Published issues

Vol. XXI, No. 41, 2nd semester, June 2013

Black holes of Communication

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Three decades of spanish communication research: Towards legal age

David Fernández-Quijada, Barcelona (Spain) & Pere Masip-Masip, Barcelona (Spain).

Spanish scientific output in communication sciences in WOS. The scientific journals in SSCI (2007-12)

Daniela de-Filippo, Madrid (Spain).

Internationalization and coauthorship in major communication journals in Spain

Eudald Escribà-Sales, Barcelona (Spain) & Sergi Cortiñas, Barcelona (Spain).

The impact of scientific journals of communication: Comparing Google Scholar Metrics, Web of Science and Scopus

Emilio Delgado-López-Cózar, Granada (Spain) & Rafael Repiso-Caballero, Granada (Spain).

Altmetrics: New indicators for scientific communication in Web 2.0

Daniel Torres-Salinas, Pamplona (Spain), Álvaro Cabezas-Clavijo, Granada (Spain) & Evaristo Jiménez-Contreras, Granada (Spain).

Spanish communication academia: Scientific productivity vs. Social activity

Cristóbal Casanueva-Rocha, Sevilla (Spain) & Francisco-Javier Caro-González, Sevilla (Spain).

The multidisciplinarity in Spanish and foreign communication journals

Jorge Mañana-Rodríguez, Madrid (Spain) & Beatriz Sierra-Arizmendiarrieta, Oviedo (Spain).

The videoarticle: New reporting format in scientific journals and its integration in MOOCs

Esteban Vázquez-Cano, Madrid (Spain).

Methodological approaches to study interactivity in communication journals

Ana Milojevic, Belgrado (Serbia), Jelena Kleut, Belgrado (Serbia) & Danka Ninković, Belgrado (Serbia).

Bibliometric analysis of research on women and advertising: Differences in print and audiovisual media

Marián Navarro-Beltrá, Alicante (Spain) & Marta Martín-Llaguno, Alicante (Spain).

Informal learning through Facebook among Slovenian pupils

Karmen Erjavec, Liubliana (Slovenia).

Ethos, pathos and logos in Facebook. User networking: New «rhetor» of the 21th century

Inmaculada Berlanga-Fernández, La Rioja (Spain), Francisco García-García, Madrid (Spain) & Juan-Salvador Victoria-Mas, Málaga (Spain).

The reasons for non-use of social networking websites by university students

Zeynep Turan, Erzurum (Turkey), Hasan Tinmaz, Estambul (Turkey) & Yuksel Goktas, Erzurum (Turkey).

The role of the Internet and social networks in the arab uprisings an alternative to official press censorship

Xosé Soengas-Pérez, Santiago de Compostela (Spain).

Masking as a persuasive strategy in advertising for young

Jesús Bermejo-Berros, Segovia (Spain).

Connecting generations. A research and learning approach for media education and audience studies

Cristina Ponte, Lisboa (Portugal) & Piermarco Aroldi, Milán (Italy).

Advertising stereotypes and gender representation in social networking sites

Iolanda Tortajada-Giménez, Tarragona (Spain), Núria Araüna-Baró, Tarragona (Spain) & Inmaculada-José Martínez-Martínez, Murcia (Spain).

Gender representation in advertising of toys in the Christmas period (2009-12)

Esther Martínez-Pastor, Madrid (Spain), Miguel-Ángel Nicolás-Ojeda, Murcia (Spain) & Álvaro Salas-Martínez, Madrid (Spain).

The influence of social networks on the adolescents’ online practices

Antonio García-Jiménez, Madrid (Spain), María-Cruz López-de-Ayala-López, Madrid (Spain) & Beatriz Catalina-García, Madrid (Spain).

Intimacy and «extimacy» in social networks. Ethical boundaries of facebook

Lucía Tello-Díaz, Madrid (Spain).

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