
Mixed-methods, e-research, technologies, learning design, educational research, case study, literature review, Delphi study


Nowadays, technologies play a key role in educational research processes, especially in the context of complex designs or integrative perspectives (qualitative and quantitative). Affordances provided by new tools and technological devices are constantly impacting the way educational research is carried out. Consequently, this growing importance (and dependence on) technology for educational research calls for a deeper reflection, not only about its clear benefits, but also about its potential drawbacks and limitations. This paper explores this tension in a specific mixed-methods research design aimed at understanding the barriers preventing the adoption of Learning Design (LD) tools/methods, a significant problem in the research field of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL). Different actors (teachers and researchers) were involved in the research design, which included a systematic literature review, a Delphi study and a case study. Such an articulated design required the adoption of technologies to support the process in all its phases. The paper describes the main methodological implications of the employed technologies in the different methods applied and in the overall research. The conclusions of the paper highlight that while technologies definitely support a higher level of complexity and articulation of the research design, they might also lead to superficial or biased results.

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Technical information

Received: 28-02-2020

Revised: 16-03-2020

Accepted: 27-04-2020

OnlineFirst: 15-06-2020

Publication date: 01-10-2020

Article revision time: 17 days | Average time revision issue 65: 36 days

Article acceptance time: 59 days | Average time of acceptance issue 65: 79 days

Preprint editing time: 171 days | Average editing time preprint issue 65: 191 days

Article editing time: 216 days | Average editing time issue 65: 236 days


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Cites in Web of Science

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Manetti, A; Lara-Navarra, P and Sanchez-Navarro, J. Design process for the generation of future education scenarios Comunicar, 2022.

Cites in Scopus

Bastias, M.P., García, C.M. . Use of digital technologies to meet special educational needs in the teaching training of differential teachers | [Uso de tecnologías digitales para atender Necesidades Educativas Especiales en la Formación docente del educador Diferencial]), Pixel-Bit, Revista de Medios y Educacion, .

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How to cite

Dagnino, F., Dimitriadis, Y., Pozzi, F., Rubia-Avi, B., & Asensio-Pérez, J. (2020). The role of supporting technologies in a mixed methods research design. [El rol de las tecnologías de apoyo en un diseño de investigación de métodos mixtos]. Comunicar, 65, 53-63.



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