Ключевые слова

Resilience, ecologies of learning, ubiquitous learning, lifelong learning, students, awareness, resignify, adverse situations


Primary education in Mexico is facing a growing set of challenges that the government has tried to counteract through the use of communication technologies (ICT) in formal education. While these efforts provide support for students and educators, there remains a need for a renewed and contextualized awareness that will re-conceptualize the adverse experiences of students and the importance of resilience in the context of the learning environment. The objective of this document is to give an account of the learning acquired by nine telesecondary students in a rural area of Hidalgo and the student’s benefits of building awareness about the ecology of learning. The paper highlights the process of re-envisioning their experiences that emerged from the various points of views shared in discussion. The study was triangulated by quantitative and qualitative phenomenological and hermeneutical analyses. It was organized into three stages and employed a survey, semi-structured interviews, focus groups and use of the Google-Classroom platform. The hermeneutical analysis of autobiographies and the use of technological resources enhanced the personal analysis of the experiences of the participants. These experiences generated learning that may often be invisible in formal education but can empower critical thinking, collaboration and autonomy of students to become aware of their learning and the scope of their social contribution.

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Daza, M.C.S., Sánchez, M.R.F.. Technologies as a mediating element of processes of digital self-inclusion of rural women), Pixel-Bit, Revista de Medios y Educacion, .


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Альтернативные метрики

Как процитировать

Martínez-Rodríguez, R., & Benítez-Corona, L. (2020). The ecology of resilience learning in ubiquitous environments to adverse situations. [La ecología del aprendizaje resiliente en ambientes ubicuos ante situaciones adversas]. Comunicar, 62, 43-52. https://doi.org/10.3916/C62-2020-04



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