
Digital culture, higher education, students, countervalues, digital risks, media education


The digital ethosphere, as a cultural environment of digital interactions, provides spaces for social and citizen participation where certain values and counter-values are promoted that determine the users’ construction of their personal and cultural identity. The lack of studies that analyze the counter-values immersed in digital interactions and spaces has led to the development of this study, which seeks to analyze the students' perception of the presence of counter-values on the Internet by examining the social sphere (with classmates, friends or family), the type and the way in which they are transmitted, as well as the associated risks (information or communication) and the resources or applications available. A mixed methodological approach study was designed through an ad-hoc questionnaire that was answered by 305 students from education and teacher training faculties. The results indicated that the majority of students identify the presence of counter-values when using the Internet, highlighting manipulation and violence, followed by lack of respect, inequality, and dishonesty, as well as the risks associated with information and communication, emphasizing the implicit presence of counter-values in the social networks logics and discourses. The conclusions provide evidence on the need to include values education in critical media education, reinforcing the preparation of future teachers who can teach how to deconstruct and eradicate counter-values in the digital sphere.

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Technical information

Received: 27-02-2021

Revised: 29-03-2021

Accepted: 27-04-2021

OnlineFirst: 15-06-2021

Publication date: 01-10-2021

Article revision time: 30 days | Average time revision issue 69: 30 days

Article acceptance time: 59 days | Average time of acceptance issue 69: 69 days

Preprint editing time: 171 days | Average editing time preprint issue 69: 181 days

Article editing time: 216 days | Average editing time issue 69: 226 days


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Cited by

Cites in Web of Science

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Gozalvez-Perez, V and Cortijo-Ruiz, G. Human development and social media in digital societies SOPHIA-COLECCION DE FILOSOFIA DE LA EDUCACION, 2023.

Cites in Scopus

Martín-Cuadrado, A.M., Lavandera-Ponce, S., Mora-Jaureguialde, B., Sánchez-Romero, C., Pérez-Sánchez, L. . Working methodology with public universities in peru during the pandemic-continuity of virtual/online teaching and learning), Education Sciences, .

Caldeiro-Pedreira, M.-C., Renés-Arellano, P., Castillo-Abdul, B., Aguaded, I.. YouTube videos for young children: an exploratory study), Digital Education Review, .

Gozálvez-Pérez, V., Cortijo-Ruiz, G.. Human development and social media in digital societies ), Sophia(Ecuador), .

Open Access Lena-Acebo, F.-J., Renés-Arellano, P., Hernández-Serrano, M.-J., Caldeiro-Pedreira, M.-C. . Knowing how to share and to protect oneself: key factors on digital cybercritical education for children ), Profesional de la Informacion, .

Geng, Y., Chen, L., Li, J., Iqbal, K.. Higher education and digital Economy: Analysis of their coupling coordination with the Yangtze River economic Belt in China as the example), Ecological Indicators, .

Cites in Google Scholar

Martín-Cuadrado, A. M., Lavandera-Ponce, S., Mora-Jaureguialde, B., Sánchez-Romero, C., & Pérez-Sánchez, L. (2021). Working Methodology with Public Universities in Peru during the Pandemic-Continuity of Virtual/Online Teaching and Learning. Education Sciences, 11(7), 351.

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How to cite

Renés-Arellano, P., Hernández-Serrano, M., Caldeiro-Pedreira, M., & Alvites-Huamaní, C. (2021). Countervalues of the digital ethos perceived by future trainers. [Contravalores del ethos digital percibidos por futuros formadores]. Comunicar, 69, 57-67.



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