Published issues

Vol. XX, No. 40, 1st semester, 3 2013

Interactive Youth

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Young people and social networks: Motivations and preferred uses

Pilar Colás-Bravo, University of Seville (Spain), Teresa González-Ramírez, Sevilla (Spain) & Juan de-Pablos-Pons, University of Seville (Spain).

Interactions of young Andalusian people inside social networks

César Bernal-Bravo, Madrid (Spain) & Félix Angulo-Rasco, Cádiz (Spain).

Youth’s usage of leisure time with video games and social networks

Beatriz Muros-Ruiz, Madrid (Spain), Yolanda Aragón-Carretero, Granada (Spain) & Antonio Bustos-Jiménez, Granada (Spain).

The «i-Generation» and its interaction in social networks. An analysis of Coca-Cola on Tuenti

Carmen Marta-Lazo, Zaragoza (Spain), Estrella Martínez-Rodrigo, Granada (Spain) & Lourdes Sánchez-Martín, Granada (Spain).

Learning about power and citizenship in an online virtual world

David Buckingham, Londres (United Kingdom) & Carlos Rodríguez-Hoyos, Santander (Spain).

Interactive youth and civic cultures: The educational, mediatic and political meaning of the 15M

Elisa Hernández-Merayo, Granada (Spain), Mª-Carmen Robles-Vílchez, Granada (Spain) & Juan-Bautista Martínez-Rodríguez, Granada (Spain).

Everyday racism and «My tram experience»: Emotion, civic performance and learning on YouTube

Shakuntala Banaji, Londres (Spain).

Expanding community: Youth, social networking and schools

Amy Stornaiuolo, Filadelfia (United States), Jennifer DiZio, Berkeley (United States) & Emily Hellmich, Berkeley (United States).

Learning lives connected: Digital youth across school and community spaces

Ola Erstad, University of Oslo (Norway), Øystein Gilje, Oslo (Norway) & Hans-Christian Arnseth, Oslo (Norway).

New media as a tool for civic learning

Ellen Middaugh, Oakland (United States) & Joseph Kahne, Oakland (United States).

The e-research on media & communications: Attitudes, tools and practices in Latin America researchers

Carlos Arcila-Calderón, Univeristy of Salamanca (Spain), José-Luis Piñuel-Raigada, Madrid (Spain) & Mabel Calderín-Cruz, Caracas (Venezuela).

Communication technology in the home environment of four-year-old children (Slovenia)

Jurka Lepicnik-Vodopivec, Primorska (Slovenia) & Pija Samec, Primorska (Slovenia).

Social networks and young people. Comparative study of Facebook between Colombia and Spain

Ana Almansa-Martínez, Málaga (Spain), Oscar Fonseca, Bogotá (Colombia) & Antonio Castillo-Esparcia, Málaga (Spain).

TV broadcasters and research on TV and children

Miguel-Ángel Ortiz-Sobrino, Madrid (Spain), José-Antonio Ruiz-San-Román, Madrid (Spain) & Elba Díaz-Cerveró, Madrid (Spain).

A children’s observatory of television: «Observar TV», a space for dialogue between children

Jair Vega-Casanova, Barranquilla (Colombia) & Andrea Lafaurie-Molina, Barcelona (Spain).

The notion of violence in television fiction: Children’s interpretation

Sue Aran-Ramspott, Barcelona (Spain) & Miquel Rodrigo-Alsina, Barcelona (Spain).

Disability in the perception of technology among university students

Ainara Zubillaga-del-Río, Madrid (Spain) & Carmen Alba-Pastor, Madrid (Spain).

Media literacy, participation and accountability for the media of generation of silence

María-Esther del-Moral-Pérez, Oviedo (Spain) & Lourdes Villalustre-Martínez, Oviedo (Spain).

Cultural diversity across the networks: The case of national cinema

Margarita Ledo-Andión, Santiago de Compostela (Spain) & Enrique Castelló-Mayo, Santiago de Compostela (Spain).

The participation and web visibility of university digital repositories in the European context

Aurora Calderón-Martínez, Alicante (Spain) & Enar Ruiz-Conde, Alicante (Spain).

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