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Villagra, Nuria; Cardaba, Miguel A. M.; San Roman, Jose A. Ruiz. Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility: re-assessment of classical theories about fit between CSR actions and corporate activities COMMUNICATION & SOCIETY-SPAIN, 2016.
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Rivera, R., Santos, D., Cabrera, V., Docal, M.C.. Online, offline pornography consumption in colombian adolescents), Comunicar, .
Rivera, R., Santos, D., Brändle, G., Cárdaba, M.Á.M.. Design Effectiveness Analysis of a Media Literacy Intervention to Reduce Violent Video Games Consumption Among Adolescents: The Relevance of Lifestyles Segmentation), Evaluation Review, .
Segura-Mariño, A.-G., García-Umaña, A. . Digital art and its relationship to gender violence | [El arte digital y su relación con la violencia de género]), #EANF#, .
Segura-Mariño, A.-G., García-Umaña, A. . Digital art and its relationship to gender violence | [El arte digital y su relación con la violencia de género]), Revista de Humanidades (SPAIN), .
Cárdaba, M.A.M., Briñol, P., Brändle, G., Ruiz-SanRomán, J.A.. The moderating role of aggressiveness in response to campaigns, interventions promoting anti-violence attitudes), Aggressive Behavior, .
引述 Google Scholar
Brändle-Señán, G., Martín-Cárdaba, M., & Ruiz-San-Román, J. (2011). The risk of emergence of boomerang effect in communication against violence. [Riesgo de aparición del efecto boomerang en las comunicaciones contra la violencia]. Comunicar, 37, 161-168. https://doi.org/10.3916/C37-2011-03-08