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