Lucy Andrade-Vargas, Technical University of Loja (Ecuador)
Margoth Iriarte-Solano, Technical University of Loja (Ecuador)
Social networking sites, YouTube, participation, content, young people, socioeconomic level
The growing access to the Internet, devices, and social media has revolutionized communication processes and democratized access to information and content creation. However, several researchers have shown that although access to the Internet is readily available, the virtual world is a mirror of the society in which we live where digital inequity exists. Several studies present evidence that social status does not affect the presence of social network users, but it does affect the way it is used and content creation, although it concerns studies that were mostly carried out in European and North American contexts. This research explores the socioeconomic profile of young people concerning the consumption and creation of content, and the virtual world of adolescents related to social inequalities found in the real world. This study followed an exploratory quantitative design by means of a survey that was applied to 2,115 high-school students from high-performing educational institutions in Ecuador. The results highlight three units of analysis: (1) reasons for using the platform (2) time of consumption (3) type of content that young people create. In line with previous studies, it points out how the socioeconomic environment has an effect on how young people use social networks. Similarly, it shows an increase in the democratization of content creation processes.
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Technical information
Received: 28-02-2021
Revised: 23-03-2021
Accepted: 27-04-2021
OnlineFirst: 15-06-2021
Publication date: 01-10-2021
Article revision time: 23 days | Average time revision issue 69: 30 days
Article acceptance time: 58 days | Average time of acceptance issue 69: 69 days
Preprint editing time: 170 days | Average editing time preprint issue 69: 181 days
Article editing time: 215 days | Average editing time issue 69: 226 days
Metrics of this article
Views: 33163
Abstract readings: 28838
PDF downloads: 4325
Full metrics of Comunicar 69
Views: 330507
Abstract readings: 294519
PDF downloads: 35988
Cited by
Cites in Web of Science
Torres-Diaz, JC; Rivera-Rogel, D; (...); Andrade-Vargas, L. Effects of COVID-19 on the Perception of Virtual Education in University Students in Ecuador; Technical and Methodological Principles at the Universidad Tecnica Particular de Loja Mar 2022 , 2000.
Diez-Gutierrez, E; Verdeja, M; (...); Macias-Tovar, J. Political hate speech of the far right on Twitter in Latin America COMUNICAR 30 (72), 2022.
Ramon-Verdu, A and Villalba-Gomez, JV. The Image as Language: The Creation and the Use of the Visual Message by Young University Students in Their Communicative Social Activity Frontiers in Psychology, 2022.
Esquinas, MHR; Ariza, MDH; (...); Carrasco, CA. Validation of a questionnaire on habits and uses of social networks in students of an Andalusian university Aula Abierta, 2023.
Cites in Scopus
Torres-Díaz, J.C., Rivera-Rogel, D., Beltrán-Flandoli, A.M., Andrade-Vargas, L. . Effects of COVID-19 on the Perception of Virtual Education in University Students in Ecuador; Technical and Methodological Principles at the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja), Sustainability (Switzerland), .
Salas-Valdivia, L., Gutierrez-Aguilar, O. . Implications of Digital Citizenship in Social Media to build a safe environment in the Covid-19 situation), #EANF#, .
Díez-Gutiérrez, Enrique-Javier; Verdeja, María; Sarrión-Andaluz, José; Buendía, Luis; Macías-Tovar, Julián. Political hate speech of the far right on Twitter in Latin America), 2022, .
Ramón-Verdú, A., Villalba-Gómez, J.V.. The Image as Language: The Creation and the Use of the Visual Message by Young University Students in Their Communicative Social Activity), Frontiers in Psychology, .
Taipe-Quispe, A., Heredia-Mamani, Y., Turpo-Gebera, O., Igartua, J.-J.. USES OF FACEBOOK AND ACADEMIC PROCRASTINATION IN GENERAL STUDIES STUDENTS AT A PERUVIAN UNIVERSITY), Journal of Technology and Science Education, .
Garcés-Fuenmayor, J., García-Peña, E., Martínez-Garcés, J., Escobar-Soto, R.. Use of social media to promote critical thinking in university students during COVID-19), Educacion y Humanismo, .
Esquinas, M.H.R., Ariza, M.D.H., González, J.M.M., Carrasco, C.A.. Validation of a questionnaire on habits and uses of social networks in students of an Andalusian university), Aula Abierta, .
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Díez-Gutiérrez, E., Verdeja, M., Sarrión-Andaluz, J., Buendía, L., & Macías-Tovar, J. (2022). Discurso político de odio de la ultraderecha desde Twitter en Iberoamérica. Comunicar: Revista Científica de Comunicación y Educación, 30(72).
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How to cite
Andrade-Vargas, L., Iriarte-Solano, M., Rivera-Rogel, D., & Yunga-Godoy, D. (2021). Young people and social networks: Between the democratization of knowledge and digital inequality. [Jóvenes y redes sociales: Entre la democratización del conocimiento y la inequidad digital]. Comunicar, 69, 85-95.