Aesthetics, narratives, producers, audiences
We can´t only be consumers, we must be citizens. This essay argues how audiences should become producers of messages that represent a culture of resistance, from its narrative and aesthetics needs, in order to find a place of sense in a world of screens. Hence, new audiences stop being just consumers to get the status of producers of their own screens. This is a contemporary, political, cultural, technological and communicative possibility. Today, we all have to become producers.
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Cites in Scopus
Vega-Casanova, J., Lafaurie-Molina, A.. A children's observatory of television: «Observar TV», a space for dialogue between children), Comunicar, .
Quintas-Froufe, N., González-Neira, A.. Active audiences: Social audience participation in television), Comunicar, .
García, R.G., Treré, E.. The #YoSoy132 movement, the struggle for media democratization in Mexico), Convergence, .
Roncallo-Dow, S., Arango-Forero, G.. Introducing three dimensions of Audience fragmentation), Signo y Pensamiento, .
Lago Vázquez, D.. The usefulness of social networks as research tools for the media), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, .
Vázquez-Barrio, T., Torrecillas-Lacave, T., Suárez-álvarez, R. . Perception of television in an audio-visual ecosystem showing digital convergence | [Percepción sobre la televisión en el ecosistema audiovisual de la convergencia digital]), Profesional de la Informacion, .
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How to cite
Rincón, O. (2008). No more audiences, we all become producers. [No más audiencias, todos devenimos productores]. Comunicar, 30, 93-98.