
Uncertainty, quality television, society of the information, viewers


The media are making us live under the influence of information about the full gamut of risks, which are present all over the world. We perceive uncertainty according to our own culture, but we are also conditioned buy the acquired cultural sum o risk experiences, be they close or remote, recent or past. In an emergency situation, the information offered by the media is usually monopolized by the social interest awakened by potential risks and actual disasters. It is also true that we normally perceive such events according to how the media present them. Form this we can infer that we perceive and interpret uncertainty independently of whether or not we are immersed in an emergency situation. Or capacity for feeling insecurity as we survey our world is therefore bound to be with us for a long time.


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Crovi-Druetta, D., & Lozano-Ascencio, C. (2005). Quality as opposed to Uncertainty: fear and risks of watchin. [Calidad frente a Incertidumbre: miedos y riesgos por ver la televisión]. Comunicar, 25.



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