Elvira-Carmen Cabrera-Rodríguez, University of Camilo José Cela (Spain)
Pilar Antolínez-Merchán, University of Camilo José Cela (Spain)
Human rights, trafficking of human beings, media, digital journalism, qualitative analysis, social representations, in-formation message
The aim of this research is twofold: to examine the coverage of human trafficking in the digital press and the perceptions of media professionals and specialised entities regarding such news. The methodology employed is mixed and relies on the technique of content analysis of news stories between January 2019 and December 2020 to investigate how the phenomenon is addressed by digital newspapers. This is also combined with the semi-structured interview technique to identify the discourse of media professionals and the heads of specialised non-governmental organisations in relation to their assessment of the news production on trafficking in Spain. There is lack of information on trafficking of human beings, partly due to the lack of media resources to inform and investigate. The trafficking of human beings for the purpose of sexual exploitation continues to dominate media coverage. Addressing the trafficking of human beings from a holistic and human rights approach, including the visibility of all forms of trafficking, as well as deepening collaboration and cooperation between the media and specialised entities, are tasks of vital importance for further progress.
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Technical information
Received: 11-02-2022
Revised: 05-04-2022
Accepted: 12-05-2022
OnlineFirst: 30-06-2022
Publication date: 01-10-2022
Article revision time: 53 days | Average time revision issue 73: 44 days
Article acceptance time: 90 days | Average time of acceptance issue 73: 89 days
Preprint editing time: 187 days | Average editing time preprint issue 73: 186 days
Article editing time: 232 days | Average editing time issue 73: 231 days
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Antolínez-Merchán, P., Cabrera-Rodríguez, E.D.C.. Who speaks about human trafficking?: Information sources in the digital press), International Humanities Review , .
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How to cite
Cabrera-Rodríguez, E., & Antolínez-Merchán, P. (2022). Invisibilised human rights: Trafficking in human beings in the media in Spain. [Derechos humanos invisibilizados: La trata de seres humanos en los medios de comunicación en España]. Comunicar, 73, 107-118. https://doi.org/10.3916/C73-2022-09