
Artivism, participation, drama, postdrama, Andean culture, post-theater, identity


This paper results from a neo-functionalist constructivist theory as the one allowing us to understand that dialogue processes and social participation build culture with a dynamic and civic vision, as opposed to organic and much more conservative visions. The main objective is to create a panel of analysis of plays from the point of view of drama (sense) and post-drama (nonsense), introducing cross-cutting concepts such as identity, interculturality and participation. The second objective, and as a way to validate these panels, is to analyze in a comparative way the similarities and differences of two types of post-theater manifestations in Spanish, Europe and Andean theater, particularly in Ecuador. This descriptive and qualitative research applies the analytical-synthetic method to approach the study of seven plays of dramatic and postdramatic nature. As a result, the usefulness of these panels developed to carry out this type of study on the elements of order and chaos, as well as to understand internal and external participation, is validated. As a general conclusion, it is observed that the current Ecuadorian plays respond to a post-drama culture that uses elements of the unitary dramatic stage and differential factors of Andean character.

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Received: 27-02-2018

Revised: 18-03-2018

Accepted: 18-05-2018

OnlineFirst: 15-07-2018

Publication date: 01-10-2018

Article revision time: 19 days | Average time revision issue 57: 38 days

Article acceptance time: 79 days | Average time of acceptance issue 57: 76 days

Preprint editing time: 170 days | Average editing time preprint issue 57: 177 days

Article editing time: 215 days | Average editing time issue 57: 222 days


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Cites in Web of Science

Orosa, Miguel A.; Lema, Daqui; Galarza-Ligna, Viviana;. Ecuador: the popular liturgical and festive origins of the Latin American indigenous post-drama and its specific conflict Comparisons with the Spanish and European post-drama 2020 15TH IBERIAN CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES (CISTI'2020) , 2020.

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Orosa, Miguel A.; Galarza-Ligna, Viviana; Rocha, A; Ferras, C; Marin, CEM; Garcia, VHM; . Latin American Indigenous Post-drama Architectures from an Andean Perspective Revisited INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND SYSTEMS, ICITS 2020, 2020.

Cites in Scopus

Orosa, M.Á., Romero-Espinosa, S.F., Fernández-Holgado, J.A.. Transformation of Andean Cinema in Latin America: Identity, Prostdrama), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, .

Orosa, M.A., Galarza-Ligña, V. . Latin american indigenous post-drama architectures from an andean perspective revisited), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, .

Orosa, M.A., Lema, D., Galarza-Ligna, V., Medina, A.M.C. . Ecuador: The popular liturgical and festive origins of the Latin American indigenous post-drama and its specific conflict : Arisons with the Spanish and European post-drama), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, .

Orosa, M.A., Collado-Campaña, F., Galarza-Ligña, V. . The (Post-)theatre of the Twenty-First Century in Spain and the North American Post-drama TV Series: A Political, Historic and Comparative Research. Playwrights, Patterns and All-Embracing Point of View), Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, .

Orosa, M.A., Lema, D., Galarza-Ligña, V.. Twenty-First Century Trends and International Cross-Cultural Perspective: The Post-dramatic TV Series Model in the United States vs. Spain’s Neoclassical Hesitancy in Television Serial Fiction), Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, .

Orosa, M.A., Lema, D., Galarza-Ligña, V.. Twenty-First Century Trends and International Cross-Cultural Perspective: Cultural Hybridizations and Narrative-Dramatic-Cinematographic Fusions Between Europe and Latin America. The Case of Kiro Russo (Cinematography) and Rodrigo García (Literature)), Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, .

Cites in Google Scholar

Orosa, M. Á., Romero-Espinosa, S. F., & Fernández-Holgado, J. A. (2019, February). Transformation of Andean Cinema in Latin America: Identity and Prostdrama. In International Conference on Information Technology & Systems (pp. 944-953). Springer, Cham.

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Orosa, M. A., & Galarza-Ligña, V. (2020, February). Latin American Indigenous Post-drama Architectures from an Andean Perspective Revisited. In International Conference on Information Technology & Systems (pp. 693-702). Springer, Cham.

Orosa-Roldán, M. Á., & López-López, P. C. (2018). La cultura del posdrama en Ecuador y España: Desarrollo metodológico y estudio comparado. Comunicar, 26(57), 39-47.

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Orosa, M. A., Campaña, F. C., & Galarza-Ligña, V. The (post-) theatre of the 21st century in Spain and the North American post-drama TV series: a political, historic and comparative research. Playwrights, patterns and all-embracing point of view.


Orosa, M. A., Galarza-Ligña, V., & Culqui-Medina, A. (2021, February). The Post-dramatic Indigenous Communication in Latin America (Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia) and Its Comparison with That of Europe and Spain. The Case of Some Latin American/Spanish and European Playwrights, and the Differences Between Both Dramatic Worldviews. In International Conference on Information Technology & Systems (pp. 279-288). Springer, Cham.

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Rocha, Á., Ferrás, C., & Paredes, M. (2019). Information technology and systems. New York: Springer.


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How to cite

Orosa-Roldán, M., & López-López, P. (2018). Postdrama culture in Ecuador and Spain: Methodological framework and comparative study. [La cultura del posdrama en Ecuador y España: Desarrollo metodológico y estudio comparado]. Comunicar, 57, 39-47.



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