
Programs for children, education, television, young audience


Being part of the Society of Knowledge implies to accept the importance of the mass media in the construction of the social structure. There is no doubt about the hegemony of the radio and television in the society and their effects on young population. The Forum offers the opportunity to integrate different perspectives and socio-educational and technical models to analyze real TV. From a sociological point of view, we can approach the directions that our society has taken and the impact of television contents on the children´s style of life. The educational model allows us to access to patterns, initiatives and structures that have been developed to confront the mass media, while the business dynamic forces the media to be concerned about the weakness of the young audience in their access to audiovisual media content. We hope this cocktail of perspectives might be useful to develop new and refreshing ideas concerning children´s TV programming.


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Cruz-Díaz, M., & del-Valle-Suárez, J. (2008). Social and educational features in children´s TV programming: «La Banda» at the Radio and Television of Andalucía. [Perfiles de la programación infantil y juvenil: «La Banda» de RTVA]. Comunicar, 31.



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