Patricia Izquierdo-Iranzo, University Rey Juan Carlos (Spain)
Eliana-E. Gallardo-Echenique, Peruvian University of Applied Sciences (Peru)
Studygrammer, Instagram, influencer, informal learning, social media, learning communities, communication students, transmedia literacy
Present learning ecologies are diverse and change quickly, which demands a similar observation of the phenomenon. This paper is focused on the youth emerging informal learning communities and the study’s object is to discover and characterize a new figure in this landscape, the Studygrammer. With surveys (N=256), focus groups carried out through the Philips 66 technique and analyze with Atlas ti software (thematic analysis) we analyze: practices of academic social media use amongst Communication students and apart of the institutional enviroment, plus their opinions regarding the #Studygram community, #Studygrammer profiles from different degrees are also analyzed. Main results help us to concrete a definition for Studygrammer: a student that performs a mentoring (coach-leader) role amongst peers using Instagram, not only sharing notes (highly performed) but also tips, inspiration and experiences. They have the DNA of an influencer using the same visual code and monetizating their practices but the academic goal adds some peculiarities: the visual code works as lingua franca between different knowledge areas (students of a certain degree follow studygrammers which study different degrees, because they are also interested on the know-how learning process) and in the followers’ adhesion criteria we find more rational than emotional reasons.
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This work has no financial support
Technical information
Received: 31-05-2019
Revised: 20-06-2019
Accepted: 12-09-2019
OnlineFirst: 15-11-2019
Publication date: 01-01-2020
Article revision time: 20 days | Average time revision issue 62: 40 days
Article acceptance time: 104 days | Average time of acceptance issue 62: 72 days
Preprint editing time: 170 days | Average editing time preprint issue 62: 176 days
Article editing time: 215 days | Average editing time issue 62: 221 days
Metrics of this article
Views: 46125
Abstract readings: 39526
PDF downloads: 6599
Full metrics of Comunicar 62
Views: 489508
Abstract readings: 424692
PDF downloads: 64816
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Cites in Web of Science
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How to cite
Izquierdo-Iranzo, P., & Gallardo-Echenique, E. (2020). Studygrammers: Learning influencers. [Estudigramers: Influencers del aprendizaje]. Comunicar, 62, 115-125.