Marina Casadellà, Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain)
Mariona Massip-Sabater, Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain)
Neus González-Monfort, Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain)
Alfredo Dias-Gomes, Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon (Portugal)
Maria-João Barroso-Hortas, Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon (Portugal)
Education for the future, education policies, public policy, citizenship education, democracy, and teacher training
In a historical moment, where the future is considered a threat, it seems highly relevant to teach the ability to imagine desirable futures. In line with this, Education for the Future (EF), from the Anglo-Saxon tradition, represents a reference to give a response to negative images about the idea of the future. On the other hand, the competences for democratic culture defined by the Council of Europe provide the basis for the elaboration of a theoretical framework that includes the imagination of democratic and sustainable futures as one of its main conceptual axes. Given this theoretical context, this study analyses official documents of public policies carried out in the Iberian context, to examine the treatment of the idea of future in education systems. Specifically, three levels of public policies have been studied: state educational laws, primary education curricula and institutional teacher training policies. The public policies have been analysed using the normative method of content analysis, with a syntactic sampling strategy, calculating the absolute and relative frequency of the units of analysis. Results show that there are few references to the construction of the concept of the future in public policies and suggest that the opportunity to educate others on the imagination of desirable futures may be being wasted.
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Technical information
Received: 22-02-2022
Revised: 06-04-2022
Accepted: 12-05-2022
OnlineFirst: 30-06-2022
Publication date: 01-10-2022
Article revision time: 43 days | Average time revision issue 73: 44 days
Article acceptance time: 79 days | Average time of acceptance issue 73: 89 days
Preprint editing time: 176 days | Average editing time preprint issue 73: 186 days
Article editing time: 221 days | Average editing time issue 73: 231 days
Metrics of this article
Views: 38988
Abstract readings: 36773
PDF downloads: 2215
Full metrics of Comunicar 73
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Abstract readings: 378855
PDF downloads: 30614
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Cites in Web of Science
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Cites in Scopus
Caro Valverde, M.T. . Coalescence between criticism and creation in metacognitive text commentaries and transductive stories: a multiple case study in student portfolios in Primary Education Degree), Revista Interuniversitaria de Formacion del Profesorado, .
Benites, L.E.H., Villalba-Condori, K.O., Hidalgo, G.P.G., Rondon, D., Mamani-Calcina, J.. Education for the Future in Latin American University Educational Models), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, .
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How to cite
Casadellà, M., Massip-Sabater, M., González-Monfort, N., Dias-Gomes, A., & Barroso-Hortas, M. (2022). Imagination, education for the future and democratic culture: Educational policies in the Iberian Peninsula. [Imaginación, educación para el futuro y cultura democrática: Políticas educativas en la Península Ibérica]. Comunicar, 73, 57-67.