
  • Comunicar 79:
  • Comunicar 78:
  • Comunicar 77: 新的语言和文化。全球和数字沟通背景下的语言教学
  • Comunicar 76: 课堂上应用的神经技术:当前的研究及其潜在未来
  • Comunicar 75: 数字平台上的青年人、性别认同和权力
  • Comunicar 74: 数字公民教育:算法、自动化和通信
  • Comunicar 73: 面向未来的教育:可持续性和社会正义的前景
  • Comunicar 72: 虚假信息的社会:假新闻对公共领域的影响
  • Annual and global WoS and Scopus Comunicar article metrics

    Annual rankings on official Web of Science and Scopus citations

    2025 - 2024 - 2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010 - 2009 - 2008 - 2007

    Global ranking on official Web of Science and Scopus citations

    Data update: 2020-10-15

    POS PUB Author Global ranking on official Web of Science and Scopus citations WOS Cites Scopus Cites Total Article Quartil Article Percentil
    1/782 2012 Ferrés Media competence. Articulated proposal of dimensions and indicators 202 139 341 Q1 99%
    2/782 2016 Fernández-Cruz Generation Z’s teachers and their digital skills 128 152 280 Q1 99%
    3/782 2012 Gutiérrez-Martín Media education, media literacy and digital competence 112 133 245 Q1 99%
    4/782 2012 Area-Moreira From solid to liquid: New literacies to the cultural changes of Web 2.0 107 127 234 Q1 98%
    5/782 2016 Area-Moreira Models of educational integration of ICTs in the classroom 119 93 212 Q1 98%
    6/782 2013 Colás-Bravo Young people and social networks: Motivations and preferred uses 103 106 209 Q1 98%
    7/782 2018 Ramírez-Montoya Co-creation and open innovation: Systematic literature review 92 117 209 Q1 98%
    8/782 2012 Gómez-Aguilar The academic use of social networks among university students 109 88 197 Q1 98%
    9/782 2014 García-Valcárcel-Muñoz-Repiso ICT in collaborative learning in the classrooms of Primary and Secondary Education 82 99 181 Q1 98%
    10/782 2009 Flores-Vivar New models of communication, profiles and trends in social networks 93 85 178 Q1 98%
    11/782 2016 Pérez-Escoda Digital skills in the Z generation: Key questions for a curricular introduction in Primary School 91 85 176 Q1 98%
    12/782 2013 Torres-Salinas Altmetrics: New indicators for scientific communication in Web 2.0 78 88 166 Q1 97%
    13/782 2014 García-Ruiz Media literacy education for a new prosumer citizenship 91 71 162 Q1 97%
    14/782 2019 Pereira Young people learning from digital media outside of school: The informal meets the formal 74 75 149 Q1 97%
    15/782 2012 Pérez-Rodríguez From digital and audiovisual competence to media competence: Dimensions and indicators 80 57 137 Q1 97%
    16/782 2009 Tejedor-Tejedor A scale for the measurement of university teachers’ attitudes towards the integration of ICT 72 59 131 Q1 97%
    17/782 2018 Montero-Díaz A science mapping analysis of ‘Communication’ WoS subject category (1980-2013) 65 64 129 Q1 97%
    18/782 2018 Pérez-Torres YouTuber videos and the construction of adolescent identity 59 67 126 Q1 97%
    19/782 2016 Romera Cyberbullying: Social competence, motivation and peer relationships 60 62 122 Q1 97%
    20/782 2015 Bartolomé-Pina Are MOOCs promising learning environments? 59 62 121 Q1 96%
    21/782 2014 Cabero-Almenara Educational possibilities of social networks and group work. University students’ perceptions 69 49 118 Q1 96%
    22/782 2015 Chiappe-Laverde Literature and practice: A critical review of MOOCs 58 60 118 Q1 96%
    23/782 2017 Álvarez-García Cyberaggression among adolescents: Prevalence and gender differences 60 56 116 Q1 96%
    24/782 2013 Delgado-López-Cózar The impact of scientific journals of communication: Comparing Google Scholar Metrics, Web of Science and Scopus 49 66 115 Q1 96%
    25/782 2015 Fernández-Montalvo Internet use habits and risk behaviours in preadolescence 60 54 114 Q1 96%
    26/782 2012 Casero-Ripollés Beyond newspapers: News consumption among young people in the digital era 51 62 113 Q1 96%
    27/782 2014 Quintas-Froufe Active audiences: Social audience participation in television 54 56 110 Q1 96%
    28/782 2019 Engen Understanding social and cultural aspects of teachers’ digital competencies 57 51 108 Q1 95%
    29/782 2017 Romero-Martín Formative assessment, communication skills and ICT in Initial teacher education 53 54 107 Q1 95%
    30/782 2015 Castaño-Garrido Design, motivation and performance in a cooperative MOOC course 51 56 107 Q1 95%
    31/782 2011 Sloep Learning networks, networked learning 52 52 104 Q1 95%
    32/782 2015 López-Meneses Analysis and implications of the impact of MOOC movement in the scientific community: JCR and Scopus (2010-13) 47 57 104 Q1 95%
    33/782 2013 Aguaded The MOOC revolution: A new form of education from the technological paradigm? 55 48 103 Q1 95%
    34/782 2015 Durán-Segura Cyberbullying trough mobile phone and the Internet in dating relationships among youth people 45 58 103 Q1 95%
    35/782 2016 Serrano-Puche Internet and emotions: New trends in an emerging field of research 53 49 102 Q1 95%
    36/782 2014 García-Galera Engaged youth in Internet. The role of social networks in social active participation 49 52 101 Q1 94%
    37/782 2013 García-Jiménez The influence of social networks on the adolescents’ online practices 49 51 100 Q1 94%
    38/782 2013 Fernández-Quijada Three decades of spanish communication research: Towards legal age 47 53 100 Q1 94%
    39/782 2017 Tur Using Twitter in Higher Education in Spain and the USA 49 50 99 Q1 94%
    40/782 2012 del-Rey The ConRed program, an evidence-based practice 51 47 98 Q1 94%
    41/782 2014 Marín-Juarros Construction of the foundations of the PLE and PLN for collaborative learning 48 48 96 Q1 94%
    42/782 2017 Andújar-Vaca Mobile instant messaging: Whatsapp and its potential to develop oral skills 45 51 96 Q1 94%
    43/782 2014 Berrocal-Gonzalo Media prosumers in political communication: Politainment on YouTube 39 55 94 Q1 94%
    44/782 2010 Salmerón-Pérez Methodologies to improve communication in virtual learning environments 60 33 93 Q1 93%
    45/782 2018 Aran-Ramspott YouTubers' social functions and their influence on pre-adolescence 45 48 93 Q1 93%
    46/782 2016 Torres-Díaz Internet use and academic success in university students 48 44 92 Q1 93%
    47/782 2009 Cebrián-Herreros Interactive communication in the cybermedia 46 46 92 Q1 93%
    48/782 2016 Ortega-Barón The influence of school climate and family climate among adolescents victims of cyberbullying 1 90 91 Q1 93%
    49/782 2014 Abad-Alcalá Media literacy for older people facing the digital divide: The e-inclusion programmes design 41 47 88 Q1 93%
    50/782 2020 Ramírez-Montoya Systematic review of mixed methods in the framework of educational innovation 34 54 88 Q1 93%
    51/782 2013 Muros-Ruiz Youth’s usage of leisure time with video games and social networks 47 40 87 Q1 93%
    52/782 2012 Agudo-Prado Uses of digital tools among the elderly 43 44 87 Q1 92%
    53/782 2011 Repiso-Caballero Bibliometric and social network analysis applied to television dissertations presented in Spain (1976/2007) 50 36 86 Q1 92%
    54/782 2010 Prendes-Espinosa ICT competences of future teachers 49 36 85 Q1 92%
    55/782 2015 Marcelo-García University teaching with digital technologies 34 51 85 Q1 92%
    56/782 2018 Montes-Vozmediano Teen videos on YouTube: Features and digital vulnerabilities 43 41 84 Q1 92%
    57/782 2014 Cabalín-Quijada Online and mobilized students: The use of Facebook in the Chilean student protests 42 42 84 Q1 92%
    58/782 2017 López-García Technological skills and new professional profiles: Present challenges for journalism 43 40 83 Q1 92%
    59/782 2013 Almansa-Martínez Social networks and young people. Comparative study of Facebook between Colombia and Spain 43 39 82 Q1 92%
    60/782 2016 Crescenzi-Lanna An analysis of the interaction design of the best educational apps for children Aged zero to eight 38 44 82 Q1 91%
    61/782 2018 Bartau-Rojas Parental mediation of the Internet use of Primary students: beliefs, strategies and difficulties 37 45 82 Q1 91%
    62/782 2010 Ramos-Elizondo Developing cognitive skills with mobile learning: A case study 44 37 81 Q1 91%
    63/782 2014 García-Galera Media prosumers. Participatory culture of audiences and media responsibility 37 44 81 Q1 91%
    64/782 2015 Llorente-Barroso Internet and the elderly: Enhancing active ageing 32 48 80 Q1 91%
    65/782 2015 Peral-Peral From digital divide to psycho-digital divide: Elders and online social networks 31 49 80 Q1 91%
    66/782 2018 Osuna-Acedo From sMOOC to tMOOC, learning towards professional transference. ECO European Project 47 32 79 Q1 91%
    67/782 2018 Pérez-Manzano Gamification and transmedia for scientific promotion and for encouraging scientific careers in adolescents 42 37 79 Q1 91%
    68/782 2018 Yudes-Gómez Cyberbullying and problematic Internet use in Colombia, Uruguay and Spain: Cross-cultural study 40 39 79 Q1 90%
    69/782 2012 Aparici Pedagogy of interactivity 50 28 78 Q1 90%
    70/782 2018 Senabre Participatory design of citizen science experiments 39 37 76 Q1 90%
    71/782 2014 Gewerc-Barujel Collaboration and social networking in Higher education 38 38 76 Q1 90%
    72/782 2007 Ferrés Competence in media studies: its dimensions and indicators 75 0 75 Q1 90%
    73/782 2019 García-Martín Use of technologies and academic performance in adolescent students 41 34 75 Q1 90%
    74/782 2018 Malo-Cerrato Excessive use of social networks: Psychosocial profile of Spanish adolescents 37 37 74 Q1 90%
    75/782 2013 Tortajada-Giménez Advertising stereotypes and gender representation in social networking sites 35 39 74 Q1 90%
    76/782 2013 Buckingham Interactive youth: New citizenship between social networks and school settings 38 35 73 Q1 89%
    77/782 2014 Gozálvez-Pérez Empowering media citizenship through educommunication 33 40 73 Q1 89%
    78/782 2015 González-Oñate Use, consumption and knowledge of new technologies by elderly people in France, United Kingdom and Spain 31 42 73 Q1 89%
    79/782 2019 García-Valcárcel-Muñoz-Repiso Robotics to develop computational thinking in early Childhood Education 29 44 73 Q1 89%
    80/782 2013 Bernal-Bravo Interactions of young Andalusian people inside social networks 42 30 72 Q1 89%
    81/782 2016 Ramírez-García Media competence of teachers and students of compulsory education in Spain 40 32 72 Q1 89%
    82/782 2019 Santana-Vega Adolescents problematic mobile phone use, Fear of Missing Out and family communication 35 37 72 Q1 89%
    83/782 2016 Romero-Rodríguez Dimensions and indicators of the information quality in digital media 35 36 71 Q1 88%
    84/782 2015 Roig-Vila Primary teachers’ technological, pedagogical and content knowledge 31 39 70 Q1 88%
    85/782 2018 Aparici Prosumers and emirecs: Analysis of two confronted theories 39 29 68 Q1 88%
    86/782 2015 Raposo-Rivas A study on the pedagogical components of massive online courses 36 32 68 Q1 88%
    87/782 2017 Fombona M-learning and augmented reality: A review of the scientific literature on the WoS repository 33 35 68 Q1 88%
    88/782 2019 Miralles-Martínez Digital resources and didactic methodology in the initial training of History teachers 31 37 68 Q1 88%
    89/782 2021 Manfredi-Sánchez Presidential Twitter in the face of COVID-19: Between populism and pop politics 27 41 68 Q1 88%
    90/782 2017 Baraybar-Fernández Evaluation of emotional responses to television advertising through neuromarketing 36 31 67 Q1 88%
    91/782 2018 Díez-Gutiérrez Ubiquitous learning ecologies for a critical cybercitizenship 36 31 67 Q1 87%
    92/782 2021 Moreno-Guerrero Flipped learning and good teaching practices in secondary education 30 37 67 Q1 87%
    93/782 2013 Escribà-Sales Internationalization and coauthorship in major communication journals in Spain 30 37 67 Q1 87%
    94/782 2009 Hinojo-Lucena Student´s perceptions of blended learning at university 37 29 66 Q1 87%
    95/782 2014 Hernández-Sellés Planning collaborative learning in virtual environments 36 30 66 Q1 87%
    96/782 2011 Domingo-Coscollola Classroom 2.0 experiences and building on the use of ICT in teaching 40 25 65 Q1 87%
    97/782 2013 Soengas-Pérez The role of the Internet and social networks in the arab uprisings an alternative to official press censorship 32 33 65 Q1 87%
    98/782 2014 Vanderhoven Educating teens about the risks on social network sites. An intervention study in Secondary Education 27 38 65 Q1 87%
    99/782 2010 Guerra-Liaño Study on the use of ICTs as teaching tools by university instructors 48 16 64 Q1 86%
    100/782 2011 Imbernón-Muñoz Teaching skills in virtual and blended learning environments 37 27 64 Q1 86%
    101/782 2017 Hernández-Serrano From prosumer to prodesigner: Participatory news consumption 37 27 64 Q1 86%
    102/782 2018 del-Rey 'Asegúrate' Program: Effects on cyber-aggression and its risk factors 33 31 64 Q1 86%
    103/782 2014 Dafonte-Gómez The key elements of viral advertising. From motivation to emotion in the most shared videos 29 35 64 Q1 86%
    104/782 2012 Tejedor-Calvo Challenges and risks of Internet use by children. How to empower minors? 31 32 63 Q1 86%
    105/782 2019 Colás-Bravo The development of the digital teaching competence from a sociocultural approach 35 27 62 Q1 86%
    106/782 2017 Cuesta-Cambra The cognitive processing of an educational app with EEG and ’Eye Tracking’ 32 30 62 Q1 86%
    107/782 2013 Vázquez-Cano The videoarticle: New reporting format in scientific journals and its integration in MOOCs 31 31 62 Q1 85%
    108/782 2016 Suárez-Guerrero Teachers’ perceptions of the digital transformation of the classroom through the use of tablets: A study in spain 31 31 62 Q1 85%
    109/782 2020 González-Sanmamed Digital learning ecologies and professional development of university professors 40 20 60 Q1 85%
    110/782 2013 de-Filippo Spanish scientific output in communication sciences in WOS. The scientific journals in SSCI (2007-12) 24 36 60 Q1 85%
    111/782 2015 Saracchini A mobile augmented reality assistive technology for the elderly 23 37 60 Q1 85%
    112/782 2016 de-Andrés-del-Campo The transformative image. The power of a photograph for social change: The death of Aylan 31 28 59 Q1 85%
    113/782 2014 Leinonen Design thinking and collaborative learning 24 35 59 Q1 85%
    114/782 2014 Pérez-Mateo-Subirà Collaborative construction of a project as a methodology for acquiring digital competences 31 27 58 Q1 85%
    115/782 2018 Gutiérrez-Porlán Strategies for the communication and collaborative online work by university students 30 28 58 Q1 84%
    116/782 2012 Aguaded Media proficiency, an educational initiative that cannot wait 36 21 57 Q1 84%
    117/782 2010 Gutiérrez-Martín Digital tribes in the university classrooms 34 23 57 Q1 84%
    118/782 2019 Zhang The ‘danmu’ phenomenon and media participation: Intercultural understanding and language learning through ‘The... 29 28 57 Q1 84%
    119/782 2015 López-Romero Teaching media literacy in colleges of education and communication 26 31 57 Q1 84%
    120/782 2015 Colombo New elders, old divides: ICTs, inequalities and well being amongst young elderly Italians 24 33 57 Q1 84%
    121/782 2015 Sureda-Negre Academic plagiarism among secondary and High School students: Differences in gender and procrastination 24 33 57 Q1 84%
    122/782 2016 Gutiérrez-Martín Watching and tweeting: Youngsters’ responses to media representations of resistance 32 24 56 Q1 84%
    123/782 2013 Hernández-Merayo Interactive youth and civic cultures: The educational, mediatic and political meaning of the 15M 28 28 56 Q1 83%
    124/782 2009 García-Galera A theoretical analysis proposal on mobile phone use by adolescents 26 29 55 Q1 83%
    125/782 2019 Vizcaíno-Verdú Reading and informal learning trends on YouTube: The booktuber 30 24 54 Q1 83%
    126/782 2016 Gertrudis-Casado Professional information skills and open data. Challenges for citizen empowerment and social change 30 24 54 Q1 83%
    127/782 2014 Lee Media literacy and information literacy: Similarities and differences 26 28 54 Q1 83%
    128/782 2015 Gómez-Mompart Spanish journalists and the loss of news quality: Professional judgements 22 32 54 Q1 83%
    129/782 2008 Pérez-Tornero Multi-screen society: a challenge for media literacy 31 21 52 Q1 83%
    130/782 2018 Giménez-Gualdo Teachers’ and students’ perception about cyberbullying. Intervention and coping strategies in primary and secondary... 26 26 52 Q1 83%
    131/782 2016 Peña-Fernández European newspapers’ digital transition: New products and new audiences 21 31 52 Q1 82%
    132/782 2008 Belmonte-Arocha Co-educating the gaze against gender stereotypes in TV 33 18 51 Q1 82%
    133/782 2017 Vidales-Bolaños Connected teens: Measuring the impact of mobile phones on social relationships through social capital 30 21 51 Q1 82%
    134/782 2019 Gallego-Arrufat Competence of future teachers in the digital security area 29 22 51 Q1 82%
    135/782 2020 Garaigordobil Bullying and cyberbullying in LGBT adolescents: Prevalence and effects on mental health 28 23 51 Q1 82%
    136/782 2019 Silva Teacher’s digital competence among final year Pedagogy students in Chile and Uruguay 23 28 51 Q1 82%
    137/782 2012 Moeller «The world unplugged» and «24 Hours without media»: Media literacy to develop self-awareness regarding media 22 29 51 Q1 82%
    138/782 2015 Fedorov The framework of media education and media criticism in the contemporary world: The opinion of international experts 30 20 50 Q1 82%
    139/782 2017 Hershkovizt Teacher-student relationship and Facebook-mediated communication: Student perceptions 26 24 50 Q1 81%
    140/782 2011 Steinbeck Building creative competence in globally distributed courses through design thinking 23 27 50 Q1 81%
    141/782 2010 Hennion Loving music: From a sociology of mediation to a pragmatics of taste 32 17 49 Q1 81%
    142/782 2018 Ramos-Soler Online risk perception in young people and its effects on digital behaviour 26 23 49 Q1 81%
    143/782 2016 Román-García Adults and elders and their use of ICTs. Media competence of digital immigrants 23 26 49 Q1 81%
    144/782 2018 Larrañaga Socio-cognitive and emotional factors on perpetration of cyberbullying 22 27 49 Q1 81%
    145/782 2018 Rey Emotional intelligence and peer cybervictimisation in adolescents: Gender as moderator 23 25 48 Q1 81%
    146/782 2019 Santoveña-Casal Exploring the influence of the teacher: Social participation on Twitter and academic perception 23 25 48 Q1 81%
    147/782 2014 Gomes-Franco-Silva Internet as a haven and social shield. Problematic uses of the network by young Spaniards 23 25 48 Q1 80%
    148/782 2013 Erstad Learning lives connected: Digital youth across school and community spaces 23 25 48 Q1 80%
    149/782 2021 Mora-Rodríguez News consumption and risk perception of Covid-19 in Spain 23 25 48 Q1 80%
    150/782 2011 Checa-Olmos Spaniards’ perspective of immigration. The role of the media 20 28 48 Q1 80%
    151/782 2012 Ramírez-Orellana Attitudes and beliefs of secondary teachers about Internet use in their classrooms 28 19 47 Q1 80%
    152/782 2017 Valdemoros-San-Emeterio Digital leisure and perceived family functioning in youth of upper Secondary Education 26 21 47 Q1 80%
    153/782 2009 Camps-Cervera Media education beyond school 25 22 47 Q1 80%
    154/782 2017 Tuzel The use of social media and popular culture to advance cross-cultural understanding 24 23 47 Q1 80%
    155/782 2021 Marcelo Educational influencers on Twitter. Analysis of hashtags and relationship structure 18 29 47 Q1 79%
    156/782 2016 Oberst Gender stereotypes 2.0: Self-representations of adolescents on Facebook 24 22 46 Q1 79%
    157/782 2018 Rodríguez-Gómez Problematic uses of ICTs among young people in their personal and school life 24 21 45 Q1 79%
    158/782 2015 Hernández-Carranza Evaluation of digital didactic skills in massive open online courses: A contribution to the Latin American movement 20 25 45 Q1 79%
    159/782 2012 Soep The digital afterlife of youth-made media: Implications for media literacy education 22 22 44 Q1 79%
    160/782 2019 Gee Designing for deep learning in the context of digital and social media 21 23 44 Q1 79%
    161/782 2017 Berganza Spanish journalists’ perception about their professional roles 21 23 44 Q1 79%
    162/782 2013 Stornaiuolo Expanding community: Youth, social networking and schools 21 23 44 Q1 78%
    163/782 2012 Dezuanni «Prosuming» across cultures: Youth creating and discussing digital media across borders 26 17 43 Q1 78%
    164/782 2012 Wilson Media and information literacy: Pedagogy and possibilities 24 19 43 Q1 78%
    165/782 2015 Casado-Muñoz Active ageing and access to technology: An evolving empirical study 13 30 43 Q1 78%
    166/782 2009 Frau-Meigs Media education policy: Towards a global rationale 27 15 42 Q1 78%
    167/782 2010 Cabero-Almenara Online students´ satisfaction with blended tearning 24 18 42 Q1 78%
    168/782 2020 Díaz-López Maladaptive use of ICT in adolescence: Profiles, supervision and technological stress 24 17 41 Q1 78%
    169/782 2015 Dornaleteche-Ruiz Categorization, item selection and implementation of an online digital literacy test as media literacy indicator 21 20 41 Q1 78%
    170/782 2011 Gutiérrez-Recacha People with intellectual disability and ICTs 21 20 41 Q1 77%
    171/782 2014 Rubia-Avi Revolution in education: Computer support for collaborative learning 21 20 41 Q1 77%
    172/782 2019 Pertegal-Vega Systematic review of the current state of research on Online Social Networks: Taxonomy on experience of use 20 20 40 Q1 77%
    173/782 2015 Añaños-Carrasco Eyetracker technology in elderly people: How integrated television content is paid attention to and processed 19 21 40 Q1 77%
    174/782 2015 Álvarez Information literacy grade of Secondary School teachers in Spain. Beliefs and self-perceptions 18 22 40 Q1 77%
    175/782 2014 Berrío-Zapata The digital divide in the university: The appropriation of ICT in Higher Education students from Bogota, Colombia 18 22 40 Q1 77%
    176/782 2013 Arcila-Calderón The e-research on media & communications: Attitudes, tools and practices in Latin America researchers 17 23 40 Q1 77%
    177/782 2020 Romeu-Fontanillas Mirroring learning ecologies of outstanding teachers to integrate ICTs in the classroom 24 15 39 Q1 77%
    178/782 2019 Silva-Rodríguez Mobile journalism: Systematic literature review 20 19 39 Q1 76%
    179/782 2019 Gordillo Effectiveness of MOOCs for teachers in safe ICT use training 19 20 39 Q1 76%
    180/782 2016 González-Lizárraga Cyberactivism: A new form of participation for university students 18 21 39 Q1 76%
    181/782 2012 Kendall Critical media literacy after the media 16 23 39 Q1 76%
    182/782 2016 Lacalle The representation of workingwomen in Spanish television fiction 23 15 38 Q1 76%
    183/782 2011 Collis Flexibility in higher education: Revisiting expectations 22 16 38 Q1 76%
    184/782 2021 Erstad Educational practices to transform and connect schools and communities 19 19 38 Q1 76%
    185/782 2018 Soler-Adillon Wikipedia in higher education: Changes in perceived value through content contribution 19 19 38 Q1 76%
    186/782 2020 Gómez-Gonzalvo Video game usage time in adolescents’ academic performance 18 20 38 Q1 75%
    187/782 2011 Aguaded Media education: An international unstoppable phenomenon UN, Europe and Spain support for edu-communication 18 20 38 Q1 75%
    188/782 2017 Wong Seamless language learning: Second language learning with social media 17 21 38 Q1 75%
    189/782 2012 Culver Media literacy and its use as a method to encourage civic engagement 15 23 38 Q1 75%
    190/782 2015 Sánchez-Vera Challenges in the creation, development and implementation of MOOCs: Web Science course at the university of Southampton 15 23 38 Q1 75%
    191/782 2013 Erjavec Informal learning through Facebook among Slovenian pupils 14 24 38 Q1 75%
    192/782 2007 Galán-Fajardo Gender construction and spanish fiction TV 37 0 37 Q1 75%
    193/782 2014 Aguaded From infoxication to the right to communicate 25 12 37 Q1 75%
    194/782 2020 Solano-Fernández Gender equality and ICT in the context of formal education: A systematic review 24 13 37 Q1 74%
    195/782 2011 Gozálvez-Pérez Education for democratic citizenship in a digital culture 22 15 37 Q1 74%
    196/782 2012 Pérez-Tornero Teacher training in media education: Curriculum and international experiences 21 16 37 Q2 74%
    197/782 2011 Aguaded Children and young people: The new interactive generations 20 17 37 Q2 74%
    198/782 2018 Fernández-de-Arroyabe-Olaortua Digital natives: Online audiovisual content consumption, creation and dissemination 20 17 37 Q2 74%
    199/782 2020 Han Personalised learning networks in the university blended learning context 20 17 37 Q2 74%
    200/782 2013 Aguaded Media programme (UE) - International support for media education 19 18 37 Q2 74%
    201/782 2016 Arrabal-Sánchez Communicating in 140 characters. How journalists in Spain use Twitter 19 18 37 Q2 74%
    202/782 2012 Aguaded United Nations aiming at media literacy education 17 20 37 Q2 73%
    203/782 2019 Sáez-López Application of the ubiquitous game with augmented reality in Primary Education 16 21 37 Q2 73%
    204/782 2020 Salinas-Ibáñez Construction of personalized learning pathways through mixed methods 15 22 37 Q2 73%
    205/782 2009 Cebrián-Herreros New forms of communication in the cybermedia 18 18 36 Q2 73%
    206/782 2017 Sánchez-Valle Parent’s influence on acquiring critical Internet skills 18 18 36 Q2 73%
    207/782 2009 Aguaded The European Parliament bets on media literacy 22 13 35 Q2 73%
    208/782 2012 Orozco-Gómez Educational challenges in times of mass self-communication: A dialogue among audience 20 15 35 Q2 73%
    209/782 2020 Escobar-Mamani WhatsApp for the development of oral and written communication skills in Peruvian adolescents 19 16 35 Q2 73%
    210/782 2009 Islas Understanding cultural convergence through media ecology 18 17 35 Q2 72%
    211/782 2016 Alvídrez Powerful communication style on Twitter: Effects on credibility and civic participation 17 18 35 Q2 72%
    212/782 2022 Mateus Teachers' perspectives for a critical agenda in media education post COVID-19. A comparative study in Latin America 17 18 35 Q2 72%
    213/782 2018 Caffarel-Serra Communication research in Spain: Weaknesses, threats, strengths and opportunities 17 18 35 Q2 72%
    214/782 2014 Condeza-Dall’Orso News consumption among Chilean adolescents: Interest, motivations and perceptions on the news agenda 14 21 35 Q2 72%
    215/782 2022 Arcila-Calderón Hate speech and social acceptance of migrants in Europe: Analysis of tweets with geolocation 12 23 35 Q2 72%
    216/782 2017 Álvarez-Arregui Ecosystems of media training and competence: International assessment of its implementation in Higher education 23 11 34 Q2 72%
    217/782 2010 Sureda-Negre Internet access by minors at home: Usage norms imposed by parents 20 14 34 Q2 72%
    218/782 2018 Cassany Communicating science: The profile of science journalists in Spain 20 14 34 Q2 71%
    219/782 2017 Amiama-Espaillat Digital reading and reading competence. The influence in the Z generation from the Dominican Republic 18 16 34 Q2 71%
    220/782 2011 Said-Hung The cyber media in Latin America and Web 2.0 17 17 34 Q2 71%
    221/782 2014 Humanes-Humanes College students’ views about journalism education in Spain 17 17 34 Q2 71%
    222/782 2009 Díaz-Noci Multimedia and reading ways: a state of the art 17 17 34 Q2 71%
    223/782 2015 Monedero-Moya Usability and satisfaction in multimedia annotation tools for MOOCs 15 19 34 Q2 71%
    224/782 2016 Ricaurte-Quijano The Wiki learning project: Wikipedia as an open learning environment 20 13 33 Q2 71%
    225/782 2020 Regueira Women on YouTube: Representation and participation through the Web Scraping technique 20 13 33 Q2 71%
    226/782 2014 Linne Common uses of Facebook among adolescents from different social sectors in Buenos Aires city 20 13 33 Q2 70%
    227/782 2014 Minelli-de-Oliveira Exploring student and teacher perception of E-textbooks in a Primary School 19 14 33 Q2 70%
    228/782 2014 Ruiz-del-Olmo Young people as users of branded applications on mobile devices 19 14 33 Q2 70%
    229/782 2019 Piñeiro-Naval Study of the academic production on communication in Spain and Latin America 17 16 33 Q2 70%
    230/782 2011 Martínez-Pecino University senior students on the Web 14 19 33 Q2 70%
    231/782 2017 Ferrés Communication efficiency in education: Increasing emotions and storytelling 20 12 32 Q2 70%
    232/782 2016 Dias-Fonseca Media education as a strategy for online civic participation in Portuguese schools 19 13 32 Q2 70%
    233/782 2020 Lozano-Blasco Problematic Internet uses and depression in adolescents: A meta-analysis 19 13 32 Q2 70%
    234/782 2014 Fernández-Sánchez A community of practice: An intervention model based on computer supported collaborative learning 17 15 32 Q2 69%
    235/782 2013 Buckingham Learning about power and citizenship in an online virtual world 16 16 32 Q2 69%
    236/782 2022 Gutiérrez-Martín ICT and Media competencies of teachers. Convergence towards an integrated MIL-ICT model 15 17 32 Q2 69%
    237/782 2021 Norstrom Internet memes in Covid-19 lockdown times in Poland 10 22 32 Q2 69%
    238/782 2009 Marcos-López Mobile learning as a tool for the development of communication skills in virtual discussion boards 17 14 31 Q2 69%
    239/782 2013 Turan The reasons for non-use of social networking websites by university students 16 15 31 Q2 69%
    240/782 2012 Gutiérrez-Martín Media literacy in multiple contexts 14 17 31 Q2 69%
    241/782 2021 Golob Meta-reflexivity for resilience against disinformation 10 21 31 Q2 68%
    242/782 2011 Rodríguez-Ferrándiz From cultural industries to entertainment and creative industries. The boundaries of the cultural field 21 9 30 Q2 68%
    243/782 2011 Lozano-Martínez Software for teaching emotions to students with autism spectrum disorder 18 12 30 Q2 68%
    244/782 2014 Domingo-Coscollola Researching on and with young people: Collaborating and educating 17 13 30 Q2 68%
    245/782 2018 Aladro-Vico Artivism: A new educative language for transformative social action 17 13 30 Q2 68%
    246/782 2019 Samuel-Azran Online news recommendations credibility: The tie is mightier than the source 14 16 30 Q2 68%
    247/782 2022 Sáiz-Manzanares Student satisfaction with online teaching in times of COVID-19 13 17 30 Q2 68%
    248/782 2022 Wachs Adolescents’ motivations to perpetrate hate speech and links with social norms 13 17 30 Q2 68%
    249/782 2008 García-de-Castro Renewal movements in the Spanish television series 10 20 30 Q2 67%
    250/782 2015 Berríos-Valenzuela ICT use and parental mediation perceived by Chilean children 9 21 30 Q2 67%
    251/782 2013 Martínez-Pastor Gender representation in advertising of toys in the Christmas period (2009-12) 17 12 29 Q2 67%
    252/782 2013 Tello-Díaz Intimacy and «extimacy» in social networks. Ethical boundaries of facebook 16 13 29 Q2 67%
    253/782 2014 Costa Use of the Internet in educative informal contexts. Implication for formal education 14 15 29 Q2 67%
    254/782 2017 Romero-Frías Social labs in universities: Innovation and impact in medialab UGR 14 15 29 Q2 67%
    255/782 2015 Piñeiro-Otero ARG (Alternate reality games). Contributions, limitations, and potentialities to the service of the teaching at the... 11 18 29 Q2 67%
    256/782 2012 Gómez-Zermeño Digital libraries: Electronic bibliographic resources on basic education 21 7 28 Q2 67%
    257/782 2012 Yuste-Tosina Synchronous virtual environments for e-assessment in Higher education 15 13 28 Q2 66%
    258/782 2017 Van-Hove The tablet for second language vocabulary learning: Keyboard, stylus or multiple choice 15 13 28 Q2 66%
    259/782 2009 Guarinos-Galán Televisual teenager phenomena. Adolescent prototypes in TV series in Spain 15 13 28 Q2 66%
    260/782 2016 Aragón-Mendizábal A comparative study of handwriting and computer typing in note-taking by university students 12 16 28 Q2 66%
    261/782 2020 Ojeda Sexting in adolescents: Prevalence and behaviours 16 11 27 Q2 66%
    262/782 2012 McCloskey Global teachers: A conceptual model for building teachers’ intercultural competence online 15 12 27 Q2 66%
    263/782 2014 Cebrián-de-la-Serna eRubrics in cooperative assessment of learning at university 14 13 27 Q2 66%
    264/782 2019 Perlado-Lamo-de-Espinosa From media planner to media expert: The digital effect in advertising 14 13 27 Q2 66%
    265/782 2020 Izquierdo-Iranzo Studygrammers: Learning influencers 14 13 27 Q2 65%
    266/782 2019 Pedrero-Esteban Teenagers, smartphones and digital audio consumption in the age of Spotify 13 14 27 Q2 65%
    267/782 2021 Núñez Anxiety and self-esteem in cyber-victimization profiles of adolescents 12 15 27 Q2 65%
    268/782 2021 Gómez-García Newsgames against hate speech in the refugee crisis 10 17 27 Q2 65%
    269/782 2016 Pegurer-Caprino Media literacy in Brazil: Experiences and models in non-formal education 17 9 26 Q2 65%
    270/782 2017 Velandia-Mesa Formative research in ubiquitous and virtual environments in Higher Education 16 10 26 Q2 65%
    271/782 2019 Parodi Google or Gutenberg Generation: Chilean university students’ reading habits and reading purposes 14 12 26 Q2 65%
    272/782 2020 Fondevila-Gascón Influence of Instagram stories in attention and emotion depending on gender 14 12 26 Q2 65%
    273/782 2011 Duart The Net on teaching processes at the university 13 13 26 Q2 64%
    274/782 2017 Gavilan University students and informational social networks: Total sceptics, dual moderates or pro-digitals 13 13 26 Q2 64%
    275/782 2016 Sevillano-García The ubiquitous possibilities of the laptop: Spanish university students’ perceptions 13 13 26 Q2 64%
    276/782 2021 Romera Cybergossip, cyberaggression, problematic Internet use and family communication 12 14 26 Q2 64%
    277/782 2009 Navarro-Zamora Fifteen years of online journalism. Interaction and hypertextuality 11 15 26 Q2 64%
    278/782 2011 Rincón New television narratives: Entertainment, telling, citizenship, experimental 19 6 25 Q2 64%
    279/782 2013 Berlanga-Fernández Ethos, pathos and logos in Facebook. User networking: New «rhetor» of the 21th century 17 8 25 Q2 64%
    280/782 2008 Marta-Lazo The process of TV reception as contextual interaction 16 9 25 Q2 64%
    281/782 2011 Mastrini Structure, concentration and changes of the media system in the Southern Cone of Latin America 15 10 25 Q2 63%
    282/782 2019 Martínez-Costa Young adults’ interaction with online news and advertising 14 11 25 Q2 63%
    283/782 2020 Rodrigo Learning ecologies in online students with disabilities 14 11 25 Q2 63%
    284/782 2019 Crescenzi-Lanna Safe and inclusive educational apps: Digital protection from an ethical and critical perspective 13 12 25 Q2 63%
    285/782 2013 Casanueva-Rocha Spanish communication academia: Scientific productivity vs. Social activity 13 12 25 Q2 63%
    286/782 2012 Pérez-Latorre From chess to StarCraft. A comparative analysis of traditional games and videogames 12 13 25 Q2 63%
    287/782 2013 Middaugh New media as a tool for civic learning 12 13 25 Q2 63%
    288/782 2021 Gómez-Quintero Media representation of minors who migrate on their own: The 'MENA' in the Spanish press 11 14 25 Q2 63%
    289/782 2017 Kruger Original language subtitles: Their effects on the native and foreign viewer 11 14 25 Q2 62%
    290/782 2015 Sánchez-Martínez Using technology to connect generations: Some considerations of form and function 10 15 25 Q2 62%
    291/782 2013 Lepicnik-Vodopivec Communication technology in the home environment of four-year-old children (Slovenia) 9 16 25 Q2 62%
    292/782 2020 Alcolea-Díaz UNESCO’s Media and Information Literacy curriculum for teachers from the perspective of Structural Considerations of... 16 8 24 Q2 62%
    293/782 2018 Mesías-Lema Artivism and social conscience: Transforming teacher training from a sensibility standpoint 15 9 24 Q2 62%
    294/782 2019 García-Perales An enrichment program for students with high intellectual ability: Positive effects on school adaptation 14 10 24 Q2 62%
    295/782 2022 Mesquita-Romero Critical media literacy to improve students' competencies 13 11 24 Q2 62%
    296/782 2009 Perona-Páez Radio edu-webs: Spanish experiences of media education 13 11 24 Q2 62%
    297/782 2017 Saura Protesting on Twitter: Citizenship and empowerment from public education 13 11 24 Q2 61%
    298/782 2014 Rebollo-Catalán Perceived social support as a factor of rural women’s digital inclusion in online social networks 11 13 24 Q2 61%
    299/782 2013 Navarro-Beltrá Bibliometric analysis of research on women and advertising: Differences in print and audiovisual media 11 13 24 Q2 61%
    300/782 2009 Díaz-Arias Video in cyberspace: Usage and language 11 13 24 Q2 61%
    301/782 2022 Valverde-Berrocoso Disinformation and multiliteracy: A systematic review of the literature 9 15 24 Q2 61%
    302/782 2010 Hormigos-Ruiz Music distribution in the consumer society: The creation of cultural identities through sound 17 6 23 Q2 61%
    303/782 2016 Briones Teaching ethics in the university through multicultural online dialogue 15 8 23 Q2 61%
    304/782 2011 Méndiz-Noguero Young people’s attitudes towards and evaluations of mobile TV 15 8 23 Q2 61%
    305/782 2020 Lopezosa SEO and the digital news media: From the workplace to the classroom 13 10 23 Q2 60%
    306/782 2010 Bull iPod: A personalized sound world for its consumers 12 11 23 Q2 60%
    307/782 2008 Tyner Audiences, Intertextuality and new media literacy 11 12 23 Q2 60%
    308/782 2019 Gómez-García Constructing Donald Trump: Mobile apps in the political discourse about the President of the United States 11 12 23 Q2 60%
    309/782 2009 García-Muñoz The positive representation of the image of women in the media 11 12 23 Q2 60%
    310/782 2020 Garcés-Prettel Influence of family and pedagogical communication on school violence 13 9 22 Q2 60%
    311/782 2009 Aguaded The short-sightednes of the new teacher training plans in Spain: Analogical or digital teachers? 12 10 22 Q2 60%
    312/782 2021 Bermejo-Berros The critical dialogical method in Educommunication to develop narrative thinking 12 10 22 Q2 60%
    313/782 2016 Aierbe-Barandiaran Values and emotions in children’s audiovisual fictional narratives 11 11 22 Q2 59%
    314/782 2014 Sánchez-González Knowledge and assessment of crowdfunding in communication. The view of journalists and future journalists 11 11 22 Q2 59%
    315/782 2021 Rapanta The challenge of inclusive dialogic teaching in public secondary school 11 11 22 Q2 59%
    316/782 2008 Moreno-Rodríguez Digital literacy: full control of pen drive and mouse 10 12 22 Q2 59%
    317/782 2017 Crespo-Pereira Neuroscience for content innovation on European public service broadcasters 10 12 22 Q2 59%
    318/782 2021 Diego-Mantecón STEAM projects with KIKS format for developing key competences 9 13 22 Q2 59%
    319/782 2007 Barranquero-Carretero Concept, instruments and challenges of media education for social change 21 0 21 Q2 59%
    320/782 2010 Gértrudix-Barrio The utility of musico-visual formats in teaching 14 7 21 Q2 58%
    321/782 2020 García-Marín Domesticated voices and false participation: Anatomy of interaction on transmedia podcasting 13 8 21 Q2 58%
    322/782 2020 Jiménez-Morales Childhood use of mobile devices: Influence of mothers’ socio-educational level 12 9 21 Q2 58%
    323/782 2016 Cmeciu Digital civic activism in Romania: Framing anti-Chevron online protest community «faces» 11 10 21 Q2 58%
    324/782 2021 Feijoo Parents' and children's perception on social media advertising 10 11 21 Q2 58%
    325/782 2022 Estrada-Molina Engagement and desertion in MOOCs: Systematic review 10 11 21 Q2 58%
    326/782 2017 Soengas-Pérez Cyberactivisim in the process of political and social change in Arab Countries 9 12 21 Q2 58%
    327/782 2011 García-Muñoz Television fiction series targeted at young audience: Plots and conflicts portrayed in a teen series 9 12 21 Q2 58%
    328/782 2021 Guan Facing disinformation: Five methods to counter conspiracy theories amid the Covid-19 pandemic 8 13 21 Q2 57%
    329/782 2010 Sedeño Videogames as cultural devices: development of spatial skills and application in learning 0 21 21 Q2 57%
    330/782 2014 Punín-Larrea Digital media in Ecuador: Future perspectives 14 6 20 Q2 57%
    331/782 2016 Ruipérez Plagiarism and academic integrity in Germany 12 8 20 Q2 57%
    332/782 2013 Zubillaga-del-Río Disability in the perception of technology among university students 11 9 20 Q2 57%
    333/782 2009 Gramigna Learning with videogames: Ideas for a renewal of the theory of knowledge and education 11 9 20 Q2 57%
    334/782 2016 Dueñas-Cid Discriminatory expressions, the young and social networks: The effect of gender 11 9 20 Q2 57%
    335/782 2011 Osorio-Gómez Interaction analysis in hybrid learning environment 11 9 20 Q2 57%
    336/782 2018 Aceituno-Aceituno University training on entrepreneurship in communication and journalism business projects 9 11 20 Q2 56%
    337/782 2016 Hu Chinese university EFL teachers’ knowledge of and stance on plagiarism 9 11 20 Q2 56%
    338/782 2021 Galbava Cyberostracism: Emotional and behavioral consequences in social media interactions 9 11 20 Q2 56%
    339/782 2017 Moreira Higher education distance learning and e-learning in prisons in Portugal 8 12 20 Q2 56%
    340/782 2011 Torres-Díaz Digital divide in universities: Internet use in Ecuadorian universities 7 13 20 Q2 56%
    341/782 2015 Bosch Uses and gratifications of computers in South African elderly people 7 13 20 Q2 56%
    342/782 2009 Tous-Rovirosa PaleoTV, NeoTV and MetaTV in US drama series 14 5 19 Q2 56%
    343/782 2020 Bernardo Bullying and cyberbullying: Variables that influence university dropout 12 7 19 Q2 56%
    344/782 2018 Carrasco-Polaino Artivism and NGO: Relationship between image and 'engagement' in Instagram 11 8 19 Q2 55%
    345/782 2017 Izquierdo Teachers’ use of ICTs in public language education: Evidence from second language Secondary-School classrooms 11 8 19 Q2 55%
    346/782 2016 Nupairoj The ecosystem of media literacy: A holistic approach to media education 11 8 19 Q2 55%
    347/782 2010 Baelo-Álvarez Use of information and communication technologies in Castilla & León universities 11 8 19 Q2 55%
    348/782 2014 Sur Primary School second grade teachers’ and students’ opinions on media literacy 10 9 19 Q2 55%
    349/782 2019 Bender Connected learning ecologies as an emerging opportunity through Cosplay 10 9 19 Q2 55%
    350/782 2019 Fanjul-Peyró eGamers’ influence in brand advertising strategies. A comparative study between Spain and Korea 10 9 19 Q2 55%
    351/782 2021 Wright Youths’ coping with cyberhate: Roles of parental mediation and family support 10 9 19 Q2 55%
    352/782 2011 Burkle Apprenticeship students learning on-line: Opportunities and challenges for polytechnic institutions 9 10 19 Q2 54%
    353/782 2021 Ortega-Mohedano Predicting wellbeing in children’s use of smart screen devices 9 10 19 Q2 54%
    354/782 2012 Potter Social media and self-curatorship: Reflections on identity and pedagogy through blogging on a masters module 9 10 19 Q2 54%
    355/782 2017 Remesal Online questionnaires use with automatic feedback for e-innovation in university students 8 11 19 Q2 54%
    356/782 2011 Medina-Laverón The transformation of public TV companies into digital services at the BBC and RTVE 11 7 18 Q2 54%
    357/782 2016 Gómez-Espinosa The impact of activity design in Internet plagiarism in Higher Education 10 8 18 Q2 54%
    358/782 2011 Marcelo-García «Alacena», an open learning design repository for university teaching 10 8 18 Q2 54%
    359/782 2014 Arancibia-Herrera Meaning processes mediated through a protagonists’ collaborative learning platform 9 9 18 Q2 54%
    360/782 2008 del-Río-Pereda Reality construction by Spanish infancy across TV consumption 9 9 18 Q2 53%
    361/782 2021 Carrasco-Polaino Citizen participation in Twitter: Anti-vaccine controversies in times of COVID-19 9 9 18 Q2 53%
    362/782 2016 Rivera Online and offline pornography consumption in Colombian adolescents 8 10 18 Q2 53%
    363/782 2019 Roses-Campos Conflicts in the professional roles of journalists in Spain: Ideals and practice 8 10 18 Q2 53%
    364/782 2020 Bonami Education, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence: Mixed methods in digital platforms 8 10 18 Q2 53%
    365/782 2020 Martínez Online parental mediation strategies in family contexts of Spain 6 12 18 Q2 53%
    366/782 2015 Cifuentes-Álvarez ICT leadership in Higher Education: A multiple case study in Colombia 5 13 18 Q2 53%
    367/782 2014 Chibás-Ortíz Managing creativity in collaborative virtual learning environments e: A DL corporate project 12 5 17 Q2 53%
    368/782 2022 González-Díaz Latin American professors’ research culture in the digital age 10 7 17 Q2 52%
    369/782 2008 García-Matilla Television and young people in Spain 9 8 17 Q2 52%
    370/782 2010 Aguaded The European Union passes a recommendation on media literacy in the European digital environment 9 8 17 Q2 52%
    371/782 2018 Vernier Critical thinking of young citizens towards news headlines in Chile 9 8 17 Q2 52%
    372/782 2019 López-Cepeda Participatory audiences in the European public service media: Content production and copyright 9 8 17 Q2 52%
    373/782 2016 Cerbino Community media as exercise of communicative citizenship: Experiences from Argentina and Ecuador 9 8 17 Q2 52%
    374/782 2018 Saiz-Echezarreta Advocacy of trafficking campaigns: A controversy story 11 5 16 Q2 52%
    375/782 2011 López-Valero Digital competence and literacy: Developing new narrative formats. The «Dragon age: Origins» videogame 10 6 16 Q2 52%
    376/782 2013 Bermejo-Berros Masking as a persuasive strategy in advertising for young 9 7 16 Q2 51%
    377/782 2009 Kotilainen Promoting youth civic participation with media production: The case of Youth Voice editorial board 7 9 16 Q2 51%
    378/782 2021 Díaz-Pérez From the global myth to local mobilization: Creation and resonance of Greta Thunberg’s frame 6 10 16 Q2 51%
    379/782 2020 García-Ramos Gender studies in Communication Degrees 6 10 16 Q2 51%
    380/782 2008 Tucho-Fernández Media education in the Spanish legislation 6 10 16 Q2 51%
    381/782 2009 González-Conde Networks of participation and communicative interchanges in public radio: Podcasting 3 13 16 Q2 51%
    382/782 2011 Fuenzalida-Fernández A new meaning of educational television: from school to audience’s everyday life 13 2 15 Q2 51%
    383/782 2014 Fuente-Cobo Active audiences in the regulation of the audiovisual media. Consumer versus citizen in Spain and Mexico 9 6 15 Q2 51%
    384/782 2013 Milojevic Methodological approaches to study interactivity in communication journals 9 6 15 Q2 50%
    385/782 2014 Falcón-Díaz-Aguado Adolescent students as media fictional characters 9 6 15 Q2 50%
    386/782 2008 Rincón No more audiences, we all become producers 9 6 15 Q2 50%
    387/782 2016 Lema-Blanco Youth and the third sector media in Spain: Communication and social change training 9 6 15 Q2 50%
    388/782 2010 Schalk-Quintanar Discourse analysis in the quality of expected learning 8 7 15 Q2 50%
    389/782 2021 Ferrero-de-Lucas ICT and knowledge management in Teaching and Engineering Students 8 7 15 Q2 50%
    390/782 2011 Medrano-Samaniego Values perceived in television by adolescents in different cross-cultural contexts 8 7 15 Q2 50%
    391/782 2022 Serrano-Díaz Families’ perception of children’s academic performance during the COVID-19 lockdown 6 9 15 Q2 50%
    392/782 2011 Gómez-Escalonilla-Moreno Students’ perspective on on-line college education in the field of journalism 5 10 15 Q3 49%
    393/782 2007 Cabero-Almenara Technology changed scene or Pygmalion came true 14 0 14 Q3 49%
    394/782 2007 Gómez-Camacho Spanish spelling and electronic writing 14 0 14 Q3 49%
    395/782 2010 Santibáñez-Velilla Virtual and real classroom in learning audiovisual communication and education 11 3 14 Q3 49%
    396/782 2010 Clarembeaux Film education: Memory and heritage 10 4 14 Q3 49%
    397/782 2008 Lozano-Rendón Foreign film and television consumption and appropriation by Latin American audiences 9 5 14 Q3 49%
    398/782 2009 González-Navarro New educational settings. Cognitive challenges for the realization of a collective intelligence 8 6 14 Q3 49%
    399/782 2020 Pinazo-Calatayud Positive or negative communication in social activism 8 6 14 Q3 48%
    400/782 2016 Tiede Media pedagogy in German and U.S. teacher education 8 6 14 Q3 48%
    401/782 2011 Phillippi-Miranda Communicative empowerment: Narrative skills of the subjects 8 6 14 Q3 48%
    402/782 2013 Calderón-Martínez The participation and web visibility of university digital repositories in the European context 7 7 14 Q3 48%
    403/782 2017 Camilli-Trujillo Meta-synthesis of literacy for the empowerment of vulnerable groups 7 7 14 Q3 48%
    404/782 2018 Gou Towards understanding young children’s digital lives in China and Australia 7 7 14 Q3 48%
    405/782 2018 Suárez-Perdomo Assessing the ethical and content quality of online parenting resources 6 8 14 Q3 48%
    406/782 2008 Aierbe-Barandiaran Adolescents’ television viewing habits and its relation with values 6 8 14 Q3 48%
    407/782 2020 León-Pérez Self-perception about emerging digital skills in Higher Education students 6 8 14 Q3 47%
    408/782 2020 Hinojo-Lucena Sharenting: Internet addiction, self-control and online photos of underage children 6 8 14 Q3 47%
    409/782 2009 Mellado-Ruiz Latin American journalism: A review of five decades and a proposal for a model of analysis 5 9 14 Q3 47%
    410/782 2011 Chicharro-Merayo Learning from television fiction. The reception and socialization effects from watching «Loving in troubled times» 4 10 14 Q3 47%
    411/782 2009 Moral-Toranzo The Internet as a framework for communication and social interaction 9 4 13 Q3 47%
    412/782 2012 Lacalle Genre and age in the reception of television fiction 9 4 13 Q3 47%
    413/782 2011 Porta-Navarro The musical offers of children’s programming on «Televisión Española» as its hearing universe 8 5 13 Q3 47%
    414/782 2009 Lau Information skills: conceptual convergence between information and communication sciences 8 5 13 Q3 47%
    415/782 2017 Ugalde Adolescents’ TV viewing patterns in the digital era: A cross-cultural study 8 5 13 Q3 46%
    416/782 2020 Tiscareño-García Victims and perpetrators of feminicide in the language of the Mexican written press 8 5 13 Q3 46%
    417/782 2009 Scheuer Foreword 8 5 13 Q3 46%
    418/782 2017 Grijalva-Verdugo Social empowerment in Mexican violent contexts through media competence 8 5 13 Q3 46%
    419/782 2016 Hernández-Ruiz Antifraud editorial policy in Spanish and Latin American scientific publication: JCR social sciences edition 8 5 13 Q3 46%
    420/782 2019 Chib Distributed digital contexts and learning: Personal empowerment and social transformation in marginalized populations 8 5 13 Q3 46%
    421/782 2013 Marta-Lazo The «i-Generation» and its interaction in social networks. An analysis of Coca-Cola on Tuenti 8 5 13 Q3 46%
    422/782 2009 Bautista-García-Vera Audiovisual narrations based on intercultural relationships in education 7 6 13 Q3 46%
    423/782 2015 Öngün Young learners’ objectives related to multimedia use and homework completion 7 6 13 Q3 45%
    424/782 2017 Salcudean The emotional impact of traditional and new media in social events 7 6 13 Q3 45%
    425/782 2008 Parrilla Language’s alterations in the digital era 7 6 13 Q3 45%
    426/782 2021 Kong Motivation and perception of Hong Kong university students about social media news 6 7 13 Q3 45%
    427/782 2011 Ramírez-de-la-Piscina-Martínez Report about the media literacy situation in the basque school community 6 7 13 Q3 45%
    428/782 2014 de-Andrés-del-Campo Critical analysis of government vs. Commercial advertising discourse on older persons in Spain 6 7 13 Q3 45%
    429/782 2013 Banaji Everyday racism and «My tram experience»: Emotion, civic performance and learning on YouTube 6 7 13 Q3 45%
    430/782 2022 Robles When negativity is the fuel. Bots and Political Polarization in the COVID-19 debate 6 7 13 Q3 45%
    431/782 2011 Brändle-Señán The risk of emergence of boomerang effect in communication against violence 6 7 13 Q3 44%
    432/782 2014 López-Vidales Audioblogs and Tvblogs, tools for collaborative learning in journalism 6 7 13 Q3 44%
    433/782 2023 Flores-Vivar Reflections on the ethics, potential, and challenges of artificial intelligence in the framework of quality education... 5 8 13 Q3 44%
    434/782 2017 Novo Connective Intelligence for childhood mathematics education 8 4 12 Q3 44%
    435/782 2013 Ortiz-Sobrino TV broadcasters and research on TV and children 8 4 12 Q3 44%
    436/782 2012 Pereira Resources for media literacy: Mediating the research on children and media 7 5 12 Q3 44%
    437/782 2013 Ponte Connecting generations. A research and learning approach for media education and audience studies 7 5 12 Q3 44%
    438/782 2010 Romero-Calmache Advertising in the digital age: The microsite as a strategic factor in on-line advertising campaigns 7 5 12 Q3 44%
    439/782 2009 Moeller Nurturing freedom of expression through teaching global media literacy 7 5 12 Q3 43%
    440/782 2020 Halpern School performance: New multimedia resources versus traditional notes 6 6 12 Q3 43%
    441/782 2018 Clua Youth impact on the public sphere in Press and Twitter: The dissolution of the Spanish Youth Council 6 6 12 Q3 43%
    442/782 2013 Giménez-Toledo Black holes of communication scientific communication and meta-research 6 6 12 Q3 43%
    443/782 2008 Medrano-Samaniego What values do adolescents perceive in their favourite TV programmes? 6 6 12 Q3 43%
    444/782 2021 Sánchez-López Digital creativity to transform learning: Empowerment from a com-educational approach 6 6 12 Q3 43%
    445/782 2015 Luna-García Design patterns to enhance accessibility and use of social applications for older adults 6 6 12 Q3 43%
    446/782 2012 Sevillano-García Food advertising and consumption by students in Huánuco (Peru) 6 6 12 Q3 43%
    447/782 2019 de-la-Garza-Montemayor Online political participation of young people in Mexico, Spain and Chile 6 6 12 Q3 42%
    448/782 2015 Valenzuela-Fernández Influence of placement on explicit and implicit memory of college students 6 6 12 Q3 42%
    449/782 2018 Meneses #TrumpenMexico. Transnational connective action on Twitter and the border wall dispute 5 7 12 Q3 42%
    450/782 2015 Tobías-Martínez A digital repository of filmic content as a teaching resource 5 7 12 Q3 42%
    451/782 2021 Andrade-Vargas Young people and social networks: Between the democratization of knowledge and digital inequality 5 7 12 Q3 42%
    452/782 2021 Ardèvol Myths in visual environmental activism narratives on Instagram 5 7 12 Q3 42%
    453/782 2021 Fraga-Varela The impact of serious games in mathematics fluency: A study in Primary Education 4 8 12 Q3 42%
    454/782 2022 Abuín-Vences Hate speech analysis as a function of ideology: Emotional and cognitive effects 3 9 12 Q3 42%
    455/782 2021 Garrido Archetypes, Me Too, Time’s Up and the representation of diverse women on TV 3 9 12 Q3 41%
    456/782 2008 Tirado-Morueta Drog@ project: virtual learning communities 8 3 11 Q3 41%
    457/782 2008 Fuenzalida-Fernández Changes in the relationship between children and television 8 3 11 Q3 41%
    458/782 2020 Martínez-Rodríguez The ecology of resilience learning in ubiquitous environments to adverse situations 7 4 11 Q3 41%
    459/782 2012 Vergara-Leyton Representation of childhood in advertising discourse. A case study of the advertising industry in Chile 7 4 11 Q3 41%
    460/782 2022 Valera-Ordaz Unraveling disinformation: Notions and discourses from the Spanish population 7 4 11 Q3 41%
    461/782 2021 Renés-Arellano Countervalues of the digital ethos perceived by future trainers 6 5 11 Q3 41%
    462/782 2017 Adams Promoting adolescents’ moral advertising literacy in Secondary Education 6 5 11 Q3 41%
    463/782 2020 Rummler Mobile learning for homework: Emerging cultural practices in the new media ecology 6 5 11 Q3 40%
    464/782 2021 Luengo COVID-19 on YouTube: Debates and polarisation in the digital sphere 6 5 11 Q3 40%
    465/782 2009 de-Fontcuberta-Balaguer Criteria of media education program for Chilean teachers: A proposal for continuous training 6 5 11 Q3 40%
    466/782 2013 Ledo-Andión Cultural diversity across the networks: The case of national cinema 5 6 11 Q3 40%
    467/782 2010 Browne-Sartori Intercultural journalism: Peruvian and Bolivian representation in the Chilean daily press news 5 6 11 Q3 40%
    468/782 2017 Cano-Correa College students in Lima: Politics, media and participation 5 6 11 Q3 40%
    469/782 2010 Pastor-Alonso I want to be a journalist: looking for motivation in journalism 5 6 11 Q3 40%
    470/782 2019 Navarro-Pablo The use of digital resources and materials In and outside the bilingual classroom 5 6 11 Q3 39%
    471/782 2023 Lozano-Blasco Social media influence on young people and children: Analysis on Instagram, Twitter and YouTube 4 7 11 Q3 39%
    472/782 2007 Marzal-Felici Film analysis in multiscreen era 10 0 10 Q3 39%
    473/782 2012 Sánchez-Carrero Keys to recognizing the levels of critical audiovisual reading in children 9 1 10 Q3 39%
    474/782 2022 Herrero-Curiel Secondary education students and media literacy in the age of disinformation 7 3 10 Q3 39%
    475/782 2008 Vassallo-de-Lopes Television and narratives: cultural identities in globalization age 6 4 10 Q3 39%
    476/782 2019 Garmen Multiple intelligences and video games: Assessment and intervention with TOI software 6 4 10 Q3 39%
    477/782 2010 Martínez-Salanova-Sánchez Education in European cinema and society’s exclusion of the young 6 4 10 Q3 39%
    478/782 2010 Sobrado-Fernández Planning and development of an ICT-skills map in guidance 6 4 10 Q3 38%
    479/782 2012 Mora-Fernández The analysis of interactive media and digital culture - hypermedia literacy in Peru and Bolivia 5 5 10 Q3 38%
    480/782 2022 Campos-Domínguez Rhetoric of parliamentary disinformation on Twitter 5 5 10 Q3 38%
    481/782 2012 Llorent-Bedmar The educational role of the digital media in the integration of immigrants in Spain: El mundo.es and El pais.com 5 5 10 Q3 38%
    482/782 2008 García-Canclini Books, screens and audiences: what is changing 4 6 10 Q3 38%
    483/782 2021 Rodríguez-Suárez Online research, new languages and symbolism of digital activism: A systematic review 4 6 10 Q3 38%
    484/782 2019 Katherine-Chen Taiwanese university students’ smartphone use and the privacy paradox 4 6 10 Q3 38%
    485/782 2008 Sopena-Palomar The audio-visual regulation: the arguments for and against 4 6 10 Q3 38%
    486/782 2019 Sastre-Riba From high intellectual ability to genius: Profiles of perfectionism 4 6 10 Q3 37%
    487/782 2017 Sun Stop-motion to foster digital literacy in Elementary School 3 7 10 Q3 37%
    488/782 2010 Vergara-Leyton The social and cultural impact of advertising among Chilean youths 3 7 10 Q3 37%
    489/782 2007 Ezeiza-Ramos On-line tutoring at university: a proposal for the sequencing of electronic tools 9 0 9 Q3 37%
    490/782 2007 Espinar-Ruiz Gender stereotypes in audiovisual products for children 9 0 9 Q3 37%
    491/782 2012 Bautista-García-Vera Value of audiovisual records in intercultural education 7 2 9 Q3 37%
    492/782 2013 Vega-Casanova A children’s observatory of television: «Observar TV», a space for dialogue between children 7 2 9 Q3 37%
    493/782 2009 Silver A European approach to media literacy: Moving toward an inclusive knowledge society 6 3 9 Q3 37%
    494/782 2019 Edo Content syndication in news aggregators. Towards devaluation of professional journalistic criterio 6 3 9 Q3 36%
    495/782 2014 Bujokas-de-Siqueira Media education and Brazilian educational policies for the enhancement of learning 6 3 9 Q3 36%
    496/782 2008 Perales-Albert Learning identity: what kind of children do children perceive when they watch TV? 6 3 9 Q3 36%
    497/782 2013 del-Moral-Pérez Media literacy, participation and accountability for the media of generation of silence 5 4 9 Q3 36%
    498/782 2008 Walzer-Moskovic Public service models in European TV: a comparative analysis of TVE and BBC 5 4 9 Q3 36%
    499/782 2010 Burn Thrills in the dark: Young people’s moving image cultures and media education 5 4 9 Q3 36%
    500/782 2015 Arroyo-Almaraz The undesired effects of digital communication on moral response 5 4 9 Q3 36%
    501/782 2010 Fonseca-Mora Studying Spanish in the USA: Mass media as social motivation 5 4 9 Q3 36%
    502/782 2015 Marti-Pellón Children’s exposure to advertising on games sites in Brazil and Spain 4 5 9 Q3 35%
    503/782 2011 Fernández-Villanueva Emotions elicited by television violence 4 5 9 Q3 35%
    504/782 2010 Cebrián-de-la-Serna Environmental indigenous wisdom and the design of educational resources 4 5 9 Q3 35%
    505/782 2012 Oliva-Rota Fame and proffessional success in «Operación Triunfo» and «Fama ¡a bailar!» 4 5 9 Q3 35%
    506/782 2018 Piñeiro-Otero Radio studies: An overview from the Ibero-American academia 3 6 9 Q3 35%
    507/782 2008 Digón-Regueiro Children programmes and sensationalist TV: entertaining, misinforming, miseducating 3 6 9 Q3 35%
    508/782 2012 Saleh Media and information literacy in South Africa: Goals and tools 2 7 9 Q3 35%
    509/782 2012 Reia-Baptista Film literacy: Media appropriations with examples from the European film context 7 1 8 Q3 35%
    510/782 2010 Ocaña-Fernández The sonic imagination of children in Andalusia: A musical analysis of the TV programme «The Band» 6 2 8 Q3 34%
    511/782 2010 de-Aguilera-Moyano Imaginative appropriations of music in the new communicative scenarios 5 3 8 Q3 34%
    512/782 2012 Alvarado-Miquilena Critical reading of media: A methodological proposal 5 3 8 Q3 34%
    513/782 2022 Mogoș Russian disinformation in Eastern Europe. Vaccination media frames in ro.sputnik.md 5 3 8 Q3 34%
    514/782 2008 Ortiz-Sobrino To teach the look in a multi-screen society 5 3 8 Q3 34%
    515/782 2011 Souza-Mayerholz The intervention of TV in the Chilean earthquake 5 3 8 Q3 34%
    516/782 2020 Masilamani eHealth literacy of late adolescents: Credibility and quality of health information through smartphones in India 5 3 8 Q3 34%
    517/782 2022 Menéndez-Alvarez-Hevia Contributions of futures studies to education: A systematic review 4 4 8 Q3 34%
    518/782 2019 García-Guardia Educating the gifted student: Eagerness to achieve as a curricular competence 4 4 8 Q3 33%
    519/782 2022 Ramírez-García Interdisciplinarity of scientific production on hate speech and social media: A bibliometric analysis 4 4 8 Q3 33%
    520/782 2022 Manetti Design process for the generation of future education scenarios 4 4 8 Q3 33%
    521/782 2018 Souza-Leal Violence against Brazilian women in public and mediatic spheres 4 4 8 Q3 33%
    522/782 2008 Perceval-Verde Oral-gestural, writing, audio, audiovisual and… digital? The five degrees of communication in education 3 5 8 Q3 33%
    523/782 2021 Espiñeira-Bellón Cyber-plagiarism as digital support for the submission of academic writing 3 5 8 Q3 33%
    524/782 2018 Orosa-Roldán Postdrama culture in Ecuador and Spain: Methodological framework and comparative study 2 6 8 Q3 33%
    525/782 2007 Zunzunegui-Díez The state of things: two or three things I know about film analysis 7 0 7 Q3 33%
    526/782 2007 Ramos-Serrano Strategies of telephone companies in Spain 7 0 7 Q3 32%
    527/782 2007 Rivoltella Italian media educational situation and challenges for the next future 7 0 7 Q3 32%
    528/782 2007 Ferrer-López Content analysis about toy’s advertisment during Christmas campaign 7 0 7 Q3 32%
    529/782 2012 del-Valle-Rojas Media literacy and consumption of media and advertising in university students of pedagogy in Chile 5 2 7 Q3 32%
    530/782 2011 Montalvo-Castro Audiovisual riddles to stimulate children’s creative thinking 5 2 7 Q3 32%
    531/782 2010 Zagalo Creative game literacy. A study of interactive media based on film literacy 5 2 7 Q3 32%
    532/782 2008 Loscertales-Abril Cartoon movies at home: animation films and TV 4 3 7 Q3 32%
    533/782 2008 Rodríguez-Vázquez TV and elderly people: educating or mis-educating? 4 3 7 Q3 32%
    534/782 2017 Ledo-Andión The role of original version cinema into the European digital space 4 3 7 Q3 31%
    535/782 2021 Novella-Cámara Children’s participation, local policy and the digital environment: Visions and uses among Spanish municipalities 4 3 7 Q3 31%
    536/782 2022 Yasar-Akyar Special Education Teacher’s professional development through digital storytelling 4 3 7 Q3 31%
    537/782 2008 Marcellán-Baraze Mass media educative value: social correlations 3 4 7 Q3 31%
    538/782 2021 Su A web-based serious game about self-protection for COVID-19 prevention: Development and usability testing 3 4 7 Q3 31%
    539/782 2009 Saleh Media literacy in MENA: Moving beyond the vicious cycle of oxymora 3 4 7 Q3 31%
    540/782 2008 Camps-Cervera Anything goes? Towards an ethical look in the mass media 3 4 7 Q3 31%
    541/782 2010 Pérez-Ugena Violence in TV: Analysis of children´s programming 3 4 7 Q3 31%
    542/782 2020 Díaz-Bustamante Perceived sexualization in girls' fashion stylings: A Spain-China cross-cultural analysis 3 4 7 Q3 30%
    543/782 2022 Guiñez-Cabrera Booktokers: Generating and sharing book content on TikTok 2 5 7 Q3 30%
    544/782 2018 Mateos Video artivism: The poetics of symbolic conflict 2 5 7 Q3 30%
    545/782 2010 Fouce-Rodríguez Technologies and media in digital music: From music market crisis to new listening practices 6 0 6 Q3 30%
    546/782 2007 Lamuedra-Graván Media students, professional placements, University and the learning challenge 6 0 6 Q3 30%
    547/782 2020 Berger Teachers’ mediation practice: Opportunities and risks for youth media behavior 5 1 6 Q3 30%
    548/782 2011 Marzal-Felici Consumption patterns and uses of photography in digital era among communication students 5 1 6 Q3 30%
    549/782 2009 Morduchowicz When media education is state policy 5 1 6 Q3 29%
    550/782 2017 Porta-Navarro Music and its significance in children favourite audiovisuals 4 2 6 Q3 29%
    551/782 2008 Bustamante-Bohórquez Towards a democratic education of the look 4 2 6 Q3 29%
    552/782 2008 Abellán-Fabrés Community dimension of media literacy 3 3 6 Q3 29%
    553/782 2011 Quiroz-Velasco Television: seen, heard and read by Peruvian adolescents 3 3 6 Q3 29%
    554/782 2008 Ruiz-San-Román TV channels social responsibility: self-regulation on TV contents during special protected schedule 3 3 6 Q3 29%
    555/782 2008 Loscertales-Abril Watching movies at home: an overview to family socialization 3 3 6 Q3 29%
    556/782 2018 Díaz-Fernández Spies and security: Assessing the impact of animated videos on intelligence services in school children 3 3 6 Q3 29%
    557/782 2022 Gonçalves A systematic literature review of the representations of migration in Brazil and the United Kingdom 3 3 6 Q3 28%
    558/782 2020 Denia The impact of science communication on Twitter: The case of Neil deGrasse Tyson 3 3 6 Q3 28%
    559/782 2008 Sánchez-Carrero «Infant television newscast»: learning resource in TV 3 3 6 Q3 28%
    560/782 2008 Aguaded University television and public service 3 3 6 Q3 28%
    561/782 2022 Arroyave-Cabrera Communication bibliometric research in Latin American scientific journals (2009-2018) 3 3 6 Q3 28%
    562/782 2010 Aguaded Media literacy training in graduate and postgraduate studies 3 3 6 Q3 28%
    563/782 2015 Muellner Annotations and the ancient greek hero: Past, present, and future 3 3 6 Q3 28%
    564/782 2022 Taddeo Creators and spectators facing online information disorder. Effects of digital content production on information skills 2 4 6 Q3 28%
    565/782 2008 Martínez-Fresneda-Osorio Journalistic design, the critic reading key of the press 2 4 6 Q3 27%
    566/782 2020 Dagnino The role of supporting technologies in a mixed methods research design 2 4 6 Q3 27%
    567/782 2011 Hirsjärvi Children and new media: Youth media participation. A case study of Egypt and Finland 2 4 6 Q3 27%
    568/782 2012 Ponte Training graduate students as young researchers to study families’ use of media 1 5 6 Q3 27%
    569/782 2022 Carbonell-Alcocer Educating for a sustainable future through the Circular Economy: Citizen involvement and social change 1 5 6 Q3 27%
    570/782 2008 Gómez-Aguilar Education in mobility 1 5 6 Q3 27%
    571/782 2007 Palao-Errando Sequential literacy: the teaching of cinema in the age of audio-visual speech 5 0 5 Q3 27%
    572/782 2010 Pastor-Pérez The radio dramatization of educational contents: A higher education experience 3 2 5 Q3 27%
    573/782 2008 Vergara-del-Solar TV in the daily life of children: the case of Santiago de Chile 3 2 5 Q3 26%
    574/782 2011 Marín-Murillo Teenagers and motherhood in the cinema: «Juno», «Precious» and «The Greatest» 3 2 5 Q3 26%
    575/782 2009 Sevillano-García Television, attitudes, and drugs in adolescents: Research on their effects 3 2 5 Q3 26%
    576/782 2008 Marín-Montín Teaching sport with TV 3 2 5 Q3 26%
    577/782 2021 Maltos-Tamez Digital media and university political practices in the public sphere 3 2 5 Q3 26%
    578/782 2008 de-Oliveira-Soares The right to the screen: from media education to educommunication in Brazil 3 2 5 Q3 26%
    579/782 2008 Lull The active pleasures of expression and communication 3 2 5 Q3 26%
    580/782 2010 Valencia-Cerino The symbols and written language of users of messenger 3 2 5 Q3 26%
    581/782 2008 Revuelta-Blanco Image Pedagogy: TV advertisement critical reading 2 3 5 Q3 25%
    582/782 2010 Bazalgette Analogue sunset. The educational role of the British Film Institute, 1979-2007 2 3 5 Q3 25%
    583/782 2015 Drula Forms of media convergence and multimedia content . A Romanian perspective 2 3 5 Q3 25%
    584/782 2022 Díez-Gutiérrez Political hate speech of the far right on Twitter in Latin America 2 3 5 Q3 25%
    585/782 2008 Medrano-Samaniego Are there social stereotypes in teenagers´ viewing habits? 2 3 5 Q3 25%
    586/782 2014 Espinosa-Bayal Adolescent television consumers: Self-perceptions about their rights 2 3 5 Q3 25%
    587/782 2010 Aierbe-Barandiaran Intimacy in television programs: Adolescents’ perception 2 3 5 Q4 25%
    588/782 2008 Callejo-Gallego The right to access to the media: methodological reflections 2 3 5 Q4 25%
    589/782 2023 García-Orosa Algorithms and communication: A systematized literature review 2 3 5 Q4 24%
    590/782 2009 Martínez-Salanova-Sánchez The media and the meeting of cultures, in pro of cultural coexistence 1 4 5 Q4 24%
    591/782 2022 Froment The relationship of Twitter with teacher credibility and motivation in university students 1 4 5 Q4 24%
    592/782 2008 Martín-Barbero The explosion of narratives and the multiplication of readings 0 5 5 Q4 24%
    593/782 2007 Calvo-Salvador Social exclusion and technology 4 0 4 Q4 24%
    594/782 2007 Rodríguez-Merchán Cinema teaching in Spain. A historical perspective and a contemporary view 4 0 4 Q4 24%
    595/782 2007 Gabelas-Barroso A view of media education in Spain 4 0 4 Q4 24%
    596/782 2007 Reia-Baptista Towards a media literacy: examples of the Portuguese speaking context 4 0 4 Q4 24%
    597/782 2021 Tur-Porcar Aggressiveness, instability and social-emotional education in an inclusive environment 3 1 4 Q4 23%
    598/782 2022 Salcines-Talledo Smartphones in Higher Education. A longitudinal qualitative study 3 1 4 Q4 23%
    599/782 2009 Fernández Broadcast yourself: Oxymoron or media mistake? 3 1 4 Q4 23%
    600/782 2020 Möller-Recondo New genius-entrepreneurs: Itinerary and trajectories of university educational excellence 3 1 4 Q4 23%
    601/782 2010 Reia-Baptista Film languages in the European collective memory 2 2 4 Q4 23%
    602/782 2018 Martínez-Roa Perceptions and participation in community radio stations in Nariño-Colombia 2 2 4 Q4 23%
    603/782 2010 Suhr Understanding the emergence of social protocols on MySpace: Impact and its ramifications 2 2 4 Q4 23%
    604/782 2022 Rodero Virtual reality with distractors to overcome public speaking anxiety in university students 2 2 4 Q4 23%
    605/782 2008 Guerra-Liaño The TV: an educational tool in the context of the family 2 2 4 Q4 22%
    606/782 2016 Duarte-Hueros The audiovisual content downloads among university students 2 2 4 Q4 22%
    607/782 2023 Estanyol Digital competence among young people in Spain: A gender divide analysis 2 2 4 Q4 22%
    608/782 2008 de-Souza The use of digital video in class: a pedagogical proposition 2 2 4 Q4 22%
    609/782 2012 Gértrudix-Barrio Music in virtual worlds. Study on the representation spaces 2 2 4 Q4 22%
    610/782 2010 Nogueira-Tavares Understanding cinema: The avant-gardes and the construction of film discourse 2 2 4 Q4 22%
    611/782 2012 Tayie Young people’s interaction with media in Egypt, India, Finland, Argentina and Kenya 2 2 4 Q4 22%
    612/782 2008 Ubreva-Amor Image as a daily learning opportunity 2 2 4 Q4 22%
    613/782 2013 Aran-Ramspott The notion of violence in television fiction: Children’s interpretation 2 2 4 Q4 21%
    614/782 2023 Cazan Factors determining the use of e-learning and teaching satisfaction 1 3 4 Q4 21%
    615/782 2022 Dynel The life of COVID-19 mask memes: A diachronic study of the pandemic memescape 1 3 4 Q4 21%
    616/782 2008 Gutiérrez-Martín Media education in the digital age 1 3 4 Q4 21%
    617/782 2008 Maeso-Rubio TV and education in values 1 3 4 Q4 21%
    618/782 2008 Matos Watching TV with family 1 3 4 Q4 21%
    619/782 2023 Samy-Tayie News literacy and online news between Egyptian and Spanish youth: Fake news, hate speech and trust in the media 1 3 4 Q4 21%
    620/782 2008 Granado-Palma Another audio-visual education 1 3 4 Q4 21%
    621/782 2008 de-Pablos-Coello ‘Communicative Frenzy’ as disinformation 1 3 4 Q4 20%
    622/782 2014 Aguaded Research as a strategy for training educommunicators: Master and doctorate 0 4 4 Q4 20%
    623/782 2007 Moro-Rodríguez Values education through television advertising 3 0 3 Q4 20%
    624/782 2008 López-de-la-Roche Do young audiences learn from media? 3 0 3 Q4 20%
    625/782 2010 Bruhn-Jensen The sounds of media. An interdisciplinary review of research on sound as communication 3 0 3 Q4 20%
    626/782 2007 Palacio-Arranz Cultural Studies and film in Spain 3 0 3 Q4 20%
    627/782 2007 Krucsay Media education in Austria: competence, communication, autonomy 3 0 3 Q4 20%
    628/782 2008 Daolio Viewing comprehension: an educational experience interpreting television sports from Brazil 2 1 3 Q4 19%
    629/782 2010 Ruiz-del-Olmo Language and collective identity in Buñuel. Propaganda in the film «España 1936» 2 1 3 Q4 19%
    630/782 2011 García-García Structures and archetypal content in advertising communication 2 1 3 Q4 19%
    631/782 2009 Banda Exploring media education as civic praxis in Africa 2 1 3 Q4 19%
    632/782 2009 Akyeampong Making the introduction of multi-media technologies count in education reform in Africa: The case of Ghana 2 1 3 Q4 19%
    633/782 2008 López-Romero A descriptive study of TV consumption in children in Primary and High schools 2 1 3 Q4 19%
    634/782 2022 Baggia Emoticons in student-professor email communication 2 1 3 Q4 19%
    635/782 2011 Lull Communicating culture: An evolutionary explanation 2 1 3 Q4 19%
    636/782 2022 Palau-Sampio Quality recognition as a prescriber against disinformation 2 1 3 Q4 18%
    637/782 2009 Cheung Education reform as an agent of change: The development of media literacy in Hong Kong during the last decade 1 2 3 Q4 18%
    638/782 2022 Casadellà Imagination, education for the future and democratic culture: Educational policies in the Iberian Peninsula 1 2 3 Q4 18%
    639/782 2019 Castelló-Tarrida The role of knowledge structures in adult excellence. An approach from expert functioning 1 2 3 Q4 18%
    640/782 2021 Picado-Arce Drivers for the development of computational thinking in Costa Rican students 1 2 3 Q4 18%
    641/782 2022 Febro-Naga Exploring cyber violence against women and girls in the Philippines through Mining Online News 1 2 3 Q4 18%
    642/782 2009 Jeong History, policy, and practices of media education in South Korea 1 2 3 Q4 18%
    643/782 2015 Recalde-Viana Telecommunication industry contributions to child online protection 1 2 3 Q4 18%
    644/782 2009 Opertti Curricular contribution to media education: A work in progress 1 2 3 Q4 17%
    645/782 2008 Herrera-Damas The newsombudsman as an instrument for media education 1 2 3 Q4 17%
    646/782 2009 Das Media education as a development project: Connecting emancipatory interests and governance in India 1 2 3 Q4 17%
    647/782 2008 Luna Audiovisual education to promote multiple competences 1 2 3 Q4 17%
    648/782 2009 Neitzel Investigating the reading process by means of collaborative environment 1 2 3 Q4 17%
    649/782 2008 Rosique-Cedillo The TV viewers associations facing the audiovisual communication challenge 1 2 3 Q4 17%
    650/782 2008 González-Oñate «Cuatro»: the new strategy of television trademark to connect with young people 0 3 3 Q4 17%
    651/782 2007 Bevort Media education in France: a hard consolidation with good prospects 2 0 2 Q4 17%
    652/782 2012 Martínez-Martínez Color in child espots: Chromatic prevalence and relation with the brand logo 2 0 2 Q4 16%
    653/782 2008 Aguaded 2 0 2 Q4 16%
    654/782 2023 Barroso-Moreno Big Data and Business Intelligence on Twitter and Instagram for digital inclusion 2 0 2 Q4 16%
    655/782 2020 Turan To-friend or not-to-friend with teachers on SNSs: University students' perspectives 2 0 2 Q4 16%
    656/782 2023 Peña-Fernández Feminism, gender identity and polarization in TikTok and Twitter 2 0 2 Q4 16%
    657/782 2015 Cornelio-Marí Mexican children and American cartoons: Foreign references in animation 2 0 2 Q4 16%
    658/782 2007 Gómez-Tarín Cinematographic narrative and education for cinema 2 0 2 Q4 16%
    659/782 2007 Bazalgette Media education in the UK 2 0 2 Q4 16%
    660/782 2008 Torres-Lana The deceitful sight: audiovisual dictatorship and democratic counterpower 1 1 2 Q4 15%
    661/782 2009 Hernando-Gómez A WebQuest for vocational guidance in High Schools 1 1 2 Q4 15%
    662/782 2009 Salomon The role of broadcasting regulation in media literacy 1 1 2 Q4 15%
    663/782 2020 Lerma-Noriega InContext: A mobile application for the improvement of learning strategies at University 1 1 2 Q4 15%
    664/782 2008 Sánchez-Igual Education is in the hands of four actors: parents, teachers, children and TV 1 1 2 Q4 15%
    665/782 2008 Moreno-García Values education in childhood TV programmes 1 1 2 Q4 15%
    666/782 2009 Orhon Media education in Turkey: Toward a multi-stakeholder framework 1 1 2 Q4 15%
    667/782 2009 Naji Media education issues for professionals and citizens: Bridging the divides in countries of the South 1 1 2 Q4 15%
    668/782 2021 Mariën Coping with distress among adolescents: Effectiveness of personal narratives on support websites 1 1 2 Q4 14%
    669/782 2011 Avendaño-Ruz Television and its new expressions 1 1 2 Q4 14%
    670/782 2008 Orozco-Gómez Audiences and screens in America 1 1 2 Q4 14%
    671/782 2008 Grupo-Spectus Creative analysis of publicity in virtual environments 1 1 2 Q4 14%
    672/782 2008 Rodríguez-Fuentes Watching TV with visual impaired children 1 1 2 Q4 14%
    673/782 2013 Mañana-Rodríguez The multidisciplinarity in Spanish and foreign communication journals 1 1 2 Q4 14%
    674/782 2008 Chacón-Gordillo The use of women as sex objects in advertising 0 2 2 Q4 14%
    675/782 2008 Berlanga-Fernández Informative programmes related to the mystery journalism: rubbish TV or informative rigour? 0 2 2 Q4 14%
    676/782 2009 Wilson Implementing mandates in media education: The Ontario experience 0 2 2 Q4 13%
    677/782 2022 Castellví Futures education: Curriculum and educational practices in Australia, Spain, and Chile 0 2 2 Q4 13%
    678/782 2008 Hidalgo-Rodríguez Aesthetic education in television animation 0 2 2 Q4 13%
    679/782 2007 Ginesta-Portet Values in sport: a pedagogical experience with the football match Barça-Madrid 1 0 1 Q4 13%
    680/782 2023 De Coninck Gendered perspectives on digital skills and digital activities: Comparing non-binary and binary youth 1 0 1 Q4 13%
    681/782 2008 Clarembeaux The critical education of young people about TV: countries in northern and central Europe 1 0 1 Q4 13%
    682/782 2007 Clarembeaux Media education in the French Community of Belgium 1 0 1 Q4 13%
    683/782 2008 Gordillo-Álvarez TV and strategies to promote consumption among young girls 1 0 1 Q4 13%
    684/782 2008 Aguaded 1 0 1 Q4 12%
    685/782 2007 Ruano-López Culture and television. A controversial relation 1 0 1 Q4 12%
    686/782 2023 Calvera-Isabal How to automate the extraction and analysis of information for educational purposes 1 0 1 Q4 12%
    687/782 2007 Álvarez-Suárez Newspapers as a didactic resource for the environmental education 1 0 1 Q4 12%
    688/782 2008 Reia-Baptista Who sees what? Contributions for an open debate about television in the context of media literacy 1 0 1 Q4 12%
    689/782 2009 Prieto-Cruz Information sources and drugs consumption. TV: A risk factor in schoolchildren 1 0 1 Q4 12%
    690/782 2007 Kickert Media education in Luxembourg 1 0 1 Q4 12%
    691/782 2023 García-Marín (Un)founded fear towards the algorithm: YouTube recommendations and polarisation 1 0 1 Q4 12%
    692/782 2023 Contreras Digital media use on school civic engagement: A parallel mediation model 1 0 1 Q4 11%
    693/782 2007 Raposo-Rivas Didactic use of web page pertaining to department in Secondary Schools 1 0 1 Q4 11%
    694/782 2007 Llorente-Cejudo Towards e-learning from free software. Moodle like a Learning Managament System (LMS) within reach of all 1 0 1 Q4 11%
    695/782 2008 Aguilar-González Transverse readings: how to build critical audiences 1 0 1 Q4 11%
    696/782 2008 Soto-Romero Educating the sight and the audiovisual writing 1 0 1 Q4 11%
    697/782 2023 Ojeda Even if they don't say it to you, it hurts too: Internalized homonegativity in LGBTQ+ cyberbullying among adolescents 0 1 1 Q4 11%
    698/782 2010 de-Aguilera-Moyano Mediations in the new digital landscape. Music and screens 0 1 1 Q4 11%
    699/782 2022 Cavalcante-Pimentel Learning strategies through digital games in a university context 0 1 1 Q4 11%
    700/782 2008 Borges Portuguese RTP2 and the promotion of media education 0 1 1 Q4 10%
    701/782 2008 de-Oliveira-Soares The right to screens: from media education to educommunication in Brazil 0 1 1 Q4 10%
    702/782 2008 Fernández-Baena Educational TV and teachers: an impossible relationship? 0 1 1 Q4 10%
    703/782 2008 Rodríguez-Mateos The consumption of television: a big show 0 1 1 Q4 10%
    704/782 2022 Cabrera-Rodríguez Invisibilised human rights: Trafficking in human beings in the media in Spain 0 1 1 Q4 10%
    705/782 2008 Jacks Reception studies and cultural identity 0 1 1 Q4 10%
    706/782 2022 Castillo-Zúñiga Detection of traits in students with suicidal tendencies on Internet applying Web Mining 0 1 1 Q4 10%
    707/782 2008 Azaústre-Serrano Learn to observe: «The Boarding School», a proposal for developing critical thinking 0 1 1 Q4 9%
    708/782 2008 Peralta-Ferreyra TV: responsibility in socialization 0 0 0 Q4 9%
    709/782 2008 de-Oliveira-Souza Chalk, camera, action: an experiment in reading and production of the image for teachers´ training 0 0 0 Q4 9%
    710/782 2023 Soengas-Pérez The credibility of newscasts in public service media in Spain 0 0 0 Q4 9%
    711/782 2008 Monescillo-Palomo Psychopedagogic orientation for learning and teaching to watch TV 0 0 0 Q4 9%
    712/782 2008 Marín-Díaz TV and family: working together for the education? 0 0 0 Q4 9%
    713/782 2023 Duan The student self-assessment paradigm in MOOC: An example in Chinese higher education 0 0 0 Q4 9%
    714/782 2008 Rius-Sanchis The «TV baby sitter» phenomenon as a modern cathodic «Super-nanny» 0 0 0 Q4 9%
    715/782 2008 Barbosa-da-Silva Child-school-TV and their relationship in the readings of the world 0 0 0 Q4 8%
    716/782 2008 Huergo The formative relevance of screens 0 0 0 Q4 8%
    717/782 2008 Olascoaga Formation of the critical consciousness regarding mass media in Uruguay 0 0 0 Q4 8%
    718/782 2023 Tariq Political empowerment among young voters: Social media, partisanship and the moderating role of political interest 0 0 0 Q4 8%
    719/782 2022 Sánchez-Reina The COVID-19 infodemic among young people and adults: The support of critical media literacy 0 0 0 Q4 8%
    720/782 2008 Novelli-Osorio Television of proximity and audiovisual literacy 0 0 0 Q4 8%
    721/782 2023 Cuervo-Sánchez The four P's on the Internet: Pornography, plagiarism, piracy and permission 0 0 0 Q4 8%
    722/782 2008 Reigosa-York Relations between school and TV: making visible the invisible 0 0 0 Q4 8%
    723/782 2008 Quintão-Carneiro Readings of TV from teenagers storyboards 0 0 0 Q4 7%
    724/782 2010 Martínez-Salanova-Sánchez European cinema, memory of Europe 0 0 0 Q4 7%
    725/782 2021 Ye The effects of children’s Internet use: A Chinese longitudinal study 0 0 0 Q4 7%
    726/782 2023 García-Beaudoux Female political leadership styles as shown on Instagram during COVID-19 0 0 0 Q4 7%
    727/782 2008 Boza-Osuna Teaching how to watch TV, an outstanding subject 0 0 0 Q4 7%
    728/782 2023 Serrano-Mamolar Towards learner performance evaluation in iVR learning environments using eye-tracking and Machine-learning 0 0 0 Q4 7%
    729/782 2008 Lamuedra-Graván How to educate the gaze and manufacture the news: the citizen in the BBC broadcast information 0 0 0 Q4 7%
    730/782 2008 Vera-Aranda Teaching to watch television with a critical spirit 0 0 0 Q4 7%
    731/782 2008 Aguaded-Gómez The family and the children’s consumption of television: orientations and proposals 0 0 0 Q4 6%
    732/782 2008 Nunes TV online: different ways to watch and interpret 0 0 0 Q4 6%
    733/782 2008 Fernández-Martínez Apocalyptics: means and ends 0 0 0 Q4 6%
    734/782 2008 Mariana-Fernández Why teaching to watch TV? 0 0 0 Q4 6%
    735/782 2023 Golob Parents' meta-reflexivity benefits media education of children 0 0 0 Q4 6%
    736/782 2008 González-Sánchez Screens we see, societies we unknow 0 0 0 Q4 6%
    737/782 2008 Romero-Carmona The reception of soap operas and the genre perspective 0 0 0 Q4 6%
    738/782 2008 Martínez-Rodrigo The impact of the screen codes 0 0 0 Q4 6%
    739/782 2008 Linde-Navas TV as an instrument of moral education for democratic citizenship 0 0 0 Q4 5%
    740/782 2008 Bacher School and TV: love and mistrust in a liquid environment 0 0 0 Q4 5%
    741/782 2008 Cruz-Díaz Social and educational features in children´s TV programming: «La Banda» at the Radio and Television of Andalucía 0 0 0 Q4 5%
    742/782 2023 Juárez-Varón Analysis of stress, attention, interest, and engagement in onsite and online higher education: A neurotechnological... 0 0 0 Q4 5%
    743/782 2008 Ruiz-Trujillo Educative TV or TV-sitter?: attitudes towards the current TV 0 0 0 Q4 5%
    744/782 2023 Regueira Selfies and videos of teenagers: The role of gender, territory, and sociocultural level 0 0 0 Q4 5%
    745/782 2008 Cabrera-González Television consumption and profiles of the hearings: a customized way to watch TV 0 0 0 Q4 5%
    746/782 2008 Vicente-Mariño Screens’ societies: potentialities and limits for media education 0 0 0 Q4 5%
    747/782 2008 Alvarado-Miquilena Learning to watch TV: from virtual to specialization in the creative use of TV 0 0 0 Q4 4%
    748/782 2023 Duarte Digital empathy in online education: A comparison study between Portugal and Romania 0 0 0 Q4 4%
    749/782 2008 Pavón-Rabasco Teaching to watch family from the school and the family 0 0 0 Q4 4%
    750/782 2010 Martínez-Salanova-Sánchez Stories: The history of music that comes and goes 0 0 0 Q4 4%
    751/782 2008 Pulido-Rodríguez Educating our ways of viewing through the dialogue 0 0 0 Q4 4%
    752/782 2008 Pereira Backstage of TV for children: criteria underlying programming construction 0 0 0 Q4 4%
    753/782 2008 Roel-Vecino TV, contents and childhood: keys to teach TV watching 0 0 0 Q4 4%
    754/782 2023 Sáiz-Manzanares Application and challenges of eye tracking technology in Higher Education 0 0 0 Q4 4%
    755/782 2022 Sierra-Rodríguez Twitter and human trafficking: Purposes, actors and topics in the Spanish-speaking scene 0 0 0 Q4 3%
    756/782 2023 Martínez-Serrano Let’s talk series: Binge-watching vs. marathon. The duality in the consumption of episodes from the Grounded Theory 0 0 0 Q4 3%
    757/782 2008 Jiménez-Palacio Pass in language, maths... and TV 0 0 0 Q4 3%
    758/782 2008 Torrent Commercialized childhood 0 0 0 Q4 3%
    759/782 2010 Grimshaw Player relationships as mediated through sound in immersive multi-player computer games 0 0 0 Q4 3%
    760/782 2008 Bevort Education on TV in France 0 0 0 Q4 3%
    761/782 2023 Fernandes-de-Oliveira The COVID-19 vaccine on Facebook: A study of emotions expressed by the Brazilian public 0 0 0 Q4 3%
    762/782 2008 Martínez-González TV and reality: a proposal for teachers´ training 0 0 0 Q4 3%
    763/782 2008 Moreno-Rodríguez Spain: bottom of the league regarding quality TV 0 0 0 Q4 2%
    764/782 2023 García-Monge Potentialities and limitations of the use of EEG devices in educational contexts 0 0 0 Q4 2%
    765/782 2019 Villareal-Romero Children with grand Imaginaries: Bringing them closer to the world of science 0 0 0 Q4 2%
    766/782 2021 Miller The hero and the shadow: Myths in digital social movements 0 0 0 Q4 2%
    767/782 2008 Martínez-Salanova-Sánchez The yellow press 0 0 0 Q4 2%
    768/782 2008 Funes Intelligent audiences: a possible challenge 0 0 0 Q4 2%
    769/782 2008 Méndez-Garrido Teaching to watch TV is our business 0 0 0 Q4 2%
    770/782 2008 Rivoltella TV and children in Italy: experiences on teaching television 0 0 0 Q4 2%
    771/782 2008 Díaz-Gómez Hypermedia project: TV magnifying glass 0 0 0 Q4 1%
    772/782 2010 wa-Mukuma The role of musical instruments in the globalization of music 0 0 0 Q4 1%
    773/782 2008 Saavedra-Inaraja Teaching to watch TV as part of «Education for the Citizenship» 0 0 0 Q4 1%
    774/782 2023 Serrate-González Onlife identity: The question of gender and age in teenagers' online behaviour 0 0 0 Q4 1%
    775/782 2008 Hernández-Díaz Methodological proposal to educate in mediations 0 0 0 Q4 1%
    776/782 2008 Comín-Oliver TV is not Mary Poppins 0 0 0 Q4 1%
    777/782 2008 Vicente-Encinas TV is our business 0 0 0 Q4 1%
    778/782 2023 Hidalgo-Muñoz Application of neurotechnology in students with ADHD: An umbrella review 0 0 0 Q4 1%
    779/782 2008 Masegosa-Hernández Information on TV: youngsters should also be taken into account 0 0 0 Q4 1%
    780/782 2009 Waheed-Khan Foreword 0 0 0 Q4 1%
    781/782 2023 Malo-Cerrato Psychosocial factors and low-risk behaviour in ICT use among adolescents 0 0 0 Q4 1%
    782/782 2008 Maturana Television literacy at the «kindergarden» 0 0 0 Q4 1%



    Data update: 2025-02-17

    POS PUB Author Global ranking on official Web of Science and Scopus citations WOS Cites Scopus Cites Total Article Quartil Article Percentil



    Data update: 2023-09-04

    POS PUB Author Global ranking on official Web of Science and Scopus citations WOS Cites Scopus Cites Total Article Quartil Article Percentil
    1/30 2023 Flores-Vivar Reflections on the ethics, potential, and challenges of artificial intelligence in the framework of quality education... 5 8 13 Q1 96%
    2/30 2023 Lozano-Blasco Social media influence on young people and children: Analysis on Instagram, Twitter and YouTube 4 7 11 Q1 92%
    3/30 2023 García-Orosa Algorithms and communication: A systematized literature review 2 3 5 Q1 89%
    4/30 2023 Estanyol Digital competence among young people in Spain: A gender divide analysis 2 2 4 Q1 86%
    5/30 2023 Samy-Tayie News literacy and online news between Egyptian and Spanish youth: Fake news, hate speech and trust in the media 1 3 4 Q1 83%
    6/30 2023 Cazan Factors determining the use of e-learning and teaching satisfaction 1 3 4 Q1 79%
    7/30 2023 Barroso-Moreno Big Data and Business Intelligence on Twitter and Instagram for digital inclusion 2 0 2 Q1 76%
    8/30 2023 Peña-Fernández Feminism, gender identity and polarization in TikTok and Twitter 2 0 2 Q2 73%
    9/30 2023 De Coninck Gendered perspectives on digital skills and digital activities: Comparing non-binary and binary youth 1 0 1 Q2 69%
    10/30 2023 Calvera-Isabal How to automate the extraction and analysis of information for educational purposes 1 0 1 Q2 66%
    11/30 2023 García-Marín (Un)founded fear towards the algorithm: YouTube recommendations and polarisation 1 0 1 Q2 63%
    12/30 2023 Contreras Digital media use on school civic engagement: A parallel mediation model 1 0 1 Q2 59%
    13/30 2023 Ojeda Even if they don't say it to you, it hurts too: Internalized homonegativity in LGBTQ+ cyberbullying among adolescents 0 1 1 Q2 56%
    14/30 2023 Serrate-González Onlife identity: The question of gender and age in teenagers' online behaviour 0 0 0 Q2 53%
    15/30 2023 Hidalgo-Muñoz Application of neurotechnology in students with ADHD: An umbrella review 0 0 0 Q2 50%
    16/30 2023 Malo-Cerrato Psychosocial factors and low-risk behaviour in ICT use among adolescents 0 0 0 Q3 46%
    17/30 2023 Soengas-Pérez The credibility of newscasts in public service media in Spain 0 0 0 Q3 43%
    18/30 2023 Duan The student self-assessment paradigm in MOOC: An example in Chinese higher education 0 0 0 Q3 40%
    19/30 2023 Tariq Political empowerment among young voters: Social media, partisanship and the moderating role of political interest 0 0 0 Q3 36%
    20/30 2023 Cuervo-Sánchez The four P's on the Internet: Pornography, plagiarism, piracy and permission 0 0 0 Q3 33%
    21/30 2023 García-Beaudoux Female political leadership styles as shown on Instagram during COVID-19 0 0 0 Q3 30%
    22/30 2023 Serrano-Mamolar Towards learner performance evaluation in iVR learning environments using eye-tracking and Machine-learning 0 0 0 Q3 26%
    23/30 2023 Golob Parents' meta-reflexivity benefits media education of children 0 0 0 Q4 23%
    24/30 2023 Juárez-Varón Analysis of stress, attention, interest, and engagement in onsite and online higher education: A neurotechnological... 0 0 0 Q4 20%
    25/30 2023 Regueira Selfies and videos of teenagers: The role of gender, territory, and sociocultural level 0 0 0 Q4 17%
    26/30 2023 Duarte Digital empathy in online education: A comparison study between Portugal and Romania 0 0 0 Q4 13%
    27/30 2023 Sáiz-Manzanares Application and challenges of eye tracking technology in Higher Education 0 0 0 Q4 10%
    28/30 2023 Martínez-Serrano Let’s talk series: Binge-watching vs. marathon. The duality in the consumption of episodes from the Grounded Theory 0 0 0 Q4 7%
    29/30 2023 Fernandes-de-Oliveira The COVID-19 vaccine on Facebook: A study of emotions expressed by the Brazilian public 0 0 0 Q4 3%
    30/30 2023 García-Monge Potentialities and limitations of the use of EEG devices in educational contexts 0 0 0 Q4 1%



    Data update: 2023-09-15

    POS PUB Author Global ranking on official Web of Science and Scopus citations WOS Cites Scopus Cites Total Article Quartil Article Percentil
    1/40 2022 Mateus Teachers' perspectives for a critical agenda in media education post COVID-19. A comparative study in Latin America 17 18 35 Q1 97%
    2/40 2022 Arcila-Calderón Hate speech and social acceptance of migrants in Europe: Analysis of tweets with geolocation 12 23 35 Q1 94%
    3/40 2022 Gutiérrez-Martín ICT and Media competencies of teachers. Convergence towards an integrated MIL-ICT model 15 17 32 Q1 92%
    4/40 2022 Wachs Adolescents’ motivations to perpetrate hate speech and links with social norms 13 17 30 Q1 89%
    5/40 2022 Sáiz-Manzanares Student satisfaction with online teaching in times of COVID-19 13 17 30 Q1 87%
    6/40 2022 Mesquita-Romero Critical media literacy to improve students' competencies 13 11 24 Q1 84%
    7/40 2022 Valverde-Berrocoso Disinformation and multiliteracy: A systematic review of the literature 9 15 24 Q1 82%
    8/40 2022 Estrada-Molina Engagement and desertion in MOOCs: Systematic review 10 11 21 Q1 79%
    9/40 2022 González-Díaz Latin American professors’ research culture in the digital age 10 7 17 Q1 77%
    10/40 2022 Serrano-Díaz Families’ perception of children’s academic performance during the COVID-19 lockdown 6 9 15 Q1 74%
    11/40 2022 Robles When negativity is the fuel. Bots and Political Polarization in the COVID-19 debate 6 7 13 Q2 72%
    12/40 2022 Abuín-Vences Hate speech analysis as a function of ideology: Emotional and cognitive effects 3 9 12 Q2 69%
    13/40 2022 Valera-Ordaz Unraveling disinformation: Notions and discourses from the Spanish population 7 4 11 Q2 67%
    14/40 2022 Herrero-Curiel Secondary education students and media literacy in the age of disinformation 7 3 10 Q2 64%
    15/40 2022 Campos-Domínguez Rhetoric of parliamentary disinformation on Twitter 5 5 10 Q2 62%
    16/40 2022 Mogoș Russian disinformation in Eastern Europe. Vaccination media frames in ro.sputnik.md 5 3 8 Q2 59%
    17/40 2022 Menéndez-Alvarez-Hevia Contributions of futures studies to education: A systematic review 4 4 8 Q2 57%
    18/40 2022 Ramírez-García Interdisciplinarity of scientific production on hate speech and social media: A bibliometric analysis 4 4 8 Q2 54%
    19/40 2022 Manetti Design process for the generation of future education scenarios 4 4 8 Q2 52%
    20/40 2022 Yasar-Akyar Special Education Teacher’s professional development through digital storytelling 4 3 7 Q2 50%
    21/40 2022 Guiñez-Cabrera Booktokers: Generating and sharing book content on TikTok 2 5 7 Q3 47%
    22/40 2022 Arroyave-Cabrera Communication bibliometric research in Latin American scientific journals (2009-2018) 3 3 6 Q3 45%
    23/40 2022 Gonçalves A systematic literature review of the representations of migration in Brazil and the United Kingdom 3 3 6 Q3 42%
    24/40 2022 Taddeo Creators and spectators facing online information disorder. Effects of digital content production on information skills 2 4 6 Q3 40%
    25/40 2022 Carbonell-Alcocer Educating for a sustainable future through the Circular Economy: Citizen involvement and social change 1 5 6 Q3 37%
    26/40 2022 Díez-Gutiérrez Political hate speech of the far right on Twitter in Latin America 2 3 5 Q3 35%
    27/40 2022 Froment The relationship of Twitter with teacher credibility and motivation in university students 1 4 5 Q3 32%
    28/40 2022 Salcines-Talledo Smartphones in Higher Education. A longitudinal qualitative study 3 1 4 Q3 30%
    29/40 2022 Rodero Virtual reality with distractors to overcome public speaking anxiety in university students 2 2 4 Q3 27%
    30/40 2022 Dynel The life of COVID-19 mask memes: A diachronic study of the pandemic memescape 1 3 4 Q3 25%
    31/40 2022 Baggia Emoticons in student-professor email communication 2 1 3 Q4 22%
    32/40 2022 Palau-Sampio Quality recognition as a prescriber against disinformation 2 1 3 Q4 20%
    33/40 2022 Casadellà Imagination, education for the future and democratic culture: Educational policies in the Iberian Peninsula 1 2 3 Q4 17%
    34/40 2022 Febro-Naga Exploring cyber violence against women and girls in the Philippines through Mining Online News 1 2 3 Q4 15%
    35/40 2022 Castellví Futures education: Curriculum and educational practices in Australia, Spain, and Chile 0 2 2 Q4 12%
    36/40 2022 Cabrera-Rodríguez Invisibilised human rights: Trafficking in human beings in the media in Spain 0 1 1 Q4 10%
    37/40 2022 Castillo-Zúñiga Detection of traits in students with suicidal tendencies on Internet applying Web Mining 0 1 1 Q4 7%
    38/40 2022 Cavalcante-Pimentel Learning strategies through digital games in a university context 0 1 1 Q4 5%
    39/40 2022 Sierra-Rodríguez Twitter and human trafficking: Purposes, actors and topics in the Spanish-speaking scene 0 0 0 Q4 2%
    40/40 2022 Sánchez-Reina The COVID-19 infodemic among young people and adults: The support of critical media literacy 0 0 0 Q4 1%



    Data update: 2023-09-07

    POS PUB Author Global ranking on official Web of Science and Scopus citations WOS Cites Scopus Cites Total Article Quartil Article Percentil
    1/40 2021 Manfredi-Sánchez Presidential Twitter in the face of COVID-19: Between populism and pop politics 27 41 68 Q1 97%
    2/40 2021 Moreno-Guerrero Flipped learning and good teaching practices in secondary education 30 37 67 Q1 94%
    3/40 2021 Mora-Rodríguez News consumption and risk perception of Covid-19 in Spain 23 25 48 Q1 92%
    4/40 2021 Marcelo Educational influencers on Twitter. Analysis of hashtags and relationship structure 18 29 47 Q1 89%
    5/40 2021 Erstad Educational practices to transform and connect schools and communities 19 19 38 Q1 87%
    6/40 2021 Norstrom Internet memes in Covid-19 lockdown times in Poland 10 22 32 Q1 84%
    7/40 2021 Golob Meta-reflexivity for resilience against disinformation 10 21 31 Q1 82%
    8/40 2021 Núñez Anxiety and self-esteem in cyber-victimization profiles of adolescents 12 15 27 Q1 79%
    9/40 2021 Gómez-García Newsgames against hate speech in the refugee crisis 10 17 27 Q1 77%
    10/40 2021 Romera Cybergossip, cyberaggression, problematic Internet use and family communication 12 14 26 Q1 74%
    11/40 2021 Gómez-Quintero Media representation of minors who migrate on their own: The 'MENA' in the Spanish press 11 14 25 Q2 72%
    12/40 2021 Bermejo-Berros The critical dialogical method in Educommunication to develop narrative thinking 12 10 22 Q2 69%
    13/40 2021 Rapanta The challenge of inclusive dialogic teaching in public secondary school 11 11 22 Q2 67%
    14/40 2021 Diego-Mantecón STEAM projects with KIKS format for developing key competences 9 13 22 Q2 64%
    15/40 2021 Feijoo Parents' and children's perception on social media advertising 10 11 21 Q2 62%
    16/40 2021 Guan Facing disinformation: Five methods to counter conspiracy theories amid the Covid-19 pandemic 8 13 21 Q2 59%
    17/40 2021 Galbava Cyberostracism: Emotional and behavioral consequences in social media interactions 9 11 20 Q2 57%
    18/40 2021 Wright Youths’ coping with cyberhate: Roles of parental mediation and family support 10 9 19 Q2 54%
    19/40 2021 Ortega-Mohedano Predicting wellbeing in children’s use of smart screen devices 9 10 19 Q2 52%
    20/40 2021 Carrasco-Polaino Citizen participation in Twitter: Anti-vaccine controversies in times of COVID-19 9 9 18 Q2 50%
    21/40 2021 Díaz-Pérez From the global myth to local mobilization: Creation and resonance of Greta Thunberg’s frame 6 10 16 Q3 47%
    22/40 2021 Ferrero-de-Lucas ICT and knowledge management in Teaching and Engineering Students 8 7 15 Q3 45%
    23/40 2021 Kong Motivation and perception of Hong Kong university students about social media news 6 7 13 Q3 42%
    24/40 2021 Sánchez-López Digital creativity to transform learning: Empowerment from a com-educational approach 6 6 12 Q3 40%
    25/40 2021 Andrade-Vargas Young people and social networks: Between the democratization of knowledge and digital inequality 5 7 12 Q3 37%
    26/40 2021 Ardèvol Myths in visual environmental activism narratives on Instagram 5 7 12 Q3 35%
    27/40 2021 Fraga-Varela The impact of serious games in mathematics fluency: A study in Primary Education 4 8 12 Q3 32%
    28/40 2021 Garrido Archetypes, Me Too, Time’s Up and the representation of diverse women on TV 3 9 12 Q3 30%
    29/40 2021 Luengo COVID-19 on YouTube: Debates and polarisation in the digital sphere 6 5 11 Q3 27%
    30/40 2021 Renés-Arellano Countervalues of the digital ethos perceived by future trainers 6 5 11 Q3 25%
    31/40 2021 Rodríguez-Suárez Online research, new languages and symbolism of digital activism: A systematic review 4 6 10 Q4 22%
    32/40 2021 Espiñeira-Bellón Cyber-plagiarism as digital support for the submission of academic writing 3 5 8 Q4 20%
    33/40 2021 Novella-Cámara Children’s participation, local policy and the digital environment: Visions and uses among Spanish municipalities 4 3 7 Q4 17%
    34/40 2021 Su A web-based serious game about self-protection for COVID-19 prevention: Development and usability testing 3 4 7 Q4 15%
    35/40 2021 Maltos-Tamez Digital media and university political practices in the public sphere 3 2 5 Q4 12%
    36/40 2021 Tur-Porcar Aggressiveness, instability and social-emotional education in an inclusive environment 3 1 4 Q4 10%
    37/40 2021 Picado-Arce Drivers for the development of computational thinking in Costa Rican students 1 2 3 Q4 7%
    38/40 2021 Mariën Coping with distress among adolescents: Effectiveness of personal narratives on support websites 1 1 2 Q4 5%
    39/40 2021 Miller The hero and the shadow: Myths in digital social movements 0 0 0 Q4 2%
    40/40 2021 Ye The effects of children’s Internet use: A Chinese longitudinal study 0 0 0 Q4 1%



    Data update: 2023-09-07

    POS PUB Author Global ranking on official Web of Science and Scopus citations WOS Cites Scopus Cites Total Article Quartil Article Percentil
    1/40 2020 Ramírez-Montoya Systematic review of mixed methods in the framework of educational innovation 34 54 88 Q1 97%
    2/40 2020 González-Sanmamed Digital learning ecologies and professional development of university professors 40 20 60 Q1 94%
    3/40 2020 Garaigordobil Bullying and cyberbullying in LGBT adolescents: Prevalence and effects on mental health 28 23 51 Q1 92%
    4/40 2020 Díaz-López Maladaptive use of ICT in adolescence: Profiles, supervision and technological stress 24 17 41 Q1 89%
    5/40 2020 Romeu-Fontanillas Mirroring learning ecologies of outstanding teachers to integrate ICTs in the classroom 24 15 39 Q1 87%
    6/40 2020 Gómez-Gonzalvo Video game usage time in adolescents’ academic performance 18 20 38 Q1 84%
    7/40 2020 Solano-Fernández Gender equality and ICT in the context of formal education: A systematic review 24 13 37 Q1 82%
    8/40 2020 Han Personalised learning networks in the university blended learning context 20 17 37 Q1 79%
    9/40 2020 Salinas-Ibáñez Construction of personalized learning pathways through mixed methods 15 22 37 Q1 77%
    10/40 2020 Escobar-Mamani WhatsApp for the development of oral and written communication skills in Peruvian adolescents 19 16 35 Q1 74%
    11/40 2020 Regueira Women on YouTube: Representation and participation through the Web Scraping technique 20 13 33 Q2 72%
    12/40 2020 Lozano-Blasco Problematic Internet uses and depression in adolescents: A meta-analysis 19 13 32 Q2 69%
    13/40 2020 Ojeda Sexting in adolescents: Prevalence and behaviours 16 11 27 Q2 67%
    14/40 2020 Izquierdo-Iranzo Studygrammers: Learning influencers 14 13 27 Q2 64%
    15/40 2020 Fondevila-Gascón Influence of Instagram stories in attention and emotion depending on gender 14 12 26 Q2 62%
    16/40 2020 Rodrigo Learning ecologies in online students with disabilities 14 11 25 Q2 59%
    17/40 2020 Alcolea-Díaz UNESCO’s Media and Information Literacy curriculum for teachers from the perspective of Structural Considerations of... 16 8 24 Q2 57%
    18/40 2020 Lopezosa SEO and the digital news media: From the workplace to the classroom 13 10 23 Q2 54%
    19/40 2020 Garcés-Prettel Influence of family and pedagogical communication on school violence 13 9 22 Q2 52%
    20/40 2020 García-Marín Domesticated voices and false participation: Anatomy of interaction on transmedia podcasting 13 8 21 Q2 50%
    21/40 2020 Jiménez-Morales Childhood use of mobile devices: Influence of mothers’ socio-educational level 12 9 21 Q3 47%
    22/40 2020 Bernardo Bullying and cyberbullying: Variables that influence university dropout 12 7 19 Q3 45%
    23/40 2020 Bonami Education, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence: Mixed methods in digital platforms 8 10 18 Q3 42%
    24/40 2020 Martínez Online parental mediation strategies in family contexts of Spain 6 12 18 Q3 40%
    25/40 2020 García-Ramos Gender studies in Communication Degrees 6 10 16 Q3 37%
    26/40 2020 Pinazo-Calatayud Positive or negative communication in social activism 8 6 14 Q3 35%
    27/40 2020 León-Pérez Self-perception about emerging digital skills in Higher Education students 6 8 14 Q3 32%
    28/40 2020 Hinojo-Lucena Sharenting: Internet addiction, self-control and online photos of underage children 6 8 14 Q3 30%
    29/40 2020 Tiscareño-García Victims and perpetrators of feminicide in the language of the Mexican written press 8 5 13 Q3 27%
    30/40 2020 Halpern School performance: New multimedia resources versus traditional notes 6 6 12 Q3 25%
    31/40 2020 Martínez-Rodríguez The ecology of resilience learning in ubiquitous environments to adverse situations 7 4 11 Q4 22%
    32/40 2020 Rummler Mobile learning for homework: Emerging cultural practices in the new media ecology 6 5 11 Q4 20%
    33/40 2020 Masilamani eHealth literacy of late adolescents: Credibility and quality of health information through smartphones in India 5 3 8 Q4 17%
    34/40 2020 Díaz-Bustamante Perceived sexualization in girls' fashion stylings: A Spain-China cross-cultural analysis 3 4 7 Q4 15%
    35/40 2020 Berger Teachers’ mediation practice: Opportunities and risks for youth media behavior 5 1 6 Q4 12%
    36/40 2020 Denia The impact of science communication on Twitter: The case of Neil deGrasse Tyson 3 3 6 Q4 10%
    37/40 2020 Dagnino The role of supporting technologies in a mixed methods research design 2 4 6 Q4 7%
    38/40 2020 Möller-Recondo New genius-entrepreneurs: Itinerary and trajectories of university educational excellence 3 1 4 Q4 5%
    39/40 2020 Turan To-friend or not-to-friend with teachers on SNSs: University students' perspectives 2 0 2 Q4 2%
    40/40 2020 Lerma-Noriega InContext: A mobile application for the improvement of learning strategies at University 1 1 2 Q4 1%



    Data update: 2022-09-21

    POS PUB Author Global ranking on official Web of Science and Scopus citations WOS Cites Scopus Cites Total Article Quartil Article Percentil
    1/40 2019 Pereira Young people learning from digital media outside of school: The informal meets the formal 74 75 149 Q1 97%
    2/40 2019 Engen Understanding social and cultural aspects of teachers’ digital competencies 57 51 108 Q1 94%
    3/40 2019 García-Martín Use of technologies and academic performance in adolescent students 41 34 75 Q1 92%
    4/40 2019 García-Valcárcel-Muñoz-Repiso Robotics to develop computational thinking in early Childhood Education 29 44 73 Q1 89%
    5/40 2019 Santana-Vega Adolescents problematic mobile phone use, Fear of Missing Out and family communication 35 37 72 Q1 87%
    6/40 2019 Miralles-Martínez Digital resources and didactic methodology in the initial training of History teachers 31 37 68 Q1 84%
    7/40 2019 Colás-Bravo The development of the digital teaching competence from a sociocultural approach 35 27 62 Q1 82%
    8/40 2019 Zhang The ‘danmu’ phenomenon and media participation: Intercultural understanding and language learning through ‘The... 29 28 57 Q1 79%
    9/40 2019 Vizcaíno-Verdú Reading and informal learning trends on YouTube: The booktuber 30 24 54 Q1 77%
    10/40 2019 Gallego-Arrufat Competence of future teachers in the digital security area 29 22 51 Q1 74%
    11/40 2019 Silva Teacher’s digital competence among final year Pedagogy students in Chile and Uruguay 23 28 51 Q2 72%
    12/40 2019 Santoveña-Casal Exploring the influence of the teacher: Social participation on Twitter and academic perception 23 25 48 Q2 69%
    13/40 2019 Gee Designing for deep learning in the context of digital and social media 21 23 44 Q2 67%
    14/40 2019 Pertegal-Vega Systematic review of the current state of research on Online Social Networks: Taxonomy on experience of use 20 20 40 Q2 64%
    15/40 2019 Silva-Rodríguez Mobile journalism: Systematic literature review 20 19 39 Q2 62%
    16/40 2019 Gordillo Effectiveness of MOOCs for teachers in safe ICT use training 19 20 39 Q2 59%
    17/40 2019 Sáez-López Application of the ubiquitous game with augmented reality in Primary Education 16 21 37 Q2 57%
    18/40 2019 Piñeiro-Naval Study of the academic production on communication in Spain and Latin America 17 16 33 Q2 54%
    19/40 2019 Samuel-Azran Online news recommendations credibility: The tie is mightier than the source 14 16 30 Q2 52%
    20/40 2019 Perlado-Lamo-de-Espinosa From media planner to media expert: The digital effect in advertising 14 13 27 Q2 50%
    21/40 2019 Pedrero-Esteban Teenagers, smartphones and digital audio consumption in the age of Spotify 13 14 27 Q3 47%
    22/40 2019 Parodi Google or Gutenberg Generation: Chilean university students’ reading habits and reading purposes 14 12 26 Q3 45%
    23/40 2019 Martínez-Costa Young adults’ interaction with online news and advertising 14 11 25 Q3 42%
    24/40 2019 Crescenzi-Lanna Safe and inclusive educational apps: Digital protection from an ethical and critical perspective 13 12 25 Q3 40%
    25/40 2019 García-Perales An enrichment program for students with high intellectual ability: Positive effects on school adaptation 14 10 24 Q3 37%
    26/40 2019 Gómez-García Constructing Donald Trump: Mobile apps in the political discourse about the President of the United States 11 12 23 Q3 35%
    27/40 2019 Bender Connected learning ecologies as an emerging opportunity through Cosplay 10 9 19 Q3 32%
    28/40 2019 Fanjul-Peyró eGamers’ influence in brand advertising strategies. A comparative study between Spain and Korea 10 9 19 Q3 30%
    29/40 2019 Roses-Campos Conflicts in the professional roles of journalists in Spain: Ideals and practice 8 10 18 Q3 27%
    30/40 2019 López-Cepeda Participatory audiences in the European public service media: Content production and copyright 9 8 17 Q3 25%
    31/40 2019 Chib Distributed digital contexts and learning: Personal empowerment and social transformation in marginalized populations 8 5 13 Q4 22%
    32/40 2019 de-la-Garza-Montemayor Online political participation of young people in Mexico, Spain and Chile 6 6 12 Q4 20%
    33/40 2019 Navarro-Pablo The use of digital resources and materials In and outside the bilingual classroom 5 6 11 Q4 17%
    34/40 2019 Garmen Multiple intelligences and video games: Assessment and intervention with TOI software 6 4 10 Q4 15%
    35/40 2019 Sastre-Riba From high intellectual ability to genius: Profiles of perfectionism 4 6 10 Q4 12%
    36/40 2019 Katherine-Chen Taiwanese university students’ smartphone use and the privacy paradox 4 6 10 Q4 10%
    37/40 2019 Edo Content syndication in news aggregators. Towards devaluation of professional journalistic criterio 6 3 9 Q4 7%
    38/40 2019 García-Guardia Educating the gifted student: Eagerness to achieve as a curricular competence 4 4 8 Q4 5%
    39/40 2019 Castelló-Tarrida The role of knowledge structures in adult excellence. An approach from expert functioning 1 2 3 Q4 2%
    40/40 2019 Villareal-Romero Children with grand Imaginaries: Bringing them closer to the world of science 0 0 0 Q4 1%



    Data update: 2022-09-28

    POS PUB Author Global ranking on official Web of Science and Scopus citations WOS Cites Scopus Cites Total Article Quartil Article Percentil
    1/40 2018 Ramírez-Montoya Co-creation and open innovation: Systematic literature review 92 117 209 Q1 97%
    2/40 2018 Montero-Díaz A science mapping analysis of ‘Communication’ WoS subject category (1980-2013) 65 64 129 Q1 94%
    3/40 2018 Pérez-Torres YouTuber videos and the construction of adolescent identity 59 67 126 Q1 92%
    4/40 2018 Aran-Ramspott YouTubers' social functions and their influence on pre-adolescence 45 48 93 Q1 89%
    5/40 2018 Montes-Vozmediano Teen videos on YouTube: Features and digital vulnerabilities 43 41 84 Q1 87%
    6/40 2018 Bartau-Rojas Parental mediation of the Internet use of Primary students: beliefs, strategies and difficulties 37 45 82 Q1 84%
    7/40 2018 Osuna-Acedo From sMOOC to tMOOC, learning towards professional transference. ECO European Project 47 32 79 Q1 82%
    8/40 2018 Pérez-Manzano Gamification and transmedia for scientific promotion and for encouraging scientific careers in adolescents 42 37 79 Q1 79%
    9/40 2018 Yudes-Gómez Cyberbullying and problematic Internet use in Colombia, Uruguay and Spain: Cross-cultural study 40 39 79 Q1 77%
    10/40 2018 Senabre Participatory design of citizen science experiments 39 37 76 Q1 74%
    11/40 2018 Malo-Cerrato Excessive use of social networks: Psychosocial profile of Spanish adolescents 37 37 74 Q2 72%
    12/40 2018 Aparici Prosumers and emirecs: Analysis of two confronted theories 39 29 68 Q2 69%
    13/40 2018 Díez-Gutiérrez Ubiquitous learning ecologies for a critical cybercitizenship 36 31 67 Q2 67%
    14/40 2018 del-Rey 'Asegúrate' Program: Effects on cyber-aggression and its risk factors 33 31 64 Q2 64%
    15/40 2018 Gutiérrez-Porlán Strategies for the communication and collaborative online work by university students 30 28 58 Q2 62%
    16/40 2018 Giménez-Gualdo Teachers’ and students’ perception about cyberbullying. Intervention and coping strategies in primary and secondary... 26 26 52 Q2 59%
    17/40 2018 Ramos-Soler Online risk perception in young people and its effects on digital behaviour 26 23 49 Q2 57%
    18/40 2018 Larrañaga Socio-cognitive and emotional factors on perpetration of cyberbullying 22 27 49 Q2 54%
    19/40 2018 Rey Emotional intelligence and peer cybervictimisation in adolescents: Gender as moderator 23 25 48 Q2 52%
    20/40 2018 Rodríguez-Gómez Problematic uses of ICTs among young people in their personal and school life 24 21 45 Q2 50%
    21/40 2018 Soler-Adillon Wikipedia in higher education: Changes in perceived value through content contribution 19 19 38 Q3 47%
    22/40 2018 Fernández-de-Arroyabe-Olaortua Digital natives: Online audiovisual content consumption, creation and dissemination 20 17 37 Q3 45%
    23/40 2018 Caffarel-Serra Communication research in Spain: Weaknesses, threats, strengths and opportunities 17 18 35 Q3 42%
    24/40 2018 Cassany Communicating science: The profile of science journalists in Spain 20 14 34 Q3 40%
    25/40 2018 Aladro-Vico Artivism: A new educative language for transformative social action 17 13 30 Q3 37%
    26/40 2018 Mesías-Lema Artivism and social conscience: Transforming teacher training from a sensibility standpoint 15 9 24 Q3 35%
    27/40 2018 Aceituno-Aceituno University training on entrepreneurship in communication and journalism business projects 9 11 20 Q3 32%
    28/40 2018 Carrasco-Polaino Artivism and NGO: Relationship between image and 'engagement' in Instagram 11 8 19 Q3 30%
    29/40 2018 Vernier Critical thinking of young citizens towards news headlines in Chile 9 8 17 Q3 27%
    30/40 2018 Saiz-Echezarreta Advocacy of trafficking campaigns: A controversy story 11 5 16 Q3 25%
    31/40 2018 Gou Towards understanding young children’s digital lives in China and Australia 7 7 14 Q4 22%
    32/40 2018 Suárez-Perdomo Assessing the ethical and content quality of online parenting resources 6 8 14 Q4 20%
    33/40 2018 Clua Youth impact on the public sphere in Press and Twitter: The dissolution of the Spanish Youth Council 6 6 12 Q4 17%
    34/40 2018 Meneses #TrumpenMexico. Transnational connective action on Twitter and the border wall dispute 5 7 12 Q4 15%
    35/40 2018 Piñeiro-Otero Radio studies: An overview from the Ibero-American academia 3 6 9 Q4 12%
    36/40 2018 Souza-Leal Violence against Brazilian women in public and mediatic spheres 4 4 8 Q4 10%
    37/40 2018 Orosa-Roldán Postdrama culture in Ecuador and Spain: Methodological framework and comparative study 2 6 8 Q4 7%
    38/40 2018 Mateos Video artivism: The poetics of symbolic conflict 2 5 7 Q4 5%
    39/40 2018 Díaz-Fernández Spies and security: Assessing the impact of animated videos on intelligence services in school children 3 3 6 Q4 2%
    40/40 2018 Martínez-Roa Perceptions and participation in community radio stations in Nariño-Colombia 2 2 4 Q4 1%



    Data update: 2023-05-26

    POS PUB Author Global ranking on official Web of Science and Scopus citations WOS Cites Scopus Cites Total Article Quartil Article Percentil
    1/40 2017 Álvarez-García Cyberaggression among adolescents: Prevalence and gender differences 60 56 116 Q1 97%
    2/40 2017 Romero-Martín Formative assessment, communication skills and ICT in Initial teacher education 53 54 107 Q1 94%
    3/40 2017 Tur Using Twitter in Higher Education in Spain and the USA 49 50 99 Q1 92%
    4/40 2017 Andújar-Vaca Mobile instant messaging: Whatsapp and its potential to develop oral skills 45 51 96 Q1 89%
    5/40 2017 López-García Technological skills and new professional profiles: Present challenges for journalism 43 40 83 Q1 87%
    6/40 2017 Fombona M-learning and augmented reality: A review of the scientific literature on the WoS repository 33 35 68 Q1 84%
    7/40 2017 Baraybar-Fernández Evaluation of emotional responses to television advertising through neuromarketing 36 31 67 Q1 82%
    8/40 2017 Hernández-Serrano From prosumer to prodesigner: Participatory news consumption 37 27 64 Q1 79%
    9/40 2017 Cuesta-Cambra The cognitive processing of an educational app with EEG and ’Eye Tracking’ 32 30 62 Q1 77%
    10/40 2017 Vidales-Bolaños Connected teens: Measuring the impact of mobile phones on social relationships through social capital 30 21 51 Q1 74%
    11/40 2017 Hershkovizt Teacher-student relationship and Facebook-mediated communication: Student perceptions 26 24 50 Q2 72%
    12/40 2017 Valdemoros-San-Emeterio Digital leisure and perceived family functioning in youth of upper Secondary Education 26 21 47 Q2 69%
    13/40 2017 Tuzel The use of social media and popular culture to advance cross-cultural understanding 24 23 47 Q2 67%
    14/40 2017 Berganza Spanish journalists’ perception about their professional roles 21 23 44 Q2 64%
    15/40 2017 Wong Seamless language learning: Second language learning with social media 17 21 38 Q2 62%
    16/40 2017 Sánchez-Valle Parent’s influence on acquiring critical Internet skills 18 18 36 Q2 59%
    17/40 2017 Álvarez-Arregui Ecosystems of media training and competence: International assessment of its implementation in Higher education 23 11 34 Q2 57%
    18/40 2017 Amiama-Espaillat Digital reading and reading competence. The influence in the Z generation from the Dominican Republic 18 16 34 Q2 54%
    19/40 2017 Ferrés Communication efficiency in education: Increasing emotions and storytelling 20 12 32 Q2 52%
    20/40 2017 Romero-Frías Social labs in universities: Innovation and impact in medialab UGR 14 15 29 Q2 50%
    21/40 2017 Van-Hove The tablet for second language vocabulary learning: Keyboard, stylus or multiple choice 15 13 28 Q3 47%
    22/40 2017 Velandia-Mesa Formative research in ubiquitous and virtual environments in Higher Education 16 10 26 Q3 45%
    23/40 2017 Gavilan University students and informational social networks: Total sceptics, dual moderates or pro-digitals 13 13 26 Q3 42%
    24/40 2017 Kruger Original language subtitles: Their effects on the native and foreign viewer 11 14 25 Q3 40%
    25/40 2017 Saura Protesting on Twitter: Citizenship and empowerment from public education 13 11 24 Q3 37%
    26/40 2017 Crespo-Pereira Neuroscience for content innovation on European public service broadcasters 10 12 22 Q3 35%
    27/40 2017 Soengas-Pérez Cyberactivisim in the process of political and social change in Arab Countries 9 12 21 Q3 32%
    28/40 2017 Moreira Higher education distance learning and e-learning in prisons in Portugal 8 12 20 Q3 30%
    29/40 2017 Izquierdo Teachers’ use of ICTs in public language education: Evidence from second language Secondary-School classrooms 11 8 19 Q3 27%
    30/40 2017 Remesal Online questionnaires use with automatic feedback for e-innovation in university students 8 11 19 Q3 25%
    31/40 2017 Camilli-Trujillo Meta-synthesis of literacy for the empowerment of vulnerable groups 7 7 14 Q4 22%
    32/40 2017 Grijalva-Verdugo Social empowerment in Mexican violent contexts through media competence 8 5 13 Q4 20%
    33/40 2017 Ugalde Adolescents’ TV viewing patterns in the digital era: A cross-cultural study 8 5 13 Q4 17%
    34/40 2017 Salcudean The emotional impact of traditional and new media in social events 7 6 13 Q4 15%
    35/40 2017 Novo Connective Intelligence for childhood mathematics education 8 4 12 Q4 12%
    36/40 2017 Adams Promoting adolescents’ moral advertising literacy in Secondary Education 6 5 11 Q4 10%
    37/40 2017 Cano-Correa College students in Lima: Politics, media and participation 5 6 11 Q4 7%
    38/40 2017 Sun Stop-motion to foster digital literacy in Elementary School 3 7 10 Q4 5%
    39/40 2017 Ledo-Andión The role of original version cinema into the European digital space 4 3 7 Q4 2%
    40/40 2017 Porta-Navarro Music and its significance in children favourite audiovisuals 4 2 6 Q4 1%



    Data update: 2022-10-28

    POS PUB Author Global ranking on official Web of Science and Scopus citations WOS Cites Scopus Cites Total Article Quartil Article Percentil
    1/40 2016 Fernández-Cruz Generation Z’s teachers and their digital skills 128 152 280 Q1 97%
    2/40 2016 Area-Moreira Models of educational integration of ICTs in the classroom 119 93 212 Q1 94%
    3/40 2016 Pérez-Escoda Digital skills in the Z generation: Key questions for a curricular introduction in Primary School 91 85 176 Q1 92%
    4/40 2016 Romera Cyberbullying: Social competence, motivation and peer relationships 60 62 122 Q1 89%
    5/40 2016 Serrano-Puche Internet and emotions: New trends in an emerging field of research 53 49 102 Q1 87%
    6/40 2016 Torres-Díaz Internet use and academic success in university students 48 44 92 Q1 84%
    7/40 2016 Ortega-Barón The influence of school climate and family climate among adolescents victims of cyberbullying 1 90 91 Q1 82%
    8/40 2016 Crescenzi-Lanna An analysis of the interaction design of the best educational apps for children Aged zero to eight 38 44 82 Q1 79%
    9/40 2016 Ramírez-García Media competence of teachers and students of compulsory education in Spain 40 32 72 Q1 77%
    10/40 2016 Romero-Rodríguez Dimensions and indicators of the information quality in digital media 35 36 71 Q1 74%
    11/40 2016 Suárez-Guerrero Teachers’ perceptions of the digital transformation of the classroom through the use of tablets: A study in spain 31 31 62 Q2 72%
    12/40 2016 de-Andrés-del-Campo The transformative image. The power of a photograph for social change: The death of Aylan 31 28 59 Q2 69%
    13/40 2016 Gutiérrez-Martín Watching and tweeting: Youngsters’ responses to media representations of resistance 32 24 56 Q2 67%
    14/40 2016 Gertrudis-Casado Professional information skills and open data. Challenges for citizen empowerment and social change 30 24 54 Q2 64%
    15/40 2016 Peña-Fernández European newspapers’ digital transition: New products and new audiences 21 31 52 Q2 62%
    16/40 2016 Román-García Adults and elders and their use of ICTs. Media competence of digital immigrants 23 26 49 Q2 59%
    17/40 2016 Oberst Gender stereotypes 2.0: Self-representations of adolescents on Facebook 24 22 46 Q2 57%
    18/40 2016 González-Lizárraga Cyberactivism: A new form of participation for university students 18 21 39 Q2 54%
    19/40 2016 Lacalle The representation of workingwomen in Spanish television fiction 23 15 38 Q2 52%
    20/40 2016 Arrabal-Sánchez Communicating in 140 characters. How journalists in Spain use Twitter 19 18 37 Q2 50%
    21/40 2016 Alvídrez Powerful communication style on Twitter: Effects on credibility and civic participation 17 18 35 Q3 47%
    22/40 2016 Ricaurte-Quijano The Wiki learning project: Wikipedia as an open learning environment 20 13 33 Q3 45%
    23/40 2016 Dias-Fonseca Media education as a strategy for online civic participation in Portuguese schools 19 13 32 Q3 42%
    24/40 2016 Aragón-Mendizábal A comparative study of handwriting and computer typing in note-taking by university students 12 16 28 Q3 40%
    25/40 2016 Pegurer-Caprino Media literacy in Brazil: Experiences and models in non-formal education 17 9 26 Q3 37%
    26/40 2016 Sevillano-García The ubiquitous possibilities of the laptop: Spanish university students’ perceptions 13 13 26 Q3 35%
    27/40 2016 Briones Teaching ethics in the university through multicultural online dialogue 15 8 23 Q3 32%
    28/40 2016 Aierbe-Barandiaran Values and emotions in children’s audiovisual fictional narratives 11 11 22 Q3 30%
    29/40 2016 Cmeciu Digital civic activism in Romania: Framing anti-Chevron online protest community «faces» 11 10 21 Q3 27%
    30/40 2016 Ruipérez Plagiarism and academic integrity in Germany 12 8 20 Q3 25%
    31/40 2016 Dueñas-Cid Discriminatory expressions, the young and social networks: The effect of gender 11 9 20 Q4 22%
    32/40 2016 Hu Chinese university EFL teachers’ knowledge of and stance on plagiarism 9 11 20 Q4 20%
    33/40 2016 Nupairoj The ecosystem of media literacy: A holistic approach to media education 11 8 19 Q4 17%
    34/40 2016 Gómez-Espinosa The impact of activity design in Internet plagiarism in Higher Education 10 8 18 Q4 15%
    35/40 2016 Rivera Online and offline pornography consumption in Colombian adolescents 8 10 18 Q4 12%
    36/40 2016 Cerbino Community media as exercise of communicative citizenship: Experiences from Argentina and Ecuador 9 8 17 Q4 10%
    37/40 2016 Lema-Blanco Youth and the third sector media in Spain: Communication and social change training 9 6 15 Q4 7%
    38/40 2016 Tiede Media pedagogy in German and U.S. teacher education 8 6 14 Q4 5%
    39/40 2016 Hernández-Ruiz Antifraud editorial policy in Spanish and Latin American scientific publication: JCR social sciences edition 8 5 13 Q4 2%
    40/40 2016 Duarte-Hueros The audiovisual content downloads among university students 2 2 4 Q4 1%



    Data update: 2022-07-15

    POS PUB Author Global ranking on official Web of Science and Scopus citations WOS Cites Scopus Cites Total Article Quartil Article Percentil
    1/40 2015 Bartolomé-Pina Are MOOCs promising learning environments? 59 62 121 Q1 97%
    2/40 2015 Chiappe-Laverde Literature and practice: A critical review of MOOCs 58 60 118 Q1 94%
    3/40 2015 Fernández-Montalvo Internet use habits and risk behaviours in preadolescence 60 54 114 Q1 92%
    4/40 2015 Castaño-Garrido Design, motivation and performance in a cooperative MOOC course 51 56 107 Q1 89%
    5/40 2015 López-Meneses Analysis and implications of the impact of MOOC movement in the scientific community: JCR and Scopus (2010-13) 47 57 104 Q1 87%
    6/40 2015 Durán-Segura Cyberbullying trough mobile phone and the Internet in dating relationships among youth people 45 58 103 Q1 84%
    7/40 2015 Marcelo-García University teaching with digital technologies 34 51 85 Q1 82%
    8/40 2015 Llorente-Barroso Internet and the elderly: Enhancing active ageing 32 48 80 Q1 79%
    9/40 2015 Peral-Peral From digital divide to psycho-digital divide: Elders and online social networks 31 49 80 Q1 77%
    10/40 2015 González-Oñate Use, consumption and knowledge of new technologies by elderly people in France, United Kingdom and Spain 31 42 73 Q1 74%
    11/40 2015 Roig-Vila Primary teachers’ technological, pedagogical and content knowledge 31 39 70 Q2 72%
    12/40 2015 Raposo-Rivas A study on the pedagogical components of massive online courses 36 32 68 Q2 69%
    13/40 2015 Saracchini A mobile augmented reality assistive technology for the elderly 23 37 60 Q2 67%
    14/40 2015 López-Romero Teaching media literacy in colleges of education and communication 26 31 57 Q2 64%
    15/40 2015 Sureda-Negre Academic plagiarism among secondary and High School students: Differences in gender and procrastination 24 33 57 Q2 62%
    16/40 2015 Colombo New elders, old divides: ICTs, inequalities and well being amongst young elderly Italians 24 33 57 Q2 59%
    17/40 2015 Gómez-Mompart Spanish journalists and the loss of news quality: Professional judgements 22 32 54 Q2 57%
    18/40 2015 Fedorov The framework of media education and media criticism in the contemporary world: The opinion of international experts 30 20 50 Q2 54%
    19/40 2015 Hernández-Carranza Evaluation of digital didactic skills in massive open online courses: A contribution to the Latin American movement 20 25 45 Q2 52%
    20/40 2015 Casado-Muñoz Active ageing and access to technology: An evolving empirical study 13 30 43 Q2 50%
    21/40 2015 Dornaleteche-Ruiz Categorization, item selection and implementation of an online digital literacy test as media literacy indicator 21 20 41 Q3 47%
    22/40 2015 Añaños-Carrasco Eyetracker technology in elderly people: How integrated television content is paid attention to and processed 19 21 40 Q3 45%
    23/40 2015 Álvarez Information literacy grade of Secondary School teachers in Spain. Beliefs and self-perceptions 18 22 40 Q3 42%
    24/40 2015 Sánchez-Vera Challenges in the creation, development and implementation of MOOCs: Web Science course at the university of Southampton 15 23 38 Q3 40%
    25/40 2015 Monedero-Moya Usability and satisfaction in multimedia annotation tools for MOOCs 15 19 34 Q3 37%
    26/40 2015 Berríos-Valenzuela ICT use and parental mediation perceived by Chilean children 9 21 30 Q3 35%
    27/40 2015 Piñeiro-Otero ARG (Alternate reality games). Contributions, limitations, and potentialities to the service of the teaching at the... 11 18 29 Q3 32%
    28/40 2015 Sánchez-Martínez Using technology to connect generations: Some considerations of form and function 10 15 25 Q3 30%
    29/40 2015 Bosch Uses and gratifications of computers in South African elderly people 7 13 20 Q3 27%
    30/40 2015 Cifuentes-Álvarez ICT leadership in Higher Education: A multiple case study in Colombia 5 13 18 Q3 25%
    31/40 2015 Öngün Young learners’ objectives related to multimedia use and homework completion 7 6 13 Q4 22%
    32/40 2015 Luna-García Design patterns to enhance accessibility and use of social applications for older adults 6 6 12 Q4 20%
    33/40 2015 Valenzuela-Fernández Influence of placement on explicit and implicit memory of college students 6 6 12 Q4 17%
    34/40 2015 Tobías-Martínez A digital repository of filmic content as a teaching resource 5 7 12 Q4 15%
    35/40 2015 Arroyo-Almaraz The undesired effects of digital communication on moral response 5 4 9 Q4 12%
    36/40 2015 Marti-Pellón Children’s exposure to advertising on games sites in Brazil and Spain 4 5 9 Q4 10%
    37/40 2015 Muellner Annotations and the ancient greek hero: Past, present, and future 3 3 6 Q4 7%
    38/40 2015 Drula Forms of media convergence and multimedia content . A Romanian perspective 2 3 5 Q4 5%
    39/40 2015 Recalde-Viana Telecommunication industry contributions to child online protection 1 2 3 Q4 2%
    40/40 2015 Cornelio-Marí Mexican children and American cartoons: Foreign references in animation 2 0 2 Q4 1%



    Data update: 2022-07-29

    POS PUB Author Global ranking on official Web of Science and Scopus citations WOS Cites Scopus Cites Total Article Quartil Article Percentil
    1/44 2014 García-Valcárcel-Muñoz-Repiso ICT in collaborative learning in the classrooms of Primary and Secondary Education 82 99 181 Q1 97%
    2/44 2014 García-Ruiz Media literacy education for a new prosumer citizenship 91 71 162 Q1 95%
    3/44 2014 Cabero-Almenara Educational possibilities of social networks and group work. University students’ perceptions 69 49 118 Q1 92%
    4/44 2014 Quintas-Froufe Active audiences: Social audience participation in television 54 56 110 Q1 90%
    5/44 2014 García-Galera Engaged youth in Internet. The role of social networks in social active participation 49 52 101 Q1 88%
    6/44 2014 Marín-Juarros Construction of the foundations of the PLE and PLN for collaborative learning 48 48 96 Q1 86%
    7/44 2014 Berrocal-Gonzalo Media prosumers in political communication: Politainment on YouTube 39 55 94 Q1 83%
    8/44 2014 Abad-Alcalá Media literacy for older people facing the digital divide: The e-inclusion programmes design 41 47 88 Q1 81%
    9/44 2014 Cabalín-Quijada Online and mobilized students: The use of Facebook in the Chilean student protests 42 42 84 Q1 79%
    10/44 2014 García-Galera Media prosumers. Participatory culture of audiences and media responsibility 37 44 81 Q1 77%
    11/44 2014 Gewerc-Barujel Collaboration and social networking in Higher education 38 38 76 Q1 74%
    12/44 2014 Gozálvez-Pérez Empowering media citizenship through educommunication 33 40 73 Q2 72%
    13/44 2014 Hernández-Sellés Planning collaborative learning in virtual environments 36 30 66 Q2 70%
    14/44 2014 Vanderhoven Educating teens about the risks on social network sites. An intervention study in Secondary Education 27 38 65 Q2 68%
    15/44 2014 Dafonte-Gómez The key elements of viral advertising. From motivation to emotion in the most shared videos 29 35 64 Q2 65%
    16/44 2014 Leinonen Design thinking and collaborative learning 24 35 59 Q2 63%
    17/44 2014 Pérez-Mateo-Subirà Collaborative construction of a project as a methodology for acquiring digital competences 31 27 58 Q2 61%
    18/44 2014 Lee Media literacy and information literacy: Similarities and differences 26 28 54 Q2 59%
    19/44 2014 Gomes-Franco-Silva Internet as a haven and social shield. Problematic uses of the network by young Spaniards 23 25 48 Q2 56%
    20/44 2014 Rubia-Avi Revolution in education: Computer support for collaborative learning 21 20 41 Q2 54%
    21/44 2014 Berrío-Zapata The digital divide in the university: The appropriation of ICT in Higher Education students from Bogota, Colombia 18 22 40 Q2 52%
    22/44 2014 Aguaded From infoxication to the right to communicate 25 12 37 Q2 50%
    23/44 2014 Condeza-Dall’Orso News consumption among Chilean adolescents: Interest, motivations and perceptions on the news agenda 14 21 35 Q3 47%
    24/44 2014 Humanes-Humanes College students’ views about journalism education in Spain 17 17 34 Q3 45%
    25/44 2014 Linne Common uses of Facebook among adolescents from different social sectors in Buenos Aires city 20 13 33 Q3 43%
    26/44 2014 Minelli-de-Oliveira Exploring student and teacher perception of E-textbooks in a Primary School 19 14 33 Q3 41%
    27/44 2014 Ruiz-del-Olmo Young people as users of branded applications on mobile devices 19 14 33 Q3 38%
    28/44 2014 Fernández-Sánchez A community of practice: An intervention model based on computer supported collaborative learning 17 15 32 Q3 36%
    29/44 2014 Domingo-Coscollola Researching on and with young people: Collaborating and educating 17 13 30 Q3 34%
    30/44 2014 Costa Use of the Internet in educative informal contexts. Implication for formal education 14 15 29 Q3 32%
    31/44 2014 Cebrián-de-la-Serna eRubrics in cooperative assessment of learning at university 14 13 27 Q3 29%
    32/44 2014 Rebollo-Catalán Perceived social support as a factor of rural women’s digital inclusion in online social networks 11 13 24 Q3 27%
    33/44 2014 Sánchez-González Knowledge and assessment of crowdfunding in communication. The view of journalists and future journalists 11 11 22 Q3 25%
    34/44 2014 Punín-Larrea Digital media in Ecuador: Future perspectives 14 6 20 Q4 23%
    35/44 2014 Sur Primary School second grade teachers’ and students’ opinions on media literacy 10 9 19 Q4 20%
    36/44 2014 Arancibia-Herrera Meaning processes mediated through a protagonists’ collaborative learning platform 9 9 18 Q4 18%
    37/44 2014 Chibás-Ortíz Managing creativity in collaborative virtual learning environments e: A DL corporate project 12 5 17 Q4 16%
    38/44 2014 Falcón-Díaz-Aguado Adolescent students as media fictional characters 9 6 15 Q4 14%
    39/44 2014 Fuente-Cobo Active audiences in the regulation of the audiovisual media. Consumer versus citizen in Spain and Mexico 9 6 15 Q4 11%
    40/44 2014 López-Vidales Audioblogs and Tvblogs, tools for collaborative learning in journalism 6 7 13 Q4 9%
    41/44 2014 de-Andrés-del-Campo Critical analysis of government vs. Commercial advertising discourse on older persons in Spain 6 7 13 Q4 7%
    42/44 2014 Bujokas-de-Siqueira Media education and Brazilian educational policies for the enhancement of learning 6 3 9 Q4 5%
    43/44 2014 Espinosa-Bayal Adolescent television consumers: Self-perceptions about their rights 2 3 5 Q4 2%
    44/44 2014 Aguaded Research as a strategy for training educommunicators: Master and doctorate 0 4 4 Q4 1%



    Data update: 2021-09-27

    POS PUB Author Global ranking on official Web of Science and Scopus citations WOS Cites Scopus Cites Total Article Quartil Article Percentil
    1/44 2013 Colás-Bravo Young people and social networks: Motivations and preferred uses 103 106 209 Q1 97%
    2/44 2013 Torres-Salinas Altmetrics: New indicators for scientific communication in Web 2.0 78 88 166 Q1 95%
    3/44 2013 Delgado-López-Cózar The impact of scientific journals of communication: Comparing Google Scholar Metrics, Web of Science and Scopus 49 66 115 Q1 92%
    4/44 2013 Aguaded The MOOC revolution: A new form of education from the technological paradigm? 55 48 103 Q1 90%
    5/44 2013 García-Jiménez The influence of social networks on the adolescents’ online practices 49 51 100 Q1 88%
    6/44 2013 Fernández-Quijada Three decades of spanish communication research: Towards legal age 47 53 100 Q1 86%
    7/44 2013 Muros-Ruiz Youth’s usage of leisure time with video games and social networks 47 40 87 Q1 83%
    8/44 2013 Almansa-Martínez Social networks and young people. Comparative study of Facebook between Colombia and Spain 43 39 82 Q1 81%
    9/44 2013 Tortajada-Giménez Advertising stereotypes and gender representation in social networking sites 35 39 74 Q1 79%
    10/44 2013 Buckingham Interactive youth: New citizenship between social networks and school settings 38 35 73 Q1 77%
    11/44 2013 Bernal-Bravo Interactions of young Andalusian people inside social networks 42 30 72 Q1 74%
    12/44 2013 Escribà-Sales Internationalization and coauthorship in major communication journals in Spain 30 37 67 Q2 72%
    13/44 2013 Soengas-Pérez The role of the Internet and social networks in the arab uprisings an alternative to official press censorship 32 33 65 Q2 70%
    14/44 2013 Vázquez-Cano The videoarticle: New reporting format in scientific journals and its integration in MOOCs 31 31 62 Q2 68%
    15/44 2013 de-Filippo Spanish scientific output in communication sciences in WOS. The scientific journals in SSCI (2007-12) 24 36 60 Q2 65%
    16/44 2013 Hernández-Merayo Interactive youth and civic cultures: The educational, mediatic and political meaning of the 15M 28 28 56 Q2 63%
    17/44 2013 Erstad Learning lives connected: Digital youth across school and community spaces 23 25 48 Q2 61%
    18/44 2013 Stornaiuolo Expanding community: Youth, social networking and schools 21 23 44 Q2 59%
    19/44 2013 Arcila-Calderón The e-research on media & communications: Attitudes, tools and practices in Latin America researchers 17 23 40 Q2 56%
    20/44 2013 Erjavec Informal learning through Facebook among Slovenian pupils 14 24 38 Q2 54%
    21/44 2013 Aguaded Media programme (UE) - International support for media education 19 18 37 Q2 52%
    22/44 2013 Buckingham Learning about power and citizenship in an online virtual world 16 16 32 Q2 50%
    23/44 2013 Turan The reasons for non-use of social networking websites by university students 16 15 31 Q3 47%
    24/44 2013 Martínez-Pastor Gender representation in advertising of toys in the Christmas period (2009-12) 17 12 29 Q3 45%
    25/44 2013 Tello-Díaz Intimacy and «extimacy» in social networks. Ethical boundaries of facebook 16 13 29 Q3 43%
    26/44 2013 Berlanga-Fernández Ethos, pathos and logos in Facebook. User networking: New «rhetor» of the 21th century 17 8 25 Q3 41%
    27/44 2013 Casanueva-Rocha Spanish communication academia: Scientific productivity vs. Social activity 13 12 25 Q3 38%
    28/44 2013 Middaugh New media as a tool for civic learning 12 13 25 Q3 36%
    29/44 2013 Lepicnik-Vodopivec Communication technology in the home environment of four-year-old children (Slovenia) 9 16 25 Q3 34%
    30/44 2013 Navarro-Beltrá Bibliometric analysis of research on women and advertising: Differences in print and audiovisual media 11 13 24 Q3 32%
    31/44 2013 Zubillaga-del-Río Disability in the perception of technology among university students 11 9 20 Q3 29%
    32/44 2013 Bermejo-Berros Masking as a persuasive strategy in advertising for young 9 7 16 Q3 27%
    33/44 2013 Milojevic Methodological approaches to study interactivity in communication journals 9 6 15 Q3 25%
    34/44 2013 Calderón-Martínez The participation and web visibility of university digital repositories in the European context 7 7 14 Q4 23%
    35/44 2013 Marta-Lazo The «i-Generation» and its interaction in social networks. An analysis of Coca-Cola on Tuenti 8 5 13 Q4 20%
    36/44 2013 Banaji Everyday racism and «My tram experience»: Emotion, civic performance and learning on YouTube 6 7 13 Q4 18%
    37/44 2013 Ortiz-Sobrino TV broadcasters and research on TV and children 8 4 12 Q4 16%
    38/44 2013 Ponte Connecting generations. A research and learning approach for media education and audience studies 7 5 12 Q4 14%
    39/44 2013 Giménez-Toledo Black holes of communication scientific communication and meta-research 6 6 12 Q4 11%
    40/44 2013 Ledo-Andión Cultural diversity across the networks: The case of national cinema 5 6 11 Q4 9%
    41/44 2013 Vega-Casanova A children’s observatory of television: «Observar TV», a space for dialogue between children 7 2 9 Q4 7%
    42/44 2013 del-Moral-Pérez Media literacy, participation and accountability for the media of generation of silence 5 4 9 Q4 5%
    43/44 2013 Aran-Ramspott The notion of violence in television fiction: Children’s interpretation 2 2 4 Q4 2%
    44/44 2013 Mañana-Rodríguez The multidisciplinarity in Spanish and foreign communication journals 1 1 2 Q4 1%



    Data update: 2020-10-15

    POS PUB Author Global ranking on official Web of Science and Scopus citations WOS Cites Scopus Cites Total Article Quartil Article Percentil
    1/44 2012 Ferrés Media competence. Articulated proposal of dimensions and indicators 202 139 341 Q1 97%
    2/44 2012 Gutiérrez-Martín Media education, media literacy and digital competence 112 133 245 Q1 95%
    3/44 2012 Area-Moreira From solid to liquid: New literacies to the cultural changes of Web 2.0 107 127 234 Q1 92%
    4/44 2012 Gómez-Aguilar The academic use of social networks among university students 109 88 197 Q1 90%
    5/44 2012 Pérez-Rodríguez From digital and audiovisual competence to media competence: Dimensions and indicators 80 57 137 Q1 88%
    6/44 2012 Casero-Ripollés Beyond newspapers: News consumption among young people in the digital era 51 62 113 Q1 86%
    7/44 2012 del-Rey The ConRed program, an evidence-based practice 51 47 98 Q1 83%
    8/44 2012 Agudo-Prado Uses of digital tools among the elderly 43 44 87 Q1 81%
    9/44 2012 Aparici Pedagogy of interactivity 50 28 78 Q1 79%
    10/44 2012 Tejedor-Calvo Challenges and risks of Internet use by children. How to empower minors? 31 32 63 Q1 77%
    11/44 2012 Aguaded Media proficiency, an educational initiative that cannot wait 36 21 57 Q1 74%
    12/44 2012 Moeller «The world unplugged» and «24 Hours without media»: Media literacy to develop self-awareness regarding media 22 29 51 Q2 72%
    13/44 2012 Ramírez-Orellana Attitudes and beliefs of secondary teachers about Internet use in their classrooms 28 19 47 Q2 70%
    14/44 2012 Soep The digital afterlife of youth-made media: Implications for media literacy education 22 22 44 Q2 68%
    15/44 2012 Dezuanni «Prosuming» across cultures: Youth creating and discussing digital media across borders 26 17 43 Q2 65%
    16/44 2012 Wilson Media and information literacy: Pedagogy and possibilities 24 19 43 Q2 63%
    17/44 2012 Kendall Critical media literacy after the media 16 23 39 Q2 61%
    18/44 2012 Culver Media literacy and its use as a method to encourage civic engagement 15 23 38 Q2 59%
    19/44 2012 Pérez-Tornero Teacher training in media education: Curriculum and international experiences 21 16 37 Q2 56%
    20/44 2012 Aguaded United Nations aiming at media literacy education 17 20 37 Q2 54%
    21/44 2012 Orozco-Gómez Educational challenges in times of mass self-communication: A dialogue among audience 20 15 35 Q2 52%
    22/44 2012 Gutiérrez-Martín Media literacy in multiple contexts 14 17 31 Q2 50%
    23/44 2012 Gómez-Zermeño Digital libraries: Electronic bibliographic resources on basic education 21 7 28 Q3 47%
    24/44 2012 Yuste-Tosina Synchronous virtual environments for e-assessment in Higher education 15 13 28 Q3 45%
    25/44 2012 McCloskey Global teachers: A conceptual model for building teachers’ intercultural competence online 15 12 27 Q3 43%
    26/44 2012 Pérez-Latorre From chess to StarCraft. A comparative analysis of traditional games and videogames 12 13 25 Q3 41%
    27/44 2012 Potter Social media and self-curatorship: Reflections on identity and pedagogy through blogging on a masters module 9 10 19 Q3 38%
    28/44 2012 Lacalle Genre and age in the reception of television fiction 9 4 13 Q3 36%
    29/44 2012 Pereira Resources for media literacy: Mediating the research on children and media 7 5 12 Q3 34%
    30/44 2012 Sevillano-García Food advertising and consumption by students in Huánuco (Peru) 6 6 12 Q3 32%
    31/44 2012 Vergara-Leyton Representation of childhood in advertising discourse. A case study of the advertising industry in Chile 7 4 11 Q3 29%
    32/44 2012 Sánchez-Carrero Keys to recognizing the levels of critical audiovisual reading in children 9 1 10 Q3 27%
    33/44 2012 Llorent-Bedmar The educational role of the digital media in the integration of immigrants in Spain: El mundo.es and El pais.com 5 5 10 Q3 25%
    34/44 2012 Mora-Fernández The analysis of interactive media and digital culture - hypermedia literacy in Peru and Bolivia 5 5 10 Q4 23%
    35/44 2012 Bautista-García-Vera Value of audiovisual records in intercultural education 7 2 9 Q4 20%
    36/44 2012 Oliva-Rota Fame and proffessional success in «Operación Triunfo» and «Fama ¡a bailar!» 4 5 9 Q4 18%
    37/44 2012 Saleh Media and information literacy in South Africa: Goals and tools 2 7 9 Q4 16%
    38/44 2012 Reia-Baptista Film literacy: Media appropriations with examples from the European film context 7 1 8 Q4 14%
    39/44 2012 Alvarado-Miquilena Critical reading of media: A methodological proposal 5 3 8 Q4 11%
    40/44 2012 del-Valle-Rojas Media literacy and consumption of media and advertising in university students of pedagogy in Chile 5 2 7 Q4 9%
    41/44 2012 Ponte Training graduate students as young researchers to study families’ use of media 1 5 6 Q4 7%
    42/44 2012 Gértrudix-Barrio Music in virtual worlds. Study on the representation spaces 2 2 4 Q4 5%
    43/44 2012 Tayie Young people’s interaction with media in Egypt, India, Finland, Argentina and Kenya 2 2 4 Q4 2%
    44/44 2012 Martínez-Martínez Color in child espots: Chromatic prevalence and relation with the brand logo 2 0 2 Q4 1%



    Data update: 2022-07-19

    POS PUB Author Global ranking on official Web of Science and Scopus citations WOS Cites Scopus Cites Total Article Quartil Article Percentil
    1/44 2011 Sloep Learning networks, networked learning 52 52 104 Q1 97%
    2/44 2011 Repiso-Caballero Bibliometric and social network analysis applied to television dissertations presented in Spain (1976/2007) 50 36 86 Q1 95%
    3/44 2011 Domingo-Coscollola Classroom 2.0 experiences and building on the use of ICT in teaching 40 25 65 Q1 92%
    4/44 2011 Imbernón-Muñoz Teaching skills in virtual and blended learning environments 37 27 64 Q1 90%
    5/44 2011 Steinbeck Building creative competence in globally distributed courses through design thinking 23 27 50 Q1 88%
    6/44 2011 Checa-Olmos Spaniards’ perspective of immigration. The role of the media 20 28 48 Q1 86%
    7/44 2011 Gutiérrez-Recacha People with intellectual disability and ICTs 21 20 41 Q1 83%
    8/44 2011 Collis Flexibility in higher education: Revisiting expectations 22 16 38 Q1 81%
    9/44 2011 Aguaded Media education: An international unstoppable phenomenon UN, Europe and Spain support for edu-communication 18 20 38 Q1 79%
    10/44 2011 Gozálvez-Pérez Education for democratic citizenship in a digital culture 22 15 37 Q1 77%
    11/44 2011 Aguaded Children and young people: The new interactive generations 20 17 37 Q1 74%
    12/44 2011 Said-Hung The cyber media in Latin America and Web 2.0 17 17 34 Q2 72%
    13/44 2011 Martínez-Pecino University senior students on the Web 14 19 33 Q2 70%
    14/44 2011 Rodríguez-Ferrándiz From cultural industries to entertainment and creative industries. The boundaries of the cultural field 21 9 30 Q2 68%
    15/44 2011 Lozano-Martínez Software for teaching emotions to students with autism spectrum disorder 18 12 30 Q2 65%
    16/44 2011 Duart The Net on teaching processes at the university 13 13 26 Q2 63%
    17/44 2011 Rincón New television narratives: Entertainment, telling, citizenship, experimental 19 6 25 Q2 61%
    18/44 2011 Mastrini Structure, concentration and changes of the media system in the Southern Cone of Latin America 15 10 25 Q2 59%
    19/44 2011 Méndiz-Noguero Young people’s attitudes towards and evaluations of mobile TV 15 8 23 Q2 56%
    20/44 2011 García-Muñoz Television fiction series targeted at young audience: Plots and conflicts portrayed in a teen series 9 12 21 Q2 54%
    21/44 2011 Osorio-Gómez Interaction analysis in hybrid learning environment 11 9 20 Q2 52%
    22/44 2011 Torres-Díaz Digital divide in universities: Internet use in Ecuadorian universities 7 13 20 Q2 50%
    23/44 2011 Burkle Apprenticeship students learning on-line: Opportunities and challenges for polytechnic institutions 9 10 19 Q3 47%
    24/44 2011 Medina-Laverón The transformation of public TV companies into digital services at the BBC and RTVE 11 7 18 Q3 45%
    25/44 2011 Marcelo-García «Alacena», an open learning design repository for university teaching 10 8 18 Q3 43%
    26/44 2011 López-Valero Digital competence and literacy: Developing new narrative formats. The «Dragon age: Origins» videogame 10 6 16 Q3 41%
    27/44 2011 Fuenzalida-Fernández A new meaning of educational television: from school to audience’s everyday life 13 2 15 Q3 38%
    28/44 2011 Medrano-Samaniego Values perceived in television by adolescents in different cross-cultural contexts 8 7 15 Q3 36%
    29/44 2011 Gómez-Escalonilla-Moreno Students’ perspective on on-line college education in the field of journalism 5 10 15 Q3 34%
    30/44 2011 Phillippi-Miranda Communicative empowerment: Narrative skills of the subjects 8 6 14 Q3 32%
    31/44 2011 Chicharro-Merayo Learning from television fiction. The reception and socialization effects from watching «Loving in troubled times» 4 10 14 Q3 29%
    32/44 2011 Porta-Navarro The musical offers of children’s programming on «Televisión Española» as its hearing universe 8 5 13 Q3 27%
    33/44 2011 Ramírez-de-la-Piscina-Martínez Report about the media literacy situation in the basque school community 6 7 13 Q3 25%
    34/44 2011 Brändle-Señán The risk of emergence of boomerang effect in communication against violence 6 7 13 Q4 23%
    35/44 2011 Fernández-Villanueva Emotions elicited by television violence 4 5 9 Q4 20%
    36/44 2011 Souza-Mayerholz The intervention of TV in the Chilean earthquake 5 3 8 Q4 18%
    37/44 2011 Montalvo-Castro Audiovisual riddles to stimulate children’s creative thinking 5 2 7 Q4 16%
    38/44 2011 Marzal-Felici Consumption patterns and uses of photography in digital era among communication students 5 1 6 Q4 14%
    39/44 2011 Quiroz-Velasco Television: seen, heard and read by Peruvian adolescents 3 3 6 Q4 11%
    40/44 2011 Hirsjärvi Children and new media: Youth media participation. A case study of Egypt and Finland 2 4 6 Q4 9%
    41/44 2011 Marín-Murillo Teenagers and motherhood in the cinema: «Juno», «Precious» and «The Greatest» 3 2 5 Q4 7%
    42/44 2011 Lull Communicating culture: An evolutionary explanation 2 1 3 Q4 5%
    43/44 2011 García-García Structures and archetypal content in advertising communication 2 1 3 Q4 2%
    44/44 2011 Avendaño-Ruz Television and its new expressions 1 1 2 Q4 1%



    Data update: 2020-09-16

    POS PUB Author Global ranking on official Web of Science and Scopus citations WOS Cites Scopus Cites Total Article Quartil Article Percentil
    1/46 2010 Salmerón-Pérez Methodologies to improve communication in virtual learning environments 60 33 93 Q1 97%
    2/46 2010 Prendes-Espinosa ICT competences of future teachers 49 36 85 Q1 95%
    3/46 2010 Ramos-Elizondo Developing cognitive skills with mobile learning: A case study 44 37 81 Q1 93%
    4/46 2010 Guerra-Liaño Study on the use of ICTs as teaching tools by university instructors 48 16 64 Q1 90%
    5/46 2010 Gutiérrez-Martín Digital tribes in the university classrooms 34 23 57 Q1 88%
    6/46 2010 Hennion Loving music: From a sociology of mediation to a pragmatics of taste 32 17 49 Q1 86%
    7/46 2010 Cabero-Almenara Online students´ satisfaction with blended tearning 24 18 42 Q1 84%
    8/46 2010 Sureda-Negre Internet access by minors at home: Usage norms imposed by parents 20 14 34 Q1 82%
    9/46 2010 Hormigos-Ruiz Music distribution in the consumer society: The creation of cultural identities through sound 17 6 23 Q1 80%
    10/46 2010 Bull iPod: A personalized sound world for its consumers 12 11 23 Q1 77%
    11/46 2010 Gértrudix-Barrio The utility of musico-visual formats in teaching 14 7 21 Q1 75%
    12/46 2010 Sedeño Videogames as cultural devices: development of spatial skills and application in learning 0 21 21 Q2 73%
    13/46 2010 Baelo-Álvarez Use of information and communication technologies in Castilla & León universities 11 8 19 Q2 71%
    14/46 2010 Aguaded The European Union passes a recommendation on media literacy in the European digital environment 9 8 17 Q2 69%
    15/46 2010 Schalk-Quintanar Discourse analysis in the quality of expected learning 8 7 15 Q2 67%
    16/46 2010 Santibáñez-Velilla Virtual and real classroom in learning audiovisual communication and education 11 3 14 Q2 65%
    17/46 2010 Clarembeaux Film education: Memory and heritage 10 4 14 Q2 62%
    18/46 2010 Romero-Calmache Advertising in the digital age: The microsite as a strategic factor in on-line advertising campaigns 7 5 12 Q2 60%
    19/46 2010 Browne-Sartori Intercultural journalism: Peruvian and Bolivian representation in the Chilean daily press news 5 6 11 Q2 58%
    20/46 2010 Pastor-Alonso I want to be a journalist: looking for motivation in journalism 5 6 11 Q2 56%
    21/46 2010 Martínez-Salanova-Sánchez Education in European cinema and society’s exclusion of the young 6 4 10 Q2 54%
    22/46 2010 Sobrado-Fernández Planning and development of an ICT-skills map in guidance 6 4 10 Q2 52%
    23/46 2010 Vergara-Leyton The social and cultural impact of advertising among Chilean youths 3 7 10 Q2 50%
    24/46 2010 Burn Thrills in the dark: Young people’s moving image cultures and media education 5 4 9 Q3 47%
    25/46 2010 Fonseca-Mora Studying Spanish in the USA: Mass media as social motivation 5 4 9 Q3 45%
    26/46 2010 Cebrián-de-la-Serna Environmental indigenous wisdom and the design of educational resources 4 5 9 Q3 43%
    27/46 2010 Ocaña-Fernández The sonic imagination of children in Andalusia: A musical analysis of the TV programme «The Band» 6 2 8 Q3 41%
    28/46 2010 de-Aguilera-Moyano Imaginative appropriations of music in the new communicative scenarios 5 3 8 Q3 39%
    29/46 2010 Zagalo Creative game literacy. A study of interactive media based on film literacy 5 2 7 Q3 37%
    30/46 2010 Pérez-Ugena Violence in TV: Analysis of children´s programming 3 4 7 Q3 34%
    31/46 2010 Fouce-Rodríguez Technologies and media in digital music: From music market crisis to new listening practices 6 0 6 Q3 32%
    32/46 2010 Aguaded Media literacy training in graduate and postgraduate studies 3 3 6 Q3 30%
    33/46 2010 Valencia-Cerino The symbols and written language of users of messenger 3 2 5 Q3 28%
    34/46 2010 Pastor-Pérez The radio dramatization of educational contents: A higher education experience 3 2 5 Q3 26%
    35/46 2010 Aierbe-Barandiaran Intimacy in television programs: Adolescents’ perception 2 3 5 Q4 24%
    36/46 2010 Bazalgette Analogue sunset. The educational role of the British Film Institute, 1979-2007 2 3 5 Q4 22%
    37/46 2010 Nogueira-Tavares Understanding cinema: The avant-gardes and the construction of film discourse 2 2 4 Q4 19%
    38/46 2010 Reia-Baptista Film languages in the European collective memory 2 2 4 Q4 17%
    39/46 2010 Suhr Understanding the emergence of social protocols on MySpace: Impact and its ramifications 2 2 4 Q4 15%
    40/46 2010 Bruhn-Jensen The sounds of media. An interdisciplinary review of research on sound as communication 3 0 3 Q4 13%
    41/46 2010 Ruiz-del-Olmo Language and collective identity in Buñuel. Propaganda in the film «España 1936» 2 1 3 Q4 11%
    42/46 2010 de-Aguilera-Moyano Mediations in the new digital landscape. Music and screens 0 1 1 Q4 9%
    43/46 2010 Martínez-Salanova-Sánchez Stories: The history of music that comes and goes 0 0 0 Q4 6%
    44/46 2010 Grimshaw Player relationships as mediated through sound in immersive multi-player computer games 0 0 0 Q4 4%
    45/46 2010 wa-Mukuma The role of musical instruments in the globalization of music 0 0 0 Q4 2%
    46/46 2010 Martínez-Salanova-Sánchez European cinema, memory of Europe 0 0 0 Q4 1%



    Data update: 2022-07-20

    POS PUB Author Global ranking on official Web of Science and Scopus citations WOS Cites Scopus Cites Total Article Quartil Article Percentil
    1/50 2009 Flores-Vivar New models of communication, profiles and trends in social networks 93 85 178 Q1 97%
    2/50 2009 Tejedor-Tejedor A scale for the measurement of university teachers’ attitudes towards the integration of ICT 72 59 131 Q1 95%
    3/50 2009 Cebrián-Herreros Interactive communication in the cybermedia 46 46 92 Q1 93%
    4/50 2009 Hinojo-Lucena Student´s perceptions of blended learning at university 37 29 66 Q1 91%
    5/50 2009 García-Galera A theoretical analysis proposal on mobile phone use by adolescents 26 29 55 Q1 89%
    6/50 2009 Camps-Cervera Media education beyond school 25 22 47 Q1 87%
    7/50 2009 Frau-Meigs Media education policy: Towards a global rationale 27 15 42 Q1 85%
    8/50 2009 Cebrián-Herreros New forms of communication in the cybermedia 18 18 36 Q1 83%
    9/50 2009 Aguaded The European Parliament bets on media literacy 22 13 35 Q1 81%
    10/50 2009 Islas Understanding cultural convergence through media ecology 18 17 35 Q1 79%
    11/50 2009 Díaz-Noci Multimedia and reading ways: a state of the art 17 17 34 Q1 77%
    12/50 2009 Marcos-López Mobile learning as a tool for the development of communication skills in virtual discussion boards 17 14 31 Q1 75%
    13/50 2009 Guarinos-Galán Televisual teenager phenomena. Adolescent prototypes in TV series in Spain 15 13 28 Q2 73%
    14/50 2009 Navarro-Zamora Fifteen years of online journalism. Interaction and hypertextuality 11 15 26 Q2 71%
    15/50 2009 Perona-Páez Radio edu-webs: Spanish experiences of media education 13 11 24 Q2 69%
    16/50 2009 Díaz-Arias Video in cyberspace: Usage and language 11 13 24 Q2 67%
    17/50 2009 García-Muñoz The positive representation of the image of women in the media 11 12 23 Q2 65%
    18/50 2009 Aguaded The short-sightednes of the new teacher training plans in Spain: Analogical or digital teachers? 12 10 22 Q2 63%
    19/50 2009 Gramigna Learning with videogames: Ideas for a renewal of the theory of knowledge and education 11 9 20 Q2 61%
    20/50 2009 Tous-Rovirosa PaleoTV, NeoTV and MetaTV in US drama series 14 5 19 Q2 59%
    21/50 2009 Kotilainen Promoting youth civic participation with media production: The case of Youth Voice editorial board 7 9 16 Q2 57%
    22/50 2009 González-Conde Networks of participation and communicative interchanges in public radio: Podcasting 3 13 16 Q2 55%
    23/50 2009 González-Navarro New educational settings. Cognitive challenges for the realization of a collective intelligence 8 6 14 Q2 53%
    24/50 2009 Mellado-Ruiz Latin American journalism: A review of five decades and a proposal for a model of analysis 5 9 14 Q2 51%
    25/50 2009 Moral-Toranzo The Internet as a framework for communication and social interaction 9 4 13 Q2 50%
    26/50 2009 Scheuer Foreword 8 5 13 Q3 48%
    27/50 2009 Lau Information skills: conceptual convergence between information and communication sciences 8 5 13 Q3 46%
    28/50 2009 Bautista-García-Vera Audiovisual narrations based on intercultural relationships in education 7 6 13 Q3 44%
    29/50 2009 Moeller Nurturing freedom of expression through teaching global media literacy 7 5 12 Q3 42%
    30/50 2009 de-Fontcuberta-Balaguer Criteria of media education program for Chilean teachers: A proposal for continuous training 6 5 11 Q3 40%
    31/50 2009 Silver A European approach to media literacy: Moving toward an inclusive knowledge society 6 3 9 Q3 38%
    32/50 2009 Saleh Media literacy in MENA: Moving beyond the vicious cycle of oxymora 3 4 7 Q3 36%
    33/50 2009 Morduchowicz When media education is state policy 5 1 6