Ключевые слова

Basic competences, digital communication, software, videogames, fiction, reading, technological literacy


The approach of this article is centered on the concepts of digital competence and new narrative formats. We aim to apply these dimensions to the videogame «Dragon Age Origins», winner of the 2009 videogame of the year award. Its features - plot, characters and interactivity – make it ideal reading material in other formats and are highly motivational for young people. The development of digital competence signifies new literacy, and it is necessary to find new stimulating resources that combine the fun and formative dimensions. Equally relevant are multimodal texts (Kress & Van Leeuwen, 2001), especially new narrative formats that imply social progress, as the ways of reading are different. The texts have acquired new formats with the same quality as books but they sometimes motivate users more. This is the case of «Dragon Age Origins», a dark heroic fantasy role-playing game set in a unique world containing a story to be read and experienced. Our analysis of the videogame discusses whether it should be considered a form of reading or not.


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López-Valero, A., Encabo-Fernández, E., & Jerez-Martínez, I. (2011). Digital competence and literacy: Developing new narrative formats. The «Dragon age: Origins» videogame. [Competencia digital y literacidad: Nuevos formatos narrativos en el videojuego «Dragon Age: Orígenes»]. Comunicar, 36, 165-171. https://doi.org/10.3916/C36-2011-03-08



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