


本文旨在根据在推特个人资料上发布的推文以及这些推文可能产生的学术动机,分析大学生对大学教师可信度的看法。学生对教师可信度的看法会受到教师在其社交媒体资料上发布的内容的影响。研究参与者是来自塞维利亚大学教育科学学院的 166 名学生。我们使用准实验研究方法。同时,研究为一个大学教授创建了三个推特账户,其类别为专业知识、社交和两者混合内容。为了分析结果,我们进行了样本的正态性和同方差性检验,以确定要使用的统计检验。最突出的结果表明,学生认为专业型个人资料更能展现能力且更值得信赖,其次是混合型个人资料,最后是社交型个人资料。我们在认为大学教授的专业形象有可信度的学生和他们的学术动机之间也发现了正相关。研究讨论了所取得的发现及其对教师的实际影响,由此他们可以将推特纳入教学中,将其考虑进学生增强学习的需求。



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引述 Web of Science

Garcia, AJ; Froment, FA and Bohorquez, MR. University Teacher Credibility as a Strategy to Motivate Students JOURNAL OF NEW APPROACHES IN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, 2023.


引述 Scopus

Mora-Cruz, A., Saura, J.R., Palos-Sanchez, P.R.. Social media and user-generated content as a teaching innovation tool in universities), Teaching Innovation in University Education: Case Studies and Main Practices, .


Snoussi, T., Alrubaye, A., Radwan, A., Khalil, E., Abidi, S.. Cultural Dimensions’ Effects on Perceptions of Learning Using Social Media: A Comparative Study between the University of Sharjah and the University of Arkansas Students ), Information Sciences Letters, .


Rovira-Collado, J., Miras, S., Ruiz-Bañuls, M., Martínez-Carratalá, F.A. . Multimodal analysis of Twitter educational profiles and threads from the Didactics of Language and Literature ), Revista de Educacion a Distancia, .


García, A.J., Froment, F.A., Bohórquez, M.R.. University Teacher Credibility as a Strategy to Motivate Students ), Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research, .


引述 Google Scholar

Social media and user-generated content as a teaching innovation tool in universities A Mora-Cruz, JR Saura… - Teaching innovation in …, 2022 - igi-global.com


Educación, calidad de vida y redes sociales en las relaciones intergeneracionales: Manual de buenas prácticas MRB Gómez-Millán, AJG González - 2022 - books.google.com


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Cultural Dimensions' Effects on Perceptions of Learning Using Social Media: A Comparative Study between the University of Sharjah and the University of … T Snoussi, A Alrubaye, A Radwan, E Khalil, S Abidi - 2023 - naturalspublishing.com





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