Klaus Rummler, Zurich University of Teacher Education (Switzerland)
Caroline Grabensteiner, Zurich University of Teacher Education (Switzerland)
Colette Schneider-Stingelin, Zurich University of Teacher Education (Switzerland)
Media education, secondary school, homework, software, smartphones, social media, qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis
This contribution discusses emerging cultural practices of media activities with the example of homework as an out-of-school learning context. Data was collected using diaries on the use of media during out-of-school learning activities. Central theoretical frameworks include the German theory of Medienbildung as an actor’s threefold relation towards the material/factual world, the other/s and society, and her-/himself and the socio-cultural ecology of mobile learning as a triangular relationship between agency, cultural practices and structures. Following a grounded theory approach, data analysis was conducted in an inductive manner, drawing on contemporary methods of computer enhanced qualitative analysis. This article focuses on verbal expressions within the diary entries, implicating cultural practices in everyday media activities and their impact on media use in a domestic learning context, such as homework. Two central aspects are highlighted from the results, exemplifying the category and theory generation. First, “checking”, as one of the reappearing in-vivo codes, will be examined more closely regarding its embedding in media practice and homework. It will be characterised as a daily recurring receptive and productive media practice. Second, apps and services, as well as media hardware used at school, are mirrored in the way students actually use media during homework, mingling with everyday media practices.
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Technical information
Received: 30-01-2020
Revised: 12-02-2020
Accepted: 28-04-2020
OnlineFirst: 15-06-2020
Publication date: 01-10-2020
Article revision time: 13 days | Average time revision issue 65: 36 days
Article acceptance time: 89 days | Average time of acceptance issue 65: 79 days
Preprint editing time: 200 days | Average editing time preprint issue 65: 191 days
Article editing time: 245 days | Average editing time issue 65: 236 days
Metrics of this article
Views: 37892
Abstract readings: 34520
PDF downloads: 3372
Full metrics of Comunicar 65
Views: 446850
Abstract readings: 384797
PDF downloads: 62053
Cited by
Cites in Web of Science
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Urbano, R and Aguaded, I. Positioning of children's transmedia franchises. Cleo & Cuquin and Piny case studies Doxa Comunicacion, 2022.
Cadavid, DAG. Challenges and pedagogical strategies in school teaching with digital media PRAXIS & SABER, 2022.
Morato-Beltran, C; Lopez-Martin, A and Romero, LL. Teaching and learning with the media in Secondary Education in Malaga Revista Fuentes, 2022.
Cadavid, DAG and Garcia, DAF. Learning derived from the implementation of a pedagogical device in remote teaching conditions by Covid-19 PRAXIS-COLOMBIA, 2023.
Cites in Scopus
Quezada-Tello, L., Hernando-Gómez, Á., Vázquez-Aguado, O.. Transmedia Narratives Applied by Communication Students in the Dissemination of Cultural Heritage ), VISUAL Review. International Visual Culture Review , .
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Morató-Beltrá, C., López-Martí, Á., López Romero, L. . Teaching and learning with the media in Secondary Education in Malaga ), Revista Fuentes, .
Cites in Google Scholar
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How to cite
Rummler, K., Grabensteiner, C., & Schneider-Stingelin, C. (2020). Mobile learning for homework: Emerging cultural practices in the new media ecology. [El aprendizaje móvil en las tareas escolares: Prácticas culturales emergentes en la nueva ecología mediática]. Comunicar, 65, 101-110. https://doi.org/10.3916/C65-2020-09