
Download, uses, audiovisual, contents, illegal, Internet, students, University


This article analyses the phenomenon of downloading audio-visual content –movies and television series– which is habitually practiced by university students via the Internet; their attitudes towards illegal downloads; and the education/training that they have about the legal status of this activity. These issues are a frequent reality but are little discussed in our academic context. Data was obtained from a questionnaire designed ad hoc. This was administered to students enrolled in different university degrees (Audio-visual Communication, Primary Education and Social Education). We believe that these college degrees require ethical and legal training on the issues regarding downloading of content from the web. This education is an urgently needed training for young people who will work in educating and informing the citizens of the 21st century. The study results show that university students habitually consume a high percentage of online content from the audio-visual industry (films and television series). Students have clearly favourable attitudes towards this form of consumption. However, students show little regards to the ethical and legal issues surrounding downloading from the Internet. In addition, they have a very low degree of education and training on these issues. The results suggest the need to implement training programs and to conduct information campaigns to improve their information and digital literacy.

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Technical information

Received: 19-01-2016

Revised: 08-02-2016

Accepted: 22-02-2016

OnlineFirst: 15-05-2016

Publication date: 01-07-2016

Article revision time: 20 days | Average time revision issue 48: 29 days

Article acceptance time: 34 days | Average time of acceptance issue 48: 73 days

Preprint editing time: 119 days | Average editing time preprint issue 48: 158 days

Article editing time: 164 days | Average editing time issue 48: 203 days


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Cites in Scopus

Rice, R.E., Zamanzadeh, N., Hagen, I. . Media mastery by college students: A typology and review), #EANF#, .

Grande-De-Prado, M., Cañón-Rodríguez, R., García-Martín, S., Cantón-Mayo, I.. Creation of digital contents in primary teachers in training), Profesorado, .

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Cebrián Robles, V., Raposo Rivas, M., & Freitas, M. D. C. D. (2018). Acceso libre y antiplagio en los repositorios institucionales y bibliotecas de las Facultades de Educación en España.

Villarejo Carballido, B. (2017). Lenguaje del deseo vinculado a la no violencia en el colectivo adolescente. Análisis de sus interacciones online respecto a los productos audiovisuales alternativos.

DEMUYNCK, A. L. De effectiviteit en wenselijkheid van een beleidsaanpak voor online inbreuken op auteursrechtelijk beschermde audiovisuele content in Vlaanderen.



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How to cite

Duarte-Hueros, J., Duarte-Hueros, A., & Ruano-López, S. (2016). The audiovisual content downloads among university students. [Las descargas de contenidos audiovisuales en Internet entre estudiantes universitarios]. Comunicar, 48, 49-57.



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