Learning ecology, accessibility, e-learning, disability, PLE, transcripts, assistive technology
E-Learning environments are enhancing both their functionalities and the quality of the resources provided, thus simplifying the creation of learning ecologies adapted for students with disabilities. The number of students with disabilities enrolled in online courses is so small, and their impairments are so specific that it becomes difficult to quantify and identify which specific actions should be taken to support them. This work contributes to scientific literature with two key aspects: 1) It identifies which barriers these students encounter, and which tools they use to create learning ecologies adapted to their impairments; 2) It also presents the results from a case study in which 161 students with recognised disabilities evaluate the efficiency and ease of use of an online learning environment in higher education studies. The work presented in this paper highlights the need to provide multimedia elements with subtitles, text transcriptions, and the option to be downloadable and editable so that the student can adapt them to their needs and learning style.
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Technical information
Received: 30-05-2019
Revised: 10-07-2019
Accepted: 01-08-2019
OnlineFirst: 15-11-2019
Publication date: 01-01-2020
Article revision time: 41 days | Average time revision issue 62: 40 days
Article acceptance time: 63 days | Average time of acceptance issue 62: 72 days
Preprint editing time: 171 days | Average editing time preprint issue 62: 176 days
Article editing time: 216 days | Average editing time issue 62: 221 days
Metrics of this article
Views: 40948
Abstract readings: 36873
PDF downloads: 4075
Full metrics of Comunicar 62
Views: 485506
Abstract readings: 421134
PDF downloads: 64372
Cited by
Cites in Web of Science
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Cites in Scopus
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How to cite
Rodrigo, C., & Tabuenca, B. (2020). Learning ecologies in online students with disabilities. [Ecologías de aprendizaje en estudiantes online con discapacidades]. Comunicar, 62, 53-65.