Ключевые слова
Spectator, media generation, hyper-mediatized culture, school culture, teacher training, audiovisual education
Nowadays, teachers often face apathethic and demotivated pupils. Nevertheless, these students do not show either apathy or demotivation when they stop being students and become spectators: of television, of cinema, of new technologies, of PC displays. If in the 19th century we had citizens and in the 20th century we had speakers, in 21th century we have the figure of the spectator, whose main social experience is the multiplicity of connections with the flow of information. If school was created to learn reading and writing, what do we have to learn watching? It seems that the media youngsters should teach us the way to.
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Funes, V. (2005). Spectators, the XXI student. [Espectadores, los alumnos del siglo XXI]. Comunicar, 24, 105-112. https://doi.org/10.3916/C24-2005-16