Giovanni Parodi, Valparaíso (Chile)
Tomás Moreno-de-León, Valparaíso (Chile)
Reading, reading habits, digital media, reading purposes, university students, Google, Gutenberg, multimodality
It has always been in the public interest to know the reading habits of readers of various ages and levels of schooling, as well as their opinions with regard to the consumption of reading materials. Lately, researchers have given increased attention to digital texts. Although progress on these topics has been made as reported in published research, there is yet incomplete information regarding readers’ habits and opinions at university and professional levels. This study describes the self-reported habits of university students belonging to two disciplinary domains (Human Sciences and Economic and Business Sciences) regarding reading on paper or on digital media for three purposes: academic, entertainment, and information seeking. The results reveal that the readers’ preferences vary according to the three purposes. These readers reported using different media but had a clear preference for paper; they also reported distinguishing between cognitive processes (memory, comprehension, and learning), with the discipline to which they belonged having no radical effect on their preferences. All of this leads us to conclude that currently there exists a generation in transition, a ‘Gutenberg-Google’ generation, which still recognizes the relevance of paper, in particular for academic purposes.
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Technical information
Received: 31-05-2018
Revised: 21-06-2018
Accepted: 01-08-2018
OnlineFirst: 15-11-2018
Publication date: 01-01-2019
Article revision time: 21 days | Average time revision issue 58: 41 days
Article acceptance time: 62 days | Average time of acceptance issue 58: 74 days
Preprint editing time: 170 days | Average editing time preprint issue 58: 182 days
Article editing time: 215 days | Average editing time issue 58: 227 days
Metrics of this article
Views: 42508
Abstract readings: 35077
PDF downloads: 7431
Full metrics of Comunicar 58
Views: 530169
Abstract readings: 437466
PDF downloads: 92703
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Cites in Web of Science
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Cites in Scopus
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How to cite
Parodi, G., Moreno-de-León, T., Julio, C., & Burdiles, G. (2019). Google or Gutenberg Generation: Chilean university students’ reading habits and reading purposes. [Generación Google o Generación Gutenberg: Hábitos y propósitos de lectura en estudiantes universitarios chilenos]. Comunicar, 58, 85-94.