
Television, quality, family, free time, relations, seduction


The appearance of the television supposed a revolution in the form of spending the free time, however nowadays to is far from its original interest and aims. At this time its seduction power determines many of the actions that all we develop in our daily life. Far from to be worried about the quality of the products that they are offering us, we find ourselves pending of what is offered and not of how is offered. These circumstances are reflected, mainly, in the relationships that we establish between the members of our groups of equal. The family is one of them and perhaps it is the most affected by lack of quality in the television. From here we want to make an attention call about the relationship between the television, his quality and the familiar relationships.



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Marín-Díaz, V. (2005). A quality television and the family. [La televisión de calidad y la familia]. Comunicar, 25, 225-230.



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