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Cites in Web of Science
Tayie, Samy; Pathak-Shelat, Manisha; Hirsjarvi, Irma. Young People's Interaction with Media in Egypt, India, Finland, Argentina and Kenya COMUNICAR, 2012.
Amor Perez-Rodriguez, M.; Sandoval, Yamile. Advances in the development of media competence based on the primary curriculum in Colombia and Spain CHASQUI-REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA DE COMUNICACION, 2013.
de la Fuente Prieto, Julian. Media literacy from prosumer to the professional: mimesis and diegesis into representing reality. HISTORIA Y COMUNICACION SOCIAL, 2014.
Frias-Guzman, Maylin. Multiliteracy trends in the twenty-first century: Media and Information Literacy (AMI) as integrative proposal PERSPECTIVAS EM CIENCIA DA INFORMACAO, 2015.
Arevalo-Martinez, Rebeca-Illiana; Del Prado-Flores, Rogelio; Ramirez-Beltran, Rafael-Tonatiuh. Institutional Education of Communication Researchers and Media Literacy. The case of the PhD in Communication Research REVISTA LATINA DE COMUNICACION SOCIAL, 2016.
Rabadan Crespo, Angel V.. Audiovisual Methods: Identity Tracks and Adolescent Imaginaries REDES COM-REVISTA DE ESTUDIOS PARA EL DESARROLLO SOCIAL DE LA COMUNICACION, 2016.
Rabadan Crespo, Angel Vidal. Traces identity and imaginary teens ANALISI-QUADERNS DE COMUNICACIO I CULTURA, 2016.
Fernandez-Diaz, Elia; Fernandez-Olaskoaga, Lorea; Gutierrez-Esteban, Prudencia. Collaborative action research through technologically mediated agoras EDUCATIONAL ACTION RESEARCH, 2017.
Munoz Gonzalez, Juan Manuel; Segovia Aguilar, Blas. How do teenagers interact with video games? Preferences and performative skills REVISTA LATINA DE COMUNICACION SOCIAL, 2018.
Perez Rodriguez, Maria Amor; Delgado Ponce, Agueda; . EMERGING MOBILE MEDIA IN LANGUAGE TEACHING PRISMA SOCIAL, 2018.
Selva-Ruiz, David; Martin-Ramallal, Pablo. Virtual reality, advertising and minors: Another challenge of cybersociety in the face of immersive technologies REVISTA ICONO 14-REVISTA CIENTIFICA DE COMUNICACION Y TECNOLOGIAS, 2019.
Romero-Rodriguez, Luis M.; Contreras-Pulido, Paloma; Perez-Rodriguez, Amor; . Media competencies of university professors and students. Comparison of levels in Spain, Portugal, Brazil and Venezuela 10 ideas clave. Educar en medios de comunicacion. La educacion mediatica, 2019.
Dias-Trindade, Sara; Moreira, Jose Antonio. Pedagogical scenarios enriched with audiovisual technologies and their impact on the promotion of the learning skills of inmate students in Portugal DIGITAL EDUCATION REVIEW, 2019.
Perez-Ortega, Isabel. Practicing the Creation of Digital Educational Resources: Reflections about Educational Innovation with ICT INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION, 2017.
Cites in Scopus
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De La Fuente Prieto, J.. Media literacy from prosumer to the professional: Mimesis, diegesis into representing reality [Alfabetización mediática: del prosumidor al profesional]), Historia y Comunicacion Social, .
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Fernández-Díaz, E., Fernández-Olaskoaga, L., Gutiérrez-Esteban, P.. Collaborative action research through technologically mediated agoras), Educational Action Research, .
Rodríguez, M.A.P., Ponce, A.D.. Emerging mobile media in language teaching [Medios móviles emergentes en la enseñanza de lenguas]), Prisma Social, .
Romero-Rodríguez, L.M., Contreras-Pulido, P., Pérez-Rodríguez, M.A.. Media competencies of university professors, students. Comparison of levels in Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Venezuela [Las competencias mediáticas de profesores y estudiantes universitarios. Comparación de niveles en España, Portugal, Brasil y Venezuela]), Cultura y Educacion, .
Muñoz González, J.M., Segovia Aguilar, B.. How do teenagers interact with video games? Preferences, performative skills [¿Cómo interactúan los adolescentes con los videojuegos? Preferencias y habilidades performativas]), Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, .
Dias-Trindade, S., Moreira, J.A.. Pedagogical scenarios enriched with audiovisual technologies, their impact on the promotion of the learning skills of inmate students in Portugal), Digital Education Review, .
Selva-Ruiz, D., Martín-Ramallal, P.. Virtual reality, advertising, minors: Another challenge of cybersociety in the face of immersive technologies [Realidad virtual, publicidad y menores de edad: Otro reto de la cibersociedad ante las tecnologías inmersivas]), Icono14, .
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Gonzalez-Carrión, E.L., Muñoz-Vallejo, M.L., Sánchez-Landín, J.H. . The impact of virtual platforms in the field of the knowledge and information society as a learning resource), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, .
Muñoz-Repiso, A.G.-V., Blanco, L.S., Martín, S.C., Gómez-Pablos, V.B. . Assessing the digital-safety competences of students in Basic Education | [Evaluación de las competencias digitales sobre seguridad de los estudiantes de Educación Básica]), Revista de Educacion a Distancia, .
Arévalo-Martínez, R.-I., Del Prado-Flores, R., Ramirez-Beltrán, R.-T.. Institutional education of communication researchers, media literacy. The case of the PhD in communication research), Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, .
Cites in Google Scholar
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Crespo, Á. V. R. (2016). Traces identity and imaginary teens. Anàlisi, (55), 85-99.
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How to cite
Gutiérrez-Martín, A., & Tyner, K. (2012). Media literacy in multiple contexts. [Alfabetización mediática en contextos múltiples]. Comunicar, 38, 10-12.