
Accessibility, impairment, technology adaptations, mediatic information, means


This paper aims at stating the difficulties which sensory disabled people face in order to access to mediatic information. However, instead of emphasizing and regretting at the difficulties, we try to evidence the needs which users demand to get a whole access to the media and, consequently, highlight their potencial towards the disabled social integration. The goal is to raise different professional's awareness: those which produce andlor make use of the mediato transmit information about their task importance and the possibility of adapting them, if necessary, for sensory disabled people, both related to technological or procedurd adaptations.


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Rodríguez-Fuentes, A. (2006). Alternative means to access mediatic information for people with sensory impairments. [Accesos alternativos a los medios para personas con deficiencias sensoriales]. Comunicar, 27, 219-224.



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