José-Manuel Diego-Mantecón, University of Cantabria (Spain)
Teresa-F. Blanco, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
Competence, project-based learning, STEAM, KIKS format, secondary education, internationalization
Secondary education curricula highlight competence-based learning; however, meaningful school-intervention habits have not yet been observed. The initiatives implemented have focused primarily on promoting the combined development of no more than three key competences. This article presents an international study, under the Erasmus+ and H2020 programmes, for analysing the impact of the STEAM project-based learning approach with KIKS format (Kids Inspire Kids for STEAM) on the interwoven development of key competences. The sample included 267 high school students divided into 53 teams from 29 educational centres in Finland, England, Hungary, and Spain. Each team carried out several projects, for no less than two academic years, by means of the following two approaches: STEAM project-based learning and KIKS format. Data from this qualitative study were collected from observations and interviews with students, teachers, and KIKS trainers. Analyses revealed that the combination of these two approaches facilitated the development of all eight key competences. The project-based learning focus essentially fostered the enhancement of the mathematical competence and competence in science, technology, and engineering, while KIKS format promoted literacy and multilingual competences. The remaining competences were encouraged by the combination of both approaches. It is noteworthy that prolonged participation in the programme, as it was implemented, was crucial to achieving the obtained outcomes.
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Technical information
Received: 29-05-2020
Revised: 05-06-2020
Accepted: 03-07-2020
OnlineFirst: 15-11-2020
Publication date: 01-01-2021
Article revision time: 7 days | Average time revision issue 66: 17 days
Article acceptance time: 35 days | Average time of acceptance issue 66: 51 days
Preprint editing time: 172 days | Average editing time preprint issue 66: 193 days
Article editing time: 217 days | Average editing time issue 66: 238 days
Metrics of this article
Views: 46505
Abstract readings: 39483
PDF downloads: 7022
Full metrics of Comunicar 66
Views: 444937
Abstract readings: 395643
PDF downloads: 49294
Cited by
Cites in Web of Science
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Cites in Scopus
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Diego-Mantecon, J.-M., Prodromou, T., Lavicza, Z., Blanco, T.F., Ortiz-Laso, Z. . An attempt to evaluate STEAM project-based instruction from a school mathematics perspective), ZDM - Mathematics Education, .
Blanco, T.F., González-Roel, V., Diego-Mantecón, J.-M., Ortiz-Laso, Z. . Analysis of the art-mathematics conexion in elementary school textbooks | [Análisis de la conexión arte-matemáticas en los libros de texto de Educación Primaria]), Educacion Matematica, .
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How to cite
Diego-Mantecón, J., Blanco, T., Ortiz-Laso, Z., & Lavicza, Z. (2021). STEAM projects with KIKS format for developing key competences. [Proyectos STEAM con formato KIKS para el desarrollo de competencias clave]. Comunicar, 66, 33-43.