Reading, chat, aesthetic training, teacher training, teach reading
Brazilian research on the determining factors for the success of programs to teach reading indicates a need to view literature as an aesthetic object that will encourage children to appreciate books. This study proposes investigating teachers' concepts of literature, from the point of view of the children. Chat was used as a data collection mechanism, proposed between two groups of elementary school children and interviews with the teachers. The analysis of the chats followed the methodology of Franco (1997). This study indicates three key areas for winning a reading public: a) qualified human resources, with a clear concept of literature as an aesthetic phenomenon; b) methodological procedures that are coherent with this concept; c) a bibliographical archive that is aligned with this concept.
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Neitzel, A., & Neitzel, L. (2009). Investigating the reading process by means of collaborative environment. [Investigando o processo de leitura por meio de ambientes colaborativos]. Comunicar, 33, 133-140.