
Social mobilization, virtual communities, cyberactivism, online participation, digital communication, scientific journals


In recent years, digital networks have given rise to new spaces for socialization, action and protest, favouring the emergence of new forms of social participation that generate their own languages and new symbolic strategies. In order to analyze online mobilization within the Spanish context and in order to explore these realities in more depth, a systematic review of empirical articles with their own methodology was carried out. It includes those manuscripts published over the last decade by Spanish Sociology journals with the highest impact factor. After identifying 101 general studies that met the initial inclusion criteria, 34 were chosen whose subject of study included online social mobilization and/or used virtual ethnography as a research technique. The final sample for analysis was drawn from these, comprising the 16 publications that addressed this issue as the central topic. Among the main results obtained we have the scarcity of publications on the virtual dimension of social mobilization, as well as the growing use and adaptation of virtual ethnography as a research methodology for studying this field of knowledge. Likewise, the potential of the Internet to amplify the impact of demands, the need to break the online-offline dichotomy, the creation of new narratives and the transformation of the symbolic production of contemporary social movements are noteworthy.

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Technical information

Received: 23-10-2020

Revised: 17-12-2020

Accepted: 15-02-2021

OnlineFirst: 15-04-2021

Publication date: 01-07-2021

Article revision time: 55 days | Average time revision issue 68: 37 days

Article acceptance time: 115 days | Average time of acceptance issue 68: 78 days

Preprint editing time: 206 days | Average editing time preprint issue 68: 168 days

Article editing time: 251 days | Average editing time issue 68: 213 days


Metrics of this article

Views: 28547

Abstract readings: 24514

PDF downloads: 4033

Full metrics of Comunicar 68

Views: 322085

Abstract readings: 279779

PDF downloads: 42306

Cited by

Cites in Web of Science

Mellado-Moreno, PC; Patino-Maso, J; (...); Estebanell-Minguell, M. Speeches on Facebook and Twitter about the educational use of smartphones in the classroom REVISTA LATINA DE COMUNICACION SOCIAL, 2022.


Belli, S; Revilla, JC; (...); Puyod, AG. Discourse frames of an emergent environmental movement and its impact of social media REVISTA ESPANOLA DE SOCIOLOGIA 31 (2), 2022.

Rodriguez, LM. Users' participation forms on the digital press. Cubadebate as case study CUADERNOS INFO, 2022.

Cites in Scopus

Rodríguez, L.M.. Users’ participation forms on the digital press. Cubadebate as case study),, .

Mellado-Moreno, P.C., Patiño-Masó, J., Ramos-Pardo, F.J., Estebanell-Minguell, M. . Speeches on Facebook and Twitter about the educational use of smartphones in the classroom ), Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social , .

Belli, S., Revilla, J.C., Díez, S.S., Puyod, A.G.. Discourse frames of an emergent environmental movement and its impact of social media), Revista Espanola de Sociologia, .

Gómez, M.E.M., Baca, J.E.P.. The journalistic coverage of social movements in Ibero-America), Comunicacion y Sociedad, .

Pérez-Rodríguez, A., Jaramillo-Dent, D., Alencar, A.. Digital Social Media Cultures: New Languages and Configurations for Participation, Dialogue and Collectivity ), Icono 14, .

Castillo-Esparcia, A., Caro-Castaño, L., Almansa-Martínez, A. . Evolution of digital activism on social media: opportunities and challenges ), Profesional de la Informacion, .

Cites in Google Scholar

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Morán-Neches, L., & Rodríguez-Suárez, J. (2022). Perspectiva y análisis de género en las investigaciones sobre movimientos sociales y feminismos en el contexto español: una revisión sistemática.

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Del mito a la viralidad. El caso de la campaña de Cruzcampo que resucitó a Lola Flores I Palomo-Domínguez - aDResearch: Revista Internacional de …, 2021 -

Culturas digitales en las redes sociales A Pérez-Rodríguez, D Jaramillo-Dent… - Revista ICONO 14 …, 2022 -


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How to cite

Rodríguez-Suárez, J., Morán-Neches, L., & Herrero-Olaizola, J. (2021). Online research, new languages and symbolism of digital activism: A systematic review. [Investigación en red, nuevos lenguajes y simbologías del activismo digital: Una revisión sistemática]. Comunicar, 68, 47-58.



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