Paula Renés-Arellano, Santander (西班牙)
María-José Hernández-Serrano, Salamanca (西班牙)
数字伦理领域作为数字互动的文化环境为社会和公民参与提供了空间,该空间促进了用户对其个人和文化身份构建的价值观和反价值观的发展。本研究是建立在对沉浸在数字互动及空间中的反价值的研究的缺乏的背景下。本研究旨在通过分析学生对互联网上存在的反价值观的感知程度,探讨其所处的社会领域(与同学、朋友或家人),类型和传播方式,与之相关的(信息或通信)风险相关联,以及所使用的资源或应用程序。通过混合研究方法,我们对来自教育和教师培训学院的 305 名学生分发调查研究问卷对其作答。结果表明,大多数学生在使用互联网时可以识别反价值观的存在,尤为突出的是操纵和暴力,其次是对尊重的缺乏、不平等和不诚实,以及与信息和沟通相关的风险,此外还表明了隐性社交网络逻辑和话语中存在的反价值。结论证明,需要将价值观教育纳入批判性媒体教育中,加强对未来教师有关解构和消除数字领域的反价值观的培训。
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收到: 27-02-2021
修订: 29-03-2021
公认: 27-04-2021
OnlineFirst: 15-06-2021
发布日期: 01-10-2021
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引述 Web of Science
Caldeiro-Pedreira, MC; Renes-Arellano, P; (...); Aguaded, I. YouTube videos for young children: an exploratory study DIGITAL EDUCATION REVIEW, 2022.
Martin-Cuadrado, AM; Lavandera-Ponce, S; (...); Perez-Sanchez, L. Working Methodology with Public Universities in Peru during the Pandemic-Continuity of Virtual/Online Teaching and Learning EDUCATION SCIENCES, 2021.
Lena-Acebo, FJ; Renes-Arellano, P; (...); Caldeiro-Pedreira, MC. Knowing how to share and to protect oneself: key factors on digital cybercritical education for children PROFESIONAL DE LA INFORMACION, 2022.
Geng, YQ; Chen, LY; (...); Iqbal, K. Higher education and digital Economy: Analysis of their coupling coordination with the Yangtze River economic Belt in China as the example ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS, 2023.
Navarro, VZ and Torres, AG. Digital culture in the Telesecundaria school curriculum EDUWEB-REVISTA DE TECNOLOGIA DE INFORMACION Y COMUNICACION EN EDUCACION, 2023.
Gozalvez-Perez, V and Cortijo-Ruiz, G. Human development and social media in digital societies SOPHIA-COLECCION DE FILOSOFIA DE LA EDUCACION, 2023.
引述 Scopus
Martín-Cuadrado, A.M., Lavandera-Ponce, S., Mora-Jaureguialde, B., Sánchez-Romero, C., Pérez-Sánchez, L. . Working methodology with public universities in peru during the pandemic-continuity of virtual/online teaching and learning), Education Sciences, .
Caldeiro-Pedreira, M.-C., Renés-Arellano, P., Castillo-Abdul, B., Aguaded, I.. YouTube videos for young children: an exploratory study), Digital Education Review, .
Gozálvez-Pérez, V., Cortijo-Ruiz, G.. Human development and social media in digital societies ), Sophia(Ecuador), .
Open Access Lena-Acebo, F.-J., Renés-Arellano, P., Hernández-Serrano, M.-J., Caldeiro-Pedreira, M.-C. . Knowing how to share and to protect oneself: key factors on digital cybercritical education for children ), Profesional de la Informacion, .
Geng, Y., Chen, L., Li, J., Iqbal, K.. Higher education and digital Economy: Analysis of their coupling coordination with the Yangtze River economic Belt in China as the example), Ecological Indicators, .
引述 Google Scholar
Martín-Cuadrado, A. M., Lavandera-Ponce, S., Mora-Jaureguialde, B., Sánchez-Romero, C., & Pérez-Sánchez, L. (2021). Working Methodology with Public Universities in Peru during the Pandemic-Continuity of Virtual/Online Teaching and Learning. Education Sciences, 11(7), 351.
Estado del arte sobre como la utilización de las TIC ha favorecido la generación de principios, valores y competencias ciudadanas en el sistema educativo policial … HA Chaparro Alvarado -
[PDF] YouTube videos for young children: an exploratory study MC Caldeiro-Pedreira, P Renés-Arellano… - Digital Education …, 2022 -
Renés-Arellano, P., Hernández-Serrano, M., Caldeiro-Pedreira, M., & Alvites-Huamaní, C. (2021). Countervalues of the digital ethos perceived by future trainers. [Contravalores del ethos digital percibidos por futuros formadores]. Comunicar, 69, 57-67.