Ключевые слова

Journalism, professional roles, professional attitudes, conflict, press, media system, quantitative research, survey


Based on a survey of 122 journalists from four Spanish newspapers carried out from 2015 to 2016, this paper analyses to what extent these professionals perceive a disconnection –a gap– between their role conception and their perceived role enactment, that is between their professional ideals and their journalistic practice, and which are the most “conflicting” roles in a Polarized Pluralist media system. According to the perceptions of the professionals surveyed, journalists in Spain hold a role conflict when they work in a newspaper. The findings show significant differences between the role conception and the perceived role enactment in six of the seven professional roles. The biggest divergences are located in the watchdog, civic and disseminator roles. The conflict between the professional ideals and their implementation in the news is always resolved in favor of the media organizations. Our results are consistent and support the previous studies that have defined the Polarized Pluralist media system as a media ecosystem where journalists accumulate little power compared to the media organizations, which are in financial debt and dependent on political and economic powers. Results are discussed according to the literature review as well as the context in which the study was developed.

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Цитаты в Scopus

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Cervi, L., Simelio, N., Tejedor Calvo, S. . Analysis of Journalism and Communication Studies in Europe’s Top Ranked Universities: Competencies, Aims and Courses), Journalism Practice, .


Novoa-Jaso, M.F., José Javier Sánchez-Aranda, D., Javier Serrano-Puche, D.. From the newsroom to the big screen: Professional roles of journalism, its representation in cinema, tv series [De la Redacción a la (gran) pantalla: Roles profesionales del periodismo y su representación en la ficción audiovisual]), Icono14, .


Rodríguez-Martínez, R., Mauri-Ríos, M., Arribas, D.M. . A penny for your words. Job insecurity as the chief problem affecting Spanish professional journalism: 2012 to 201812 | [A penny for your words: La precariedad como principal problema del periodismo en España. Evolución de la profesión de 2012 a 2018]), Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico, .


Barranquero-Carretero, A. . Sources in migration journalism. A qualitative approach to the Spanish context | [Las fuentes en el periodismo de migraciones. Una aproximación cualitativa al contexto español]), Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico, .


Roses, S., Humanes-Humanes, M.-L.. Conflicts in the professional roles of journalists in Spain: Ideals, practice [Conflictos en los roles profesionales de los periodistas en España: Ideales y práctica]), Comunicar, .


Valera-Ordaz, Lidia; Requena-i-Mora, Marina; Calvo, Dafne; López-García, Guillermo. Unraveling disinformation: Notions and discourses from the Spanish population), Comunicar, .


Martínez, I.C., López, I.M.. Changing Political And Media Agendas in the Election Campaign: The Case Of 20-D and 26-J in Spain), Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico, .


Osorio, H.M.-F., Torrego, F.J.D.. The Influence of the Digital Ecosystem on the Sports Press in Spain: Media, Users and Pandemic), Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico, .


García-Orosa, B., Vázquez-Herrero, J., López-García, X.. Journalism, politics and citizenship: Keys to a new relationship from Spain), Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, .


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Campos, S. R., & Humanes, M. L. (2019). Conflictos en los roles profesionales de los periodistas en España: Ideales y práctica. Comunicar: Revista científica iberoamericana de comunicación y educación, (58), 65-74.


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Rivas-de-Roca, R., Caro González, F. J., & García-Gordillo, M. (2020, September). Indicadores transnacionales de calidad informativa basados en la experiencia de periodistas locales: estudios de caso en medios digitales de Alemania, España y Reino Unido. In Comunicación y diversidad. Selección de comunicaciones del VII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Investigación de la Comunicación (AE-IC).. El profesional de la información (EPI) SL..


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Sánchez, L. P., de Frutos Torres, B., & Martín, A. G. (2020). La COVID-19 en la prensa española. Encuadres de alarma y tranquilidad en las portadas de El País, El Mundo y La Vanguardia. Revista de Comunicación y Salud: RCyS, 10(2), 355-384.


Carretero, A. B. (2021). Las fuentes en el periodismo de migraciones. Una aproximación cualitativa al contexto español. Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico, 27(1), 39.


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Rivas-de-Roca, R. Models of participatory citizens in different journalistic cultures: the cases of RTVA (Andalusia) and RBB (Berlin and Brandenburg) as a public service.


Rodriguez-Martinez, R., Mauri-Rios, M., & Arribas, D. M. (2021). A penny for your words. Job insecurity as the chief problem affecting Spanish professional journalism: 2012 to 2018/A penny for your words: La precariedad como principal problema del periodismo en Espana. Evolucion de la profesion de 2012 a 2018. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodistico, 27(1), 409-425.


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Mellado, C., Mothes, C., Hallin, D. C., Humanes, M. L., Lauber, M., Mick, J., ... & Olivera, D. (2020). Investigating the gap between newspaper journalists’ role conceptions and role performance in nine European, Asian, and Latin American countries. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 25(4), 552-575.


Mellado, C. (2020). Journalistic Role Performance and the News. In Beyond Journalistic Norms (pp. 3-21). Routledge.


SABO, S. S., Abusadiq, L. O. K. O., & OHIEKU, A. O. (2019). Linking Perception with Coverage. University of Nigeria Interdisciplinary Journal of communication Studies, 25(1).



Альтернативные метрики

Как процитировать

Roses-Campos, S., & Humanes-Humanes, M. (2019). Conflicts in the professional roles of journalists in Spain: Ideals and practice. [Conflictos en los roles profesionales de los periodistas en España: Ideales y práctica]. Comunicar, 58, 65-74. https://doi.org/10.3916/C58-2019-06



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