
Musical education, TV for children, transdisciplinary model


Tweenies is a televising series for children created by the BBC. The TVE-2 (Spanish Television-Channel 2) emits it every day on mornings (from Monday to Friday). Their protagonists are four children between three and five years old coexisting in a preschool center. After the analysis of the Series, we observed an educative transdisciplinary model, a model which worries on the personal values education, and in which the music plays an important role through abundant and varied practices and musical experiences.



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García-Gallardo, F., & Arredondo-Pérez, H. (2005). «Tweenies»: a TV-series as model for musical education in the classroom a transdisciplinary proposal. [«Tweenies»: una serie de televisión como modelo para la educación musical en el aula desde una propuesta transdisciplinar]. Comunicar, 25.



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