


本文關於針對兩項熱門話題的解決辦法:觀眾面對新舊媒體的方式所顯現的變化,以及,作為資訊和交流系統的結果出現的多重接收和交互流程。觀眾們似乎正設計新的媒體產品創作者和發出者的角色,他們以多種語言,格式和技術來交換這些媒體產品。在廣泛的消費和聯繫,以及正統的、水準的而又有創新性的觀眾參與活動之間出現了顯著的區別。本文同時定制了一項提案,該提案對於這一不斷變化的、多種形態的觀眾重定位過程具有教育意義,溝通性和教學性。該提案基於由賽哥維亞的巴黎多利德大學(University of Valladolid,UVa)的交流學研究系開設的傳統的拉丁美洲交流辯證教學課程。在數位化環境下對交流,教育和社會的研究學習是UVa交流學學位課程的一部分。這樣的設置意在開發和增強在全球的交流和教育領域展開對話所需的技能。交流競爭力、媒體教育、媒體素養和數位化素養的主要目的是指導生產和探索媒體內容的應用所需的技術和能力。本文中,這一類和其他的教學性倡議在技術、交流和文化方面的不斷增加的複雜度也得到了完整的探討。


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引述 Web of Science

Schulz, Deike; van der Woud, Afke; Westhof, Jeroen;. The best indycaster project: Analysing and understanding meaningful YouTube content, dialogue and commitment as part of responsible management education INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT EDUCATION , 2020.


Del Campo-Ponz, Cristobal; Jose Chisvert-Tarazona, Maria; Palomares-Montero, Davinia. Perception of an educational community on teacher professional development in education 2.0 PROFESORADO-REVISTA DE CURRICULUM Y FORMACION DE PROFESORADO, 2019.


Besalu, Reinald; Oliva, Merce; Perez-Latorre, Oliver. Framing Salvame: Public debates on taste, quality and television in Spain COMMUNICATIONS-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION RESEARCH, 2018.


Aparici, Roberto; Garcia-Marin, David; . Prosumers and emirecs: Analysis of two confronted theories Estudio General de Medios. Resumen General Febrero a Noviembre, 2018.


Isabel Aguirre-Martinez, Rocio; de Casas-Moreno, Patricia; Paramio-Perez, Gema. Digital literacy in young people with mild intellectual disability. A case study in the city of Saltillo, Mexico UNIVERSITAS-REVISTA DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES Y HUMANAS, 2018.


Martinez-Roa, Omar-Gerardo; Ortega-Erazo, Elsy-Genith. Perceptions and participation in community radio stations in Narino-Colombia COMUNICAR, 2018.


Saiz-Echezarreta, V and Galletero-Campos, B. The journalist as a social agent: A didactic proposal for their communicative intervention in neighbor communities PROFESIONAL DE LA INFORMACION, 2017.


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Tucho, F.; Fernandez-Planells, A.; Lozano, M.; Figueras-Maz, M.. Media Literacy, unfinished business in the training of journalists, advertisers and audiovisual communicators REVISTA LATINA DE COMUNICACION SOCIAL, 2015.


Medrano, Concepcion; Ignacio Martinez de Morentin, Juan; Apodaca, Pedro. TELEVISION VIEWING PROFILES: A TRANSCULTURAL STUDY EDUCACION XX1, 2015.


Vergara Leyton, Enrique; Vergara Del Solar, Ana; Chavez Ibarra, Paulina. Childhood and television. A comparative and ethnographic approach to TV consumption of Chilean children from upper-middle and lower income groups CUADERNOS INFO, 2014.


Fuente-Cobo, Carmen; Martinez-Otero, Juan-Maria; del-Prado-Flores, Rogelio. Active Audiences in the Regulation of the Audiovisual Media. Consumer versus Citizen in Spain and Mexico COMUNICAR, 2014.


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引述 Scopus

Vega-Casanova, J., Lafaurie-Molina, A.. A children's observatory of television: «Observar TV», a space for dialogue between children), Comunicar, .


De Abreu, B.S., Mihailidis, P.. Introduction), Media Literacy Education in Action: Theoretical, Pedagogical Perspectives, .


Fuente-Cobo, C., Martínez-Otero, J.-M., Del-Prado-Flores, R.. Active audiences in the regulation of the audiovisual media. Consumer versus citizen in Spain, Mexico), Comunicar, .


García, A.R., Arellano, P.R., Ponce, Á.D.. Media competence, the area Spanish language, literature of primary education. Curricular analysis in Spain [La competencia mediática y el área de lengua castellana y literatura de educación primaria. Análisis curricular en España]), Calidoscopio, .


Leyton, E.V., Del Solar, A.V., Ibarra, P.C.. Childhood, television. A comparative, ethnographic approach to TV consumption of Chilean children from upper-middle, lower income groups [Televisión e infancia. Una aproximación comparativa y etnográfica al consumo televisivo en niños chilenos de estratos socioeconómicos medio-alto y bajo]), Cuadernos.info, .


Tucho, F., Fernandez-Planells, A., Lozano, M., Figueras-Maz, M.. Media Literacy, unfinished business in the training of journalists, advertisers, audiovisual communicators [La educación mediática, una asignatura pendiente en la formación de periodistas, publicitarios y comunicadores audiovisuales]), Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, .


Medrano, C., de Morentín, J.I.M., Apodaca, P.. Television viewing profiles: A transcultural study [Perfiles de consumo televisivo: Un estudio transcultural]), Educacion XX1, .


Román-García, S., Almansa-Martínez, A., Cruz-Díaz, M.-R.. Adults, elders, their use of ICTs. Media competence of digital immigrants), Comunicar, .


Saiz-Echezarreta, V., Galletero-Campos, B.. The journalist as a social agent: A didactic proposal for their communicative intervention in neighbor communities [El periodista como agente social: propuesta didáctica para la intervención comunicativa en comunidades cercanas]), Profesional de la Informacion, .


Torrecillas-Lacave, T., De Vega, M.E.M., Vázquez-Barrio, T.. Family mediation in the use of digital services by children in schools [Mediación familiar en el uso de servicios digitales por menores escolarizados]), Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico, .


Aparici, R., García-Marín, D.. Prosumers, emirecs: Analysis of two confronted theories), Comunicar, .


Martínez-Roa, O.-G., Ortega-Erazo, E.-G.. Perceptions, participation in community radio stations in Nariño- Colombia), Comunicar, .


Besalú, R., Oliva, M., Pérez-Latorre, O.. Framing Sálvame: Public debates on taste, quality, television in Spain), Communications, .


Schulz, D., der Woud, A.V., Westhof, J.. The best indycaster project: Analysing, understanding meaningful YouTube content, dialogue, commitment as part of responsible management education), International Journal of Management Education, .


Campo-Ponz, C.D., Chisvert-Tarazona, M.J., Palomares-Montero, D.. Perception of an educational community on teacher professional development in education 2.0 [Percepción de una comunidad educativa sobre el desarrollo profesional docente en la educación 2.0]), Profesorado, .


引述 Google Scholar





Orozco-Gómez, G., Navarro-Martínez, E., & García-Matilla, A. (2012). Educational challenges in times of mass self-communication: A dialogue among audience. [Desafíos educativos en tiempos de auto-comunicación masiva: la interlocución de las audiencias]. Comunicar, 38, 67-74. https://doi.org/10.3916/C38-2012-02-07



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