Television programms, cartoons, educative value, cultural value
The cartoons are an easy way to transmit educational and cultural values to children, as well as other media (comics, computer games, videogames, etc.). The actual reality and evolution of cartoons from the last thirty years is assessed. In this context, are they as useful as we expect to be good transmitters of our values? Are they autochthonous to show cultural differences? The massive invasion of American and Japanese cartoons could affect our own values?. In order to answer these questions, a short research based on the current programme schedule of the Autonomic Catalan television was performed.
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This work has no financial support
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Rajadell-Puiggròs, N., Pujol-Maura, M., & Violant-Holz, V. (2005). The television’s cartoons as transmision´s resource of educative and cultural values. [Los dibujos animados como recurso de transmisión de los valores educativos y culturales]. Comunicar, 25.