
TV consumption, TV language, adolescence, consumption effects


Television has an important role in both the individual and social development. We live in a world where everything happens very fast, where TV contributes to spread views of the reality and social values that are adopted as behaviour rules. In this paper, we talk about the importance of TV in the individual development and the language that is used. In order to achieve this objective, we have tried to find out the TV consumption from a group of teenagers through a questionnaire. These teenagers are in social risk situation due to their families’ circumstances, such as drug-addiction, prostitution, etc.



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Núñez-Delgado, M., Benítez, R., & Liébana-Checa, J. (2005). TV, development and language. A study on teenagers from Ceuta. [Televisión, desarrollo y lenguaje. Un estudio en adolescentes ceutíes]. Comunicar, 25.



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