
Mystery subject matter, mystery journalism, disclosure programmes, audiovisual, media education


In the audiovisual field, mystery journalism has historically been considered as a smaller and disdained gender, reduced to a ridiculous situation by the lack of absolute credibility. Nevertheless, there have been exceptions: in recent years, a group of professionals have approached this kind of journalism with seriousness and passion. The present work analyzes how some of these programs have broken their historic record of audience. It gives, at the same time, the guidelines to teach the audience to distinguish between the disclosure of a junk TV, which should reject, and a rigorous informative material specific of professionals of the information.


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González-Aguilar, J.M. . Cuatro´s gamble for independent production | [La apuesta de Cuatro por la producción independiente (2005-2015)1]), Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico, .

Galvez, M.P.R.. The beginnings of the mystery journalism in the Spanish television: Más Allá (TVE1, 1976-1981)), Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico, .

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Berlanga-Fernández, I. (2008). Informative programmes related to the mystery journalism: rubbish TV or informative rigour?. [Programas divulgativos y periodismo de misterio: ¿telebasura o rigor informativo?]. Comunicar, 31.



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