Virginia García-Beaudoux, Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Salomé Berrocal, Valladolid (Spain)
Political communication, female leadership, personalisation, Instagram, stereotypes, COVID-19
This paper explores the leadership styles of fourteen elected female politicians in executive government positions, as communicated through the official Instagram accounts that were in use during the COVID-19 pandemic. Seven of them are, or were, heads of government, six are or were mayors, and one is the president of an autonomous region in Spain. These women are Angela Merkel (Germany), Jacinda Ardern (New Zealand), Sanna Marin (Finland), Mette Frederiksen (Denmark), Erna Solberg (Norway), Katrin Jakobsdottir (Iceland), Tsai Ing-Wen (Taiwan), Anne Hidalgo (Paris), Virginia Raggi (Rome), Ada Colau (Barcelona), Claudia López (Bogotá), Claudia Sheinbaum (Mexico City), London Breed (San Francisco) and Isabel Díaz Ayuso (Madrid Region). A comparative content analysis of 2,330 units was conducted over a 6-month period. The study analyses the hard or soft leadership style conveyed by the women politicians selected in relation to four variables: political ideology, generational affiliation, level of government and techniques used in communication. The results show that the values of the variables affect leadership styles; therefore, the assumption that all female politicians have a single leadership style is erroneous and related to gender stereotyping.
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Technical information
Received: 30-09-2022
Revised: 05-11-2022
Accepted: 29-11-2022
OnlineFirst: 30-01-2023
Publication date: 01-04-2023
Article revision time: 36 days | Average time revision issue 75: 32 days
Article acceptance time: 60 days | Average time of acceptance issue 75: 93 days
Preprint editing time: 138 days | Average editing time preprint issue 75: 171 days
Article editing time: 183 days | Average editing time issue 75: 216 days
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Estilos de liderazgo y comunicación de las mujeres políticas VG Beaudoux, O D'Adamo, L Bruni - En la nave de la -
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How to cite
García-Beaudoux, V., Berrocal, S., D'Adamo, O., & Bruni, L. (2023). Female political leadership styles as shown on Instagram during COVID-19. [Estilos de liderazgo político femenino en Instagram durante la COVID-19]. Comunicar, 75, 129-138.