


当前的学习生态多元且变化迅速,要求对此现象也有多元和迅速的观察。本论文聚焦于年轻人中涌现的非正式学习社区,研究目的在于发现这个图景中的新要素 – 学习语法 – 并描绘其特征。通过问卷调查(N=256),通过Philips66技法开展了焦点组,用Altas ti软件(主题分析),我们分析了:通讯学学生学习社交媒体的使用实践,学院环境的一部分,和他们关于#Studygram社区的观点,#Studygrammer的档案也从不同程度得到了分析。他们有使用相同视觉编码的影响者的DNA,将他们的实践货币化,但学术目标为其添加了一些特质:视觉编码在不同知识领域当作通用语用(某种程度的学生遵循学习不同程度的“学习语法”,因为他们对实践诀窍的学习过程也感兴趣),在追随者的支持标准中我们发现了比情绪原因更多理性原因。



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引述 Web of Science

Renes Arellano, Paula; Gozalvez Perez, Vicent; Berlanga Fernandez, Inmaculada; . YouTube and influencers in childhood. Content analysis and educational proposals COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, 2020.


Marin-Gutierrez, Isidro; Rivera-Rogel, Diana; Mendoza-Zambrano, Damian; Ines Zuluaga-Arias, Ligia; . Media Competences of Young University Students from Ecuador and Colombia COMUNICAR, 2020.


Guinez-Cabrera, N and Mansilla-Obando, K. Booktokers: Generating and sharing book content on TikTok COMUNICAR, 2022.


Borges, Gabriela; . Training challenges in media competence at the Audiovisual Quality Observatory Estudos em Comunicacao, 2021.


Casero-Ripolles, Andreu; . Influencers in the Political Conversation on Twitter: Identifying Digital Authority with Big Data POLITICAL COMMUNICATION, 2021.


Sadaba, C and Salaverria, R. Tackling disinformation with media literacy: analysis of trends in the European Union REVISTA LATINA DE COMUNICACION SOCIAL, 2023.


Gil-Quintana, Javier; de Leon, Emilio Vida; . Educational Influencers on Instagram: Analysis of Educational Channels, Audiences, and Economic Performance COMUNICAR, 2021.


Marcelo, C and Marcelo, P. Educational influencers on Twitter. Analysis of hashtags and relationship structure COMUNICAR, 2021.


Alarcon, MV and Vasquez-Rocca, L. Me encanta este tipo de ideas. Grandes, ninas': Forms of address and politeness strategies used by young college students when interacting on Instagram REVISTA SIGNOS, 2022.


Estigarribia, L; Chalabe, JKT; (...); Garcia-Romano, L. Co-design of a Teaching-Learning Sequence to Address COVID-19 as a Socio-scientific Issue in an Infodemic Context SCIENCE & EDUCATION, 2022.


Caldeiro-Pedreira, MC; Renes-Arellano, P; (...); Aguaded, I. YouTube videos for young children: an exploratory study DIGITAL EDUCATION REVIEW, 2022.

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Arango-Montoya, S and Gallardo-Echenique, E. Studygrammers: Learning Influencers as a Source of Credibility 16th Latin American Conference on Learning Technologies (LACLO), 2021.


Pastor-Rodriguez, A; Martin-Garcia, N; (...); Rodriguez-de-Mier, BA. Knowledge pills: an evaluation of teaching videos for self-learning in the university setting Pastor-Rodriguez, A; Martin-Garcia, N; (...); Rodriguez-de-Mier, BA DOXA COMUNICACION, 2022.


Rubio-Romero, J; de Espinosa, MPL and Bernete, F. On IG people are rather looking for a reaction. Characterization, content and use of networks for interpersonal communication among young people MEDIACIONES SOCIALES, 2022.


引述 Scopus

Arellano, P.R., Pérez, V.G., Fernández, I.B. . YouTube and influencers in childhood. Content analysis and educational proposals | [YouTube e influenciadores na infância. Análise de conteúdo e propostas educacionais]), Icono14, .


Marín-Gutiérrez, I., Rivera-Rogel, D., Mendoza-Zambrano, D., Zuluaga-Arias, L.I. . Media competences of young university students from Ecuador and Colombia | [Competencia mediática de jóvenes universitarios de Ecuador y Colombia]), Tripodos, .

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Casero-Ripollés, A. . Influencers in the political conversation on twitter: Identifying digital authority with big data), Sustainability (Switzerland), .


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Marcelo, C., Marcelo, P. . Educational influencers on Twitter. Analysis of hashtags and relationship structure | [Influencers educativos en Twitter. Análisis de hashtags y estructura relacional]), Comunicar, .


Gil-Quintana, J., Vida de León, E. . Educational influencers on instagram: Analysis of educational channels, audiences, and economic performance), Publications, .


Guiñez-Cabrera, N., Mansilla-Obando, K. . Booktokers: Generating and sharing book content on TikTok | [Booktokers: Generar y compartir contenidos sobre libros a través de TikTok]), Comunicar, .


Wiśniewska, N.. The evaluative language as an argumentative mechanism of the #studygram accounts in the COVID-19 pandemic timesa), Revista Brasileira de Linguistica Aplicada, .


Arango-Montoya, S., Gallardo-Echenique, E.. Studygrammers: Learning Influencers as a Source of Credibility ), Proceedings - 2021 16th Latin American Conference on Learning Technologies, LACLO 2021, .


Sádaba, C., Salaverría, R. . Tackling disinformation with media literacy: analysis of trends in the European Union), Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, .


Caldeiro-Pedreira, M.-C., Renés-Arellano, P., Castillo-Abdul, B., Aguaded, I.. YouTube videos for young children: an exploratory study), Digital Education Review, .


Estigarribia, L., Torrico Chalabe, J.K., Cisnero, K., Wajner, M., García-Romano, L.. Co-design of a Teaching–Learning Sequence to Address COVID‑19 as a Socio‑scientific Issue in an Infodemic Context), Science and Education, .


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Renés Arellano, P., Gozálvez Pérez, V., & Berlanga Fernández, I. (2020). YouTube e influencers en la infancia. Análisis de contenidos y propuestas educativas.


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