
Educational strategy, impact, emotion, television programming, adolescence, youth


The television modifies our relationship with the environment and shows realities instead of simple images, managing the impact as a way to catch the attention of the viewers. Watching television requires effort, time and preparation and accordingly we need methodologies that integrate emotions and reflection. Thus, the GIAD Group provides a triple proposal: (1) Learning to see images as an interesting communication tool for students and teachers; (2) To though how to combine pleasure and education, (3) Apply the assumed purposes to our daily routine.


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Rajadell-Puiggròs, N., Oliver-Vera, C., & Bordás-Alsina, I. (2005). The impact as on educational strategy on the XXI century television. [El impacto como estrategia educativa en la televisión del siglo XXI]. Comunicar, 25.



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