
Public service, educative television, digital convergence, communication educative


In 2005, the current socialist government has set out to undertake the greatest update in broadcasting policy since 1956, the moment in which television was born in Spain. This transformation is related to the quick digital reconversion that television has suffered in the latest years. Despite the changes in the law and some reasons to be optimistic about technological development in a recent future the television of the 21st century can not do without being profitable in a social, cultural and educative sense. This is a challenge which many countries have not faced yet and Spain is among these countries. Some models of public television in the world have consolidated proposals of broadcasting contents that make a priority out of the cultural and educative role of television.



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García-Matilla, A. (2005). About a television for the education in tuning multimedia. [Por una televisión para la educación en sintonía multimedia]. Comunicar, 25, 33-44.



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