
Education, infantile programming, animated cartoons for children.


Presently work has been carried out a study of two lively series that they have their emission in infantile schedule in common. The difference between both is the public for which they a priori are directed, an is produced for an infantile viewer and the other this suitable for a mature audience. In some parents the belief of form exists more or less implicit that the series of animated cartoons emitted in infantile schedule are good for children. The series of animated cartoons have the entertainment in common, the mediate are very different depending if is carried out for adults or for children. The animated cartoons of adults look for the amusement through the irony or stereotype it exaggerated of some characters. In the lively series carried out for an infantile public the interest of the spectator through the relationship with situations is looked for that they could find tune and in which there is a moral. The transmitted messages are very different according to the population although the entertainment is a common objective. The educational value would be the determinant between the analyzed series.


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Reina-Flores, M. (2005). Animated cartoons and children. [Series animadas y población infantil]. Comunicar, 25.



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