
Metaversity, metaverse, ICT, extended reality, higher education, systematic review


The recent pandemic forced the virtualization of educational processes around the world, which caused a series of problems in the quality of teaching due to the improvisation of its execution. The reappearance of the metaverse as a new social scenario has opened new possibilities to overcome the problems inherited by education during a pandemic. Therefore, the present study aims to review the literature on the emerging concept of "metaversity" through a systematic review. A methodology was developed following the PRISMA statement in the WoS, Scopus and Scielo databases. Twenty research studies were selected that were closest to the proposed concept of metaversity, where their main characteristics and scope are identified. The results show that, although there are no experiences that unify all possible areas to be developed in a virtualized university, there are fundamental advances in specific sectors. Educational benefits of the implementation of metaversity for students are identified, such as the improvement of cognitive skills and personalization of learning. The potential of metaversity to transform higher education is evidenced by offering not only the implementation of immersive learning but also a new center of virtual social interaction within the university campus.


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Received: 29-05-2023

Revised: 12-07-2024

Accepted: 15-08-2024

OnlineFirst: 30-09-2024

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Laurens-Arredondo, L. (2024). Metaversity as the Learning Ecology in the Age of the Metaverse: A Systematic Review. [Metaversidad como ecología de aprendizaje en la era del metaverso: Una revisión sistemática]. Comunicar, 79, 10-22.



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