
Media literacy, lifetime learning, e-learning


It is said that media literacy «knows no age limits». Though most practice and literature on media education has focused so far on childhood and teenagers, there are also projects to use and understand the media in the field of adult education. Both the current technological revolution in our society and the main role played in it by the media call for spaces and opportunities within our lifetime to educate our way of view continually. The methodology, based on dialogue has been used in several courses developed within the framework of the EC-supported «e-Learning» program. Its application testified the fact that such methodology is more significant than the object of study itself or the specific activities performed.


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Pulido, C., & Tortajada-Giménez, I. (2008). Educating our ways of viewing through the dialogue. [Enseñar a ver a través del diálogo]. Comunicar, 31.



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