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引述 Web of Science

Burn, Andrew. Revisiting the Popular Arts Media Education, Cultural Values and Cultural Production INTERNATIONAL HANDBOOK OF MEDIA LITERACY EDUCATION, 2017.

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Williams, Rich; Runco, Mark A.; Berlow, Eric. Mapping the Themes, Impact, and Cohesion of Creativity Research over the Last 25 Years CREATIVITY RESEARCH JOURNAL, 2016.


Gonzalez Garcia, Maria. Cinema and literature for learning basic skills: semiotic and educational links EDUCATIO SIGLO XXI, 2015.


Bautista, Antonio; Rayon, Laura; de las Heras, Ana. Value of Audiovisual Records in Intercultural Education COMUNICAR, 2012.


Reia-Baptista, Vitor. Film Literacy: Media Appropriations with Examples from the European Film Context COMUNICAR, 2012.


引述 Scopus

García-Vera, A.B., Rayón-Rumayor, L., de-las-Heras-Cuenca, A.M.. Value of audiovisual records in intercultural education), Comunicar, .


Reia-Baptista, V.. Film literacy: Media appropriations with examples from the european film context), Comunicar, .


Williams, R., Runco, M.A., Berlow, E.. Mapping the Themes, Impact,, Cohesion of Creativity Research over the Last 25 Years), Creativity Research Journal, .


Burn, A.. Revisiting the popular arts: Media education, cultural values, cultural production), International Handbook of Media Literacy Education, .


引述 Google Scholar





Burn, A. (2010). Thrills in the dark: Young people’s moving image cultures and media education. [Emociones en la oscuridad: Imagen y alfabetización mediática en jóvenes]. Comunicar, 35, 33-42. https://doi.org/10.3916/C35-2010-02-03



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