Twitter, communication, science, dissemination, impact, public, participation, computational analysis
Public perceptions of science have been studied extensively since the mid-twentieth century. The aim of this project is to explore the interaction between science and the public in the digital world as a complement to traditional studies on the societal impact of science, particularly on the social network Twitter. It thus proposes a low-cost, easily reproducible methodology involving the design of an algorithm operating on representative sets of tweets to analyse their content by using computational techniques of data mining and natural language processing. To test this methodology, I analyse the communications of the popular science communicator Neil DeGrasse Tyson. The impact of the information is calculated in terms of 1) likes and retweets; 2) suggested formulas for measuring the popularity and controversial nature of the content; and 3) the semantic network. Relevant elements of the communications are then identified and classified according to the categories of “science”, “culture”, “political-social”, “beliefs”, “media” and “emotional”. The results reveal that content with an emotional charge in the communicator’s message triggers a substantially more profound response from the public, as do references to socio-political issues. Moreover, numerous concepts peripheral to the scientific discussion arouse more interest than the concepts central to the communication. Both these results suggest that science is more interesting when it is linked to other issues.
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Technical information
Received: 26-02-2020
Revised: 20-03-2020
Accepted: 27-04-2020
OnlineFirst: 15-06-2020
Publication date: 01-10-2020
Article revision time: 23 days | Average time revision issue 65: 36 days
Article acceptance time: 61 days | Average time of acceptance issue 65: 79 days
Preprint editing time: 173 days | Average editing time preprint issue 65: 191 days
Article editing time: 218 days | Average editing time issue 65: 236 days
Metrics of this article
Views: 41008
Abstract readings: 37103
PDF downloads: 3905
Full metrics of Comunicar 65
Views: 476500
Abstract readings: 411611
PDF downloads: 64889
Cited by
Cites in Web of Science
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Llorca-Asensi, Elena; Sanchez Diaz, Alexander; Fabregat-Cabrera, Maria-Elena; Ruiz-Callado, Raul; . "Why Can't We?" Disinformation and Right to Self-Determination. The Catalan Conflict on Twitter SOCIAL SCIENCES-BASEL, 2021.
Castillo-Zuniga, Ivan; Luna-Rosas, Francisco-Javier; Lopez-Veyna, Jaime-Ivan; . Detection of traits in students with suicidal tendencies on Internet applying Web Mining JUITA: Jurnal Informatica, 2022.
Cites in Scopus
Carrasco-Polaino, R., Martín-Cárdaba, M.-Á., Villar-Cirujano, E. . Citizen participation in Twitter: Anti-vaccine controversies in times of COVID-19 | [Participación ciudadana en Twitter: Polémicas anti-vacunas en tiempos de COVID-19]), Comunicar, .
Castillo-Zúñiga, I., Luna-Rosas, F.-J., López-Veyna, J.-I.. Detection of traits in students with suicidal tendencies on Internet applying Web Mining), Comunicar, .
Barceló-Hidalgo, M., Dávila-Lorenzo, M.. Scientific production on public communication of science in Dimensions between 2017 and 2021. ), Revista Espanola de Documentacion Cientifica, .
Cites in Google Scholar
Carrasco-Polaino, R., Martín-Cárdaba, M. Á., & Villar-Cirujano, E. (2021). Participación ciudadana en Twitter: Polémicas anti-vacunas en tiempos de COVID-19. Comunicar, 29(69), 21-31.
Llorca-Asensi, E., Sánchez Díaz, A., Fabregat-Cabrera, M. E., & Ruiz-Callado, R. (2021). “Why Can’t We?” Disinformation and Right to Self-Determination. The Catalan Conflict on Twitter. Social Sciences, 10(10), 383.
Carrasco-Polaino, R., Martín-Cárdaba, M. Á., & Villar-Cirujano, E. (2021). Citizen participation in Twitter: anti-vaccine controversies in times of COVID-19. Comunicar, 29(69), 21-31.
Denia, E. (2020). El impacto del discurso cientifico en El caso de Neil deGrasse Tyson.
Polaino, R. C., Cárdaba, M. Á. M., & Cirujano, E. V. (2021). Participación ciudadana en Twitter: Polémicas anti-vacunas en tiempos de COVID-19. Comunicar: Revista científica iberoamericana de comunicación y educación, (69), 21-31.
Villanueva, M. E. Participación ciudadana en Twitter: Polémicas anti-vacunas en tiempos de COVID-19.
Zúñiga, I. C., Rosas, F. J. L., & Veyna, J. I. L. (2022). Detección de rasgos en estudiantes con tendencia suicida en Internet aplicando Minería Web. Comunicar: Revista científica iberoamericana de comunicación y educación, (71), 105-117.
Castillo-Zúñiga, I., Luna-Rosas, F. J., & López-Veyna, J. I. (2022). Detection of traits in students with suicidal tendencies on Internet applying Web Mining. Comunicar, 30(71), 105-117.
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How to cite
Denia, E. (2020). The impact of science communication on Twitter: The case of Neil deGrasse Tyson. [El impacto del discurso científico en Twitter: El caso de Neil deGrasse Tyson]. Comunicar, 65, 21-30.